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A Christmas Wish in Hudson

Wish to Watch it Again!
This is a really cute film. It is basically about a widower who has lost his wife and as a result, he has lost his joy and Christmas spirit. Being also a widow, it really spoke to me personally about finding love after you think that your life is over and that it is possible to feel love again. That is one of the reasons why I love this film and it's message. I thought the actors were great and that the two leads had a lot of chemistry. I never understand why some reviewers are so hateful, but this is a typical feel good movie that is going to have a happy ending, and I guess I love those! If you are looking for a true life drama, then this is not the one to watch. But if you want a feel good movie, watch this one!

Christmas Lovers Anonymous

Cute story
I enjoyed this one and loved the story! It was enjoyable to watch and this movie definitely got me in the spirit for Christmas, but it also made me think about what's most important about Christmas and that I should not worry too much about all the stuff that we feel we have to do for the holidays. The message of this movie was great. The actors seemed fine to me and I always love a good romance. I also loved the cute scenes between the leads when they were talking to each other online and I don't want to give any spoilers, so I will just say that the whole story was fun and had a nice slight twist. These films are usually going to have a happy ending, but don't we all love that? I do.

Christmas Inn Farmstead

Enjoyed the film, sorry haters!
This is a fun film that is a fun story about 2 realtors who have to compete for the listing of a popular bed and breakfast that goes all out for Christmas. It may not be not something a film critic will enjoy, but we enjoyed the banter between the 2 leads and thought there was some fun chemistry between them. We were surprised to see some of the nasty comments and reviews. It is a light hearted positive film, and our group who watched it, all enjoyed it! It fits the genre perfectly.

Accidental Engagement

Fun film
Lots of haters who have wrote reviews, but I disagree. This film is a cute film with a cute theme and I enjoyed it. The leads are both good and it does have a really cute concept for the story line. The other characters were good as well overall. It is about a girl who gets catch up in a small white lie which expands to a big lie. She is just a girl-next-store type of girl, which is awesome because we can not all be drop dead gorgeous! Fun to watch, even though it is not an Oscar winning film. I would rather watch a fun positive film than a depressing film, which critics seem to love.

12 Dog Days of Christmas

Cute movie
I enjoyