
IMDb member since July 2011
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The perfect people to present historical wonders!
I absolutely love this series. We have passionate knowledgeable people presenting what they know about history to try and solve some ancient histories!

I don't believe I could have hand picked a better group of people to help relate the stories that some of us find fascinating.

I personally love the myths and tales of old! They have fascinated me since I was just a kid. I always hoped that my history teacher in school would delve into these kind of so called ancient tales!

I have been lucky enough to find that what some people said were just stories and not real places, have actually been discovered to be a true part of history. It makes me wonder what else have we just passed off as stories are just history we haven't proved, yet!

Well done to this crew of people that are obviously well educated in what they love. I would love to sit in a room with these people everyday and just listen to what they know.

Internal Affairs

Best Richard Gere performance
I honestly believe Richard Gere should have won an award for his acting in this movie (no spoilers)!

I personally went through many emotions watching his character as it evolved through the movie.

He made me hate him, he made me despise him, he made me loath his character, he made me question why someone could take on this role in a major movie and, to them it was just character acting!!!!

I don't know Richard Gere in person! I have no idea of what type of person he truly is, but if he completely made up the persona of this character, & didn't take it from life experience, then. I congratulate him on a perfectionists performance.

The Exorcist: Believer

Nothing creepy here
Before I give my review I have to state that I was never a fan of the original exorcist movie. It was banned and I waited many years to see it expecting so much but found very little as to the reason why it was banned!

I went to a late night viewing of this movie on my own, hoping to get a few scares. There were 6 others in the cinema and not once did I hear a whimper or nervous shuffling of feet!

The movie totally lacks that creepy look over your shoulder feeling that great atmospheric horrors produce. There was genuinely no truly scary moment in the whole movie. I can definitely say that I will never go to another exorcist movie again.


I expected so much more
I'm struggling where to begin with this movie.

I'm amazed that some people have been so generous with a rating over 3 for this movie. It's the beginning of a franchise that has reached 6 movies and I don't know why!

I sat down this evening and decided to watch this as some people have it on their scary movie list. I was told that if you like the conjuring you'll love this!

Well, I didn't love it! I actually didn't even think it was worthy of being placed in the genre of horror.

There's no special effects that would creep you out. In fact it reminded me of an episode of Columbo that was named "Murder, smoke & shadows" because that's all there was at the end of the day.

Low level lighting, smoke, shadows, painted faces, stupid nursery rhyme music, children running between screens, bad acting by some & nothing eerie at all!

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch: Over And Out Of This World
Episode 1, Season 4

Worst episode of the lot
I have watched this series since it began. Some episodes are entertaining and grab your attention. Other episodes are corny & neglectable!

This episode is a complete circus of an amagimation from the last series to this series that does not make sense?????

So your man from ancient aliens was supposedly brought in on this whole skinwalker ranch thing to be the lead even though he's not the lead investigator!

In this series they begin by sustains that he was used by the American congress to investigate everything just before covid hit and he wasn't allowed to tell anyone he was involved in government coverups.

Travis Taylor is an actor. He follows script and pretends he has information that's been passed on but is never able to tell because he's full of baloney! I could walk in to a room with him tomorrow and take a test on what he believes he's an expert on & tear him apart with his ballaly!

Halloween Ends

Not a Halloween story
Not that dissimilar to what's going on in the world with the disgusting random acts of aggression by school pupils in gangs towards school pupils that are shy and aren't popular.

It's like Jekyll & Hyde!

Poke the hornets nest and see what happens? Well sometimes the hornets nest is poked too much and people get deserved retribution.

Or maybe they get better!!!!!!

Maybe they get the pain & suffering of those they hurt. Maybe they get everything they deserve, but is that enough?

NO ITS NOT ENOUGH, people that pick on others because it makes them feel good are the scum Of this earth. They are everything that's wrong with society. The world would be better without the influence of their petty jealous lies.

Beverly Hills Cop III

Franchise ruined by music
Everybody knows the Beverly Hill cop theme tune, right?

Well in this movie they took the famous theme tune and did weird remixes every time there was an action scene of note.

It's a shame because it really did annoy everyone I know that has watched this movie.

The first 2 movies are cult classics and will always be loved by people that enjoyed comedy/action movies of the 80's/90's.

If they hadn't of destroyed the movie with the overplaying of the the remastered theme tune then I'd probably upgrade the movie to a 5 or the lowest 6 anyone could give.

I'm surprised that Eddie Murphy didn't have an issue with it.

Paranormal Caught on Camera: Reptillian Creature in Thailand and More
Episode 7, Season 2

Most obvious explanation ever seen
Oh my god!

This was actually the first episode that I've seen of this series. It's so fake it's unreal! Yes it's that bad!

A person wearing a cloak over their head that kinda looks like a nun that's seen from the nose up.

Then they wave their arms in a particular way so the fabric they have over them just slightly wisps up and disappears!

Worst ever paramaormal anything I've seen on tv.

How can this episode be rated in the high 7's?

I personally wouldn't watch another episode of this program based on what I've seen.

Then they have these so called experts stating that the have no idea what this could be, what - are they blind experts?

Find a more believable program to watch.

The Omen

Bad casting on almost every character!
To remake a movie, there should be certain criteria that should be followed!

  • Improve on the original!

  • Cast actors as good as, or better than the original!

  • Know what you are doing!

  • Don't be so unoriginal & boring!

  • Give your audience the need to see what could be better!!!!!!!


Ruined the franchise
Have always been a huge fan of the f&f movies until I watched Hobbs & Shaw. I thought that it was a complete let down to the f&f franchise. Then I watched this movie, and if I thought Hobbs & Shaw lowered the expectations, then this hit the floor with a resounding bang! I can't even imagine how they can come back from a movie this bad to make a f&f 10. When I think about it f&f 7 was probably the last movie that was brilliantly funny, non stop action & an edge of your seat ride. F&f 8 was ok but not a patch on the previous movies if you take Tokyo Drift out of the equation!

Gunpowder Milkshake

Brilliant, entertaining & gruesome
Just finished watching this movie & I thoroughly enjoyed what it's suppose to be! Don't understand the bad reviews at all. I can only presume the negativity comes from people that like boring drama (like the joker). Seriously who wants to be entertained by depressing, boring slow paced movies that are basically like a documentary on the History Channel about past serial killers????

The movie is suppose to be a modernized spaghetti western & it pulls it off. From the soundtrack to the bloody gore & the fast pace, it's reminiscent of a Sergio Leone Movie pumped up. If you want to be entertained & engrossed in a fun no holds barred movie, then watch this.

American Horror Story

Season 1 average
I binge watched the first season expecting a lot from the reviews. I can't understand how it has a score of 8 on imdb! There were some very good performers from some of the cast (I'm not doing spoilers) & I enjoyed probably 1/2 of the episodes (why I gave a rating of 5, probably should have given 6 because there's 12 episodes).

My main issue with supposed horror series/movies that are mostly Americanized, is that - why the hell is there always a general feeling of a feel good ending to any series/movie? It's suppose to be a horror. Horror doesn't have feel good endings!!!!

The other issue I had is that there are way too many holes in the story that leave you wondering about what happened with particular characters. I'm still confused about a particular character & I'm sure people will feel the same after watching.

I'm going to try season 2 soon. Hope they improve on the first & don't have a happy family ending.

Phantom Signals

Expected a lot better
Just finished watching the first episode, & am unsure that I'll watch another. Was looking for a new series to watch and this looked as if it would fit the bill, but it just didn't actually do anything to entice me to want more.

Trolls World Tour

Loved the first one, but not this one
The first Trolls movie was fantastic. Funny, witty, hilarious. Sadly, the second movie is mehhh! I didn't smile once, never mind laugh. Must have had different writers because the story is S**t.

The Twilight Zone

What were they thinking?
As a lover of the twilight zone franchise from the 80's & even the older ones before I was born, I was giddy when I found out that there was a new series coming out. That giddiness was definitely distinguished after the first episode. I watched the second episode and it was painful. I hoped the 3rd would maybe start getting better, but no. I gave it one last chance and watched the 4th, omg! Did the person that wrote these new stories actually have a beginning, plot & ending in mind????? Or did they just gather bits of campfire stories & put pieces of them together to try and create a mysterious sci-fi series that's basically BLAHhhhhhhhh!!!! I've actually told better stories & written better stories than this, and have discarded them over the years.

Ancient Aliens: The Constellation Code
Episode 13, Season 14

Glastonbury Zodiac?
Wow! This episode talks about all of the zodiac signs at Glastonbury & Britain being part of Atlantis!!! They reveal a picture in the landscape that supposedly shows the 12 zodiac signs. Now in fairness I do see what could be a unicorn & maybe a dog. If I look to the right of their pictures I do see a tadpole, and to the left I see a muscular arm!!! Now when it comes to Atlantis, all I can think to say is "Whhhhhaaaattttttttttttt"! So that's it!!!

MacGyver: Fire + Ashes + Legacy = Phoenix
Episode 1, Season 4

What happened
So series 3 ends in a certain kind of way. Then this series 4 starts with a different kind of way? There is absolutely no relation between the end of series 3 & the beginning of series 4. This is rather confusing when & if you watch it.

Expedition Bigfoot

Eehhhhhhhhhhh? Wtf
"I seen eyes over here", as they use torches to search the ground area in the grass (as oppose to looking for eyes 8ft or more above the ground) . . Maybe Bigfoot was doing push-ups and paused when they saw those eyes!!!!!!!! 👌 OK

Star Trek: Who Mourns for Adonais?
Episode 2, Season 2

So Erich Vin Daniken wrote chariot of the gods a year after this was aired???
I remember seeing this episode as a child and never thought much of it. It was one of the ones I didn't really like. I'm older now and I watch things like ancient aliens a lot. Anyone who has watched ancient aliens knows who Erich Von Daniken is!!! Yes he's the guy that seemingly knew that the gods that the ancient world believed in were simply just aliens!!!! So something I find fascinating is that he wrote his most memorable book about this 1 year after this episode of Star Trek Was aired!!! 🤔

UFOs: The Lost Evidence

Omg what a giant leap for mankind!!! Lof'inL
Just watched S1 episode4. Where did they get this from??? They compare a Mayan ritual mask to a 21st century space helmet!!!! (Looked like a ritual mask you would see in a movie) They show a a Mayan kings burial tomb lid that's engraved and suggest that it's an engraving of him flying a spaceship??? (Looked like a person with a load of crap around him, like maybe his treasures!). They then show this doll figure that is seemingly a representation of an alien!!! (Maybe they watched the movie Quatermass & the Pit at some stage in their life and got confused!!!!)

6 Souls

Best movie since silence of the lambs!!!
I never heard of this movie!!!! As I do with all psychological mysteries or horrors, I gave it a chance, but I expected very little!!!! I was extremely surprised - memories of seven & silence of the lambs!!! Unlike the recent so called "blockbuster" - Shutter Island!!!!! (No idea how people rate this movie so highly considering I managed to figure out the plot of this movie in 18 minutes!!!!!!) This is a proper edge of your seat thriller that will keep you compelled until the end. I won't comment anything else on this brilliant movie, simply because, I guarantee that you'll be close to an hour of watching it before - YOU MIGHT REALISE THE PLOT!!!!!!

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