Reviews (53)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    One of the most shocking and depressing final scenes in a film I have ever witnessed. Phenomenally acted by the main 2 characters. I felt both their emotional and physical pain. So very sad. Couldn't ever watch this film again because of that but wow what a ride. Frustrating in parts and I just wanted to scream at the screen to tell the protagonists to run and run quickly away from the psychos. Few holes in the plot but still would recommend if you can stomach a non sugary sweet ending. Has made me make a firm decision that I will never meet people I've met on holiday, round their house!!!!!!!
  • Managed to watch 2 and a half episodes but was driven to distraction by the terrible acting by the majority of the cast. Overacting at its finest. Seen tree trunks look less wooden. The whole storyline seemed to get worse by the 3rd episode. A very poor idea stolen directly from The Thing with obvious nods towards Alien and The Fog. Unrealistic reactions, formulaic characters and a script that seems to have been written by a failing pee grad film student.

    Tried my hardest to stick with but this steaming pile of crap has already robbed me of 2 hours of my life. Not even a claustrophobic, panicked atmosphere that would be expected in the situation the characters found themselves in. Just awful.
  • The premise isn't bad but I do believe that it would have been a better film in the hands of a more competent director and actors. The acting is poor apart from the young son. The sentimentality about the family issues is misplaced in a lot of the scenes and distracts the audience from the terrible situation that the family find themselves in.

    It's not a good fill but certainly watchable on a rainy day.
  • Great show. Brilliant acting. Apart from the VIPs who thankfully had a small part otherwise they could have overshadowed a fantastic show. The bureaus are great screenwriters and I hope this introduces people to the brilliance of Korean filmmaking (start with Train to Busan!)
  • 20 September 2021
    This documentary made me embarrassed to be a westerner.
  • A very heavy watch but brilliantly acted. Great great great movie.
  • The acting is so bad especially the wife, that it's actually off putting.
  • So and that he's actually off putting. Shame he's in it really as the other actors don't do a terrible job.
  • Still can't get my head round the fact Bradley Cooper is in Thai? It's not a bad film, I mean not good either, but definitely watchable, but bizarre casting with BC.
  • Fantastic film. Highly recommended. If you Like This is England, Tyrannosaur, Harry brown etc, you'll like this.
  • 17 April 2021
    This is really cringe. Eric Stonestreet is so miscast. Just an all round mess.
  • The acting in this is appalling. The story has been done a million times before and better most of the time . Not offensively bad but just rubbish.
  • Loved it when it first came out but just watched it again today and it's really not as good as I remember. The sister is absolutely awful and one dimensional annoyed all the time. Justin long is better but still not brilliant. Think it's more the script than their acting though tbh.
  • This is bad. Kristen Davis is an absolute embarrassment....her acting is forced and cringingly awful. I can't believe Dermot Mulroney signed up for this absolute garbage. I mean he's not an Oscar worthy actor but he's worth way more than this. It tried so hard to be a psychological thriller and it fails completely and utterly. Avoid at all costs
  • I mean it's ok but so dated and not in a good way. The acting is laughable in many places apart from the step mum and dad but definitely not worth the high rating on here. Easy to watch and it's fine but a 5 is all it deserves
  • The twist in the first scene was excellent. The rest of it was disgusting but if you're going to watch Histek, what do you expect
  • 30 January 2021
    This is a very very good film. Moving in parts, arse clenching stress in others. Can't understand why it's only got a 6 rating. Far far better than that
  • Ok so you have to suspend your disbelief for a few bits but overall not a bad film at all. The actors really catch the awkwardness of only having met a few weeks before and really not knowing each other's quirks and nature. Then they're thrown together in this horrible situation. I think we all know what it feels like to get lost, in the dark and have absolutely no idea where you are or how to get to where you're going. The panic is real and overwhelming. Underrated film for sure and does not deserve its low rating
  • This is rubbish. The acting is terrible especially the father. The first one was bad enough but this is dire
  • Shia Le Beouf is extraordinary in this heart wrenching sad movie.
  • Seems a bit dated now but when this came out originally Rebecca De Mornay was creepy as hell. This was a massively popular film at the time and quite rightly. Some parts seem a bit cheesy now but overall still a great film and well worth a watch
  • Very unusual and well acted all apart from Connie Britten who is absolutely awful. She has the same expression throughout and really does dampen an otherwise good series. She's like that in everything I've seen. Just awful. But this first season of AHS I'd s well worth the watch
  • Seen it all before, acting is appalling. A very bad attempt at The Hand That Rocks The Cradle. Embarrassing
  • I am a huge fan of British films like Harry Brown, This Is England, Dead Mans Shoes etc but this is AWFUL. The acting is awful especially by the lead actor, the wigs are embarrassing and i am confused as they why this is such a loved film. I could barely get through it
  • Have heard amazing things about this so was excited to watch it. Bit weird in some parts and some of the jokes fall flat but certainly not bad. Wasn't as good as I thought it would be and probably not as funny but the 2 lead roles are fabulous and so are the supporting actors actually. Definitely a unique film and worth a watch but maybe not quite as incredible as I thought it would be
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