
IMDb member since September 2003
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    IMDb Member
    21 years


Killing Time

Just plain terrible!
Saw this movie a few years ago at Sundance. Wished I could purge the experience from my psyche forever.

If there's one thing this movie proves, it's that the Sundance Festival has nothing to do with independent films. It has to do with insiders (Christine Vachon) getting their product seen rather than more deserving/less connected filmmakers.

I'd attempt a review of this film, but it's such an unmitigated disaster on all levels that anything I say would just sink in the mire of how horrible this thing is.

The fact that it never got distribution is something we can all give thanks for.

The Italian Job

One of the worst movies ever! Lazy filmmaking!!!
This movie is so bad, I can't imagine anyone enjoying it beyond the opening sequence.

The story and direction are so pathetic, and don't get me started on Mark Wahlberg's "acting". The kid was perfectly cast a a dumb innocent in "boogie Nights" and somehow people got the impression that he was acting. He wasn't!

The story in this is so secondary to the individual action scenes that the director and studio should be embarassed to call this a film.

The Order

Better than you'd think!
I thought twice before paying to see this film. Try though I might, I couldn't find a since review anywhere - which couldn't have been a good sign. But, I flipped a coin and checked it out.

I was surprised how good this was. Now I see that it's getting bad reviews, but I think these are from people who are predisposed to not liking it.

Really interesting story, characters and good acting. It's not Shakespeare and not up to par with the Seventh Sign or The Exorcist, but it's not meant to be like either of these films and really stands well on its own.

Definitely worth a look!

Going Greek

Unexpected good time!
Didn't know what to expect when I picked this one up at Tower. I was in a bad mood, in need of some silly fun and this flick looked like it stood a chance.

Well, it did...and then some!!

Man was I surprised. I can't believe I never heard of this before - it didn't have a studio name on it except for Hart Sharp and LIttle Fish which I never heard of.

The movie is HILARIOUS. I could go into all of the scenes (Elevator and Circle Jerk being the best!) but you'll just have to trust me on this one.

I went in expecting little and ended up loving it. Chalk this one up for the collection!

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