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Serial Beauty

Great title, great film
This was an extremely impressive and epic suspense film. The title itself, Serial Beauty, is intriguing and the movie does not disappoint. There are many twists and turns in this story about police detectives as they hunt down a very mysterious serial killer who seems to be targeting beautiful female victims specifically. All the actors did a solid job, especially Alexandra Grossi, I thought she was great. This film is well written and well directed. I especially liked all the fantastic Los Angeles locations. Sigal Erez is a talented filmmaker. If you're looking for a great suspense movie, give this movie a watch.

The Luring

Disturbing and Effective
The Luring is a very disturbing and effective horror film. A man returns to his family's vacation home in Vermont while trying to regain a lost memory. The tone of this movie is ominous and gives you a very strong sense of fear and dread. This story has so many twists and turns and there were some very bizarre moments in this film that were surprising and unexpected. I also liked the use of time jumps. This film has fantastic screenwriting. Christopher Wells deserves praise for this wild movie. This is quite an achievement. If you're looking for a horror film that delivers on every level, check this one out.


Solid Drama/Thriller
Cohabitation is a great suspense thriller. A former paramedic, Emily, tries to cope with her trauma, and her new roommate. This story unfolded in a way that kept me guessing on the edge of my seat. And the directing was solid as well. Writer/Director Lauren Barker deserves praise for this. I thought the cast did a really good job, especially the leads, they were very believable and natural. As the movie progressed the suspense really increased, and there was a very effective jump scare, which really got me. There were also some really great emotional moments too. The soundtrack was excellent. I highly recommend this film!

Pulp Modern: Die Laughing

Unique and Impressive Horror
Pulp Modern: Die Laughing is an impressive horror film. It is very unique in it's format, which is basically several different stores tied together by a radio DJ who plays classical music. I think the thing that impressed me most about this film was the direction, and the cinematography. You usually don't see film directing and camera movement this slick in indie movies like this. There were shots and seamless camera moves in this film that were so polished, and smooth that I was reminded of the movies of David Fincher. The talking parrot was also a unique story device. And the soundtrack was fantastic.

The Sound of Waves

Great Concept
The Sound of Waves is a romance film with a unique concept, an actress and an actor confront their past while in character for their acting roles. I'm usually not a big fan of romance movies, but I have to say, this one really kept my interest the entire time and I found it very enjoyable. The pacing was really good, it didn't drag. And I thought the actors did a great job. The script is really well written and engaging. The director did a great job with all shot compositions. I also find it fascinating when the characters in a movie have to act as other characters, and this movie has plenty of that. Give this one a watch!

Thorns & Thistles at the End of the World

A Powerful, Heart Wrenching Drama
Thorns & Thistles at the End of the World is a very powerful and heart wrenching drama. The story is set against an apocalyptic backdrop and we follow the story of a man's life as he has to deal with his estranged wife, and all of the unresolved issues he has from that relationship. The filming locations in this film are beautiful. And the camerawork and cinematography are excellent. The story is very engaging and it really builds throughout the film. I enjoyed the use of flashbacks to tell the story, as it really created tension and mystery. Director Aaron Kamp did a fantastic job with this film. And if you enjoy this, you should also watch another one of his films, Hidden Light!


Impressive Sci-Fi
Hemisphere is an extremely impressive science fiction film. An investigator is sent to solve the very mysterious disappearance of a crew on a space station out near Mercury. I am always impressed when an indie science fiction film is made, as it's probably the most ambitious and difficult genre to work in with a low budget. The filmmakers really pulled this off well. The script is smart, and will keep you guessing. At times, it reminded me of Alien and 2001: A Space Odyssey. The production design was fantastic throughout. The lead actress did an excellent job as well, with a strong performance.

Demon Fighter

This film was pretty disturbing and powerful. A priest battles demons within a family. The cast was impressive. The actors really were very convincing and should be commended for their intense performances. The special effect make up department also deserves a shout out, as I thought the blood etc. Was expertly done and really added so much to the horror. The film was well directed and the cinematography was solid as well. It reminded me of the William Friedkin's The Exorcist from 1973. If you're looking for a disturbing and powerful film about a priest fighting demons, this is right up your alley.

Broken City

An Intense Crime Drama
Broken City is an intense and effective crime drama. A young woman and her boyfriend rob wealthy homeowners in an effort to save her own mother's home. But when they recruit a third person to go along with them, things take a significant turn. This movie had some interesting moral dilemmas also that some of the characters face. The acting was very effective from the entire cast. Also, this movie has a gritty and intense feel from the way it was filmed and directed. The music was very effective as well. If you're looking for a powerful crime drama, stop searching and go ahead and give this movie a look!

American Anxiety: Inside the Hidden Epidemic of Anxiety and Depression

This documentary, American Anxiety: Inside the Hidden Epidemic of Anxiety and Depression, is an extremely fascinating look at the issues of depression and anxiety that are so prevalent in today's society. The movie is pretty simple, it's mostly based around the interviews of three different experts, and it's very informative and insightful. It is very well edited, and I thought the graphics were well done. If you're interested in the topic of anxiety/depression and want to learn more about it, then this film is an absolute must watch, you will learn so much. Two thumbs up for this amazing documentary.

Token Taverns

Great Games
Token Taverns is an absolutely fascinating documentary which centers on the world of arcade games and its resurgence. It also gives a look at the struggle that these arcade business owners faced during the Covid lockdowns. It is definitely a love letter to arcade games in general, as well as the community that comes together in their shared love for these timeless games. I thought the camera work was excellent throughout, it was very smooth and steady, even though I'm guessing much of it was handheld. The direction and the editing of this film really makes you become invested in the stories. If you love arcade games, this is a must watch.

Static Codes

A Unique Sci-Fi Film
Static Codes is an engaging and truly unique film in the Sci-Fi genre. After a man's wife is abducted by aliens, he becomes obsessed with finding her. I thought the special effects were fantastic in this movie, for example, having a face come out of a screen is very difficult to pull off, so hats off to the special effects team. I think the cinematography was outstanding, especially during the night scenes, and I was super impressed by the drone shots in particular, clearly the work of an excellent drone operator. I liked the soundtrack too. This movie is raw and doesn't shy away from human struggles.

Silent as the Grave

A Complicated Mystery Film
Silent as the Grave is a rich and complicated mystery/drama. It feels rare to find a modern day movie in the mystery genre that is so well plotted out and executed. A documentary filmmaker investigates his uncle's mysterious death, but falls into a world of danger, threats, uncertainty, and secrets. There isn't so much documentary filmmaking being done by the main character, rather the story focuses on his detective work in trying to solve the mystery. This movie will truly keep you on the edge of your seat and it will keep you guessing. The writing and direction were great, along with an interesting score.

Running Through Darkness

Dark and Intense
Running Through Darkness is a dark and effective thriller with a story that will keep you guessing. A man tries to help a woman, who then makes him an ominous proposition. He gets sucked in to a world of threats, crime, and violence. The story goes to some really unexpected and dark places that I did not expect. It really will keep you on the edge of you seat as you try to guess the twists and turns. The writing was very effective in this way. The directing was very good also. The cinematography was fantastic, most especially during an epic foot chase sequence. If you're looking for a thrilling adventure, this film is your ticket.

Remarkable Power

Impressive Dark Comedy
Get Back Jack is a dark comedy on an epic scale. Set in Los Angeles, it makes use of many different locations and neighborhoods throughout the city. The story unfolds in a way you don't expect, centered on a late night talk show host (a great performance by Kevin Nealon), then expanding to many different characters in a complicated plot. I liked the structure of the chronology. And there were some very unique moments, such as the scene in the batting cage. Overall I thought the script and the editing were excellent. The directing was good and the acting was solid by the whole cast. If you're looking for an epic dark comedy, check this movie out!

Vendetta Road

A Captivating Thriller
Vendetta Road is a thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat from the beginning to the end. A campground manager gets entangled in a mafia hunt on the campgrounds. The story is well written, with a plot that has countless twists and turns. You will find yourself trying to guess what the characters will do and exactly where their loyalties lie. The director did a great job with the cinematic, stylistic shots, and the use of camera movement. I also loved the Kansas filming locations. This movie is well worth your time, so if you're looking for a great thriller to watch, check this one out!

The Stalker: Part II

A Strong Sequel
If you've seen The Stalker, then watching it's sequel, The Stalker: Part II is an absolute must watch. This movie lives up to the first movie an impressive manner. This one is still dark but it also has some comedic moments that really help to break up the tension and add some comic relief. There was one scene involving a cereal bowl that was especially funny. The cast is excellent again. The writing was also solid in creating another compelling and complete story. Solid directing and the cinematography was excellent, using lots of shadows and color schemes to their full effect. This is definitely worth watching!

Bang Bang Betty

Epic Action, Drama
Bang Bang Betty is an interesting action/suspense/drama with a very strong and fascinating female protagonist. Kiara, the main character, is a veteran and a lawyer, and an all around cool woman. Kakra Nunoo-Brown gives a fantastic performance as Kiara Sommers, and really makes the audience root for her in her quest. I thought the filming locations were excellent, very cinematic and interesting. The cinematography was also excellent, along with some pretty epic drone shots of the landscapes. The gun shootouts were really well done and I thought the special effects were solid, especially the blood.

