
IMDb member since July 2011
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Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga

Thought it would be bad but....
I thought it would be a terrible movie but i actually enjoyed it! It was a bit strange now and then but it was fun. Loved it that they used a few original eurovision candidates. And the ja ja ding dong song is stuck in my head now...

Hudson & Rex

Brings back childhood memories
As a child i always watched Kommisaris Rex. I love that they brought it back as a complete new series. Brings back old memories and i love it. Also love that they used small details out of the original series.

Raise Your Voice

Great Movie
Sad this movie is underated. This movie really touched me when i was younger and it still does. The love between brother and sister. they want the best for each other. Even tho after everything she does make her dreams come true. I think its beautifull.

Gunned Down

The name and picture from the movie gave me the feeling it had to be a great action movie. Sadly its not, the story is bad and predictible and a lack of action. Even the ending was horrible. I think it was a waste of time to watch.


Lack of story and action
The whole movie i had no clue what is was about, at the end you sort of find out whats going on. Horrible writen, also there could have been more action in it. Sad cause normally i love jason stratham and jet li movies.

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