Halloween Regurgitated I just couldn't help thinking, very bad Hallowe'en clone, the stock storyline, bunch of girls trapped in a sorority house, a Michael Myers type disturbed killer with a bit of psycho thrown in. You didn't care about the victims and almost rooted for the killer, as the girls screamed a lot, ran around, tripped over things, (why do they always do that?) and deciding to go and investigate noises in the attic.
They have a chance to leave, but one of the number says so originally, "We should stick together", the police on hearing there's been murder and that two other girls are missing, don't feel its worthy enough to be classed as an emergency and will be there at the earliest in 2 hours?
Some of the plot lines seem superfluous, I mean what was the point of the home porn film on the net?
If you want real scare, get out the original Hallowe'en, or even the original Black Christmas.
Just lazy film-making... for heavens sake, avoid it. You'll thanks me.