Goodbye, Petrushka

Heartfelt and Hilarious!
Goodbye, Petrushka is an excellent drama that is heartfelt and fun...while at the same time, extremely funny! A young woman goes to Paris and spends time with a figure skater. He is intrigued by her and...the story unfolds. The story is very well written and, unpredictable. The production was top notch. Excellent direction, cinematography, acting etc. The animated sequences were well done also. I must say that the performance given by Casey Landman as Julia was phenomenal and she was absolutely hilarious! She really made me laugh, so much, in just about every scene she was in! Writer/Director Nicola Rose deserves recognition as this is an excellent movie. Give it a watch, you won't be disappointed!


A powerful story with a lot of heart
Butterfly is a powerful drama that will really stay with you after the credits roll. It follows the story of a young woman's struggle with poverty, homelessness, employment, and above all, her love for her young son and her never ending quest to legally regain custody of him. The movie has some really powerful and emotional scenes, and it is truly an epic journey. I really liked the soundtrack throughout, there are some really great pieces of music in here. The cinematography was strong as well. The locations in this film were really interesting and it really takes you on a journey all around the city. Well done all around.


A Superb Horror Film
Craving is a gripping and unrelenting horror film. As a group of addicts start to go into withdrawal...things are not as they appear on the surface. This is a film that will be sure to please fans of the horror genre as this movie does not hold back at all. It's full of suspense and scares. It reminds me of movies like The Thing and Aliens. I really liked the cinematography in this movie and the red lighting. The film is absolutely brilliantly written, with a story that keeps you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. I really liked the use of flashbacks in the storytelling. The direction is excellent. And a special shout out to the special effects department, superb work, every special effect was masterfully done. If you're a fan of the horror movie genre, do yourself a favor and watch Craving!

Fugued Up!

Interesting Dark Comedy
Fugued Up is a dark, quirky comedy that will take you on an unpredictable ride. A man wakes up from a long coma and cannot remember anything about himself, then learns he is a suspected killer. The movie is truly laugh out loud funny in certain places. Some of the minor characters in particular provide the most laughs. The dialogue is witty, fast, and fun. And the story unfolded in a way that I did not anticipate. There are many twists and turns and surprises. Credit goes to the writer of course, for all of this. The acting was strong also from the entire cast. The direction and cinematography were solid as well.

Women in the Front Seat

A Must Watch for Motorcycle Enthusiasts
This documentary, Women in the Front Seat is a fascinating look at the world of motorcycle riding and some of the women who are a part of it. At the start of the movie, the filmmaker herself sets out to ride across the United States on a motorcycle. Her journey is mixed with the stories of different female motorcyclists from all over. The amount of interesting stories and personalities captured in this film is amazing. The cinematography in this movie is excellent. I was particularly impressed by the amount of epic drone footage that was captured for this film, specifically. There is also an inspirational aspect to this movie also, as it will make you want to get out there and try things you've always wanted to do (even if motorcycle riding isn't one of them). Give the one one a watch, it is worth your time!

Natasha Hall

Bold, Unpredictable...and Fun
Natasha Hall is a film that is completely original. It is a mystery/thriller, while at the same time it is also a very involving and personal character study. A private investigator tries to avoid the mob after she gets some very incriminating evidence. This movie is set in the early 1990s, which is a really cool choice. It was fun to see the older cars, VHS tapes, corded telephones etc. The filmmakers took some bold chances here with many moments and filmmaking techniques I did not anticipate, including fantastic dream/fantasy sequences, slow motion, changing aspect ratios, split screens, and some really well executed 360 degree long takes. The direction and cinematography were excellent. But I think the thing that impressed me the most in this movie was the acting by the female lead, Cat Black. She gave a truly amazing performance as the title character. This movie is well worth your time. Check it out!


A Powerful, Thought-Provoking Thriller
Exemplum is an extremely impressive thriller that works not only as an entertaining story, but also as a movie that will be sure to leave you thinking about it long after you've finished watching it. A catholic priest becomes disillusioned and takes a long fall into a world of blackmail, and deception. The extensive use of cassette tapes was interesting since most of us don't really see them in our everyday lives anymore. I also liked the black and white cinematography. The thing that really stood out to me the most though, was the writing. This story really took me on a journey I did not expect. There are so many twists and turns, it is truly an unpredictable film. And beyond that, the filmmaker truly has something to say here. This film is worth your time. Check it out!

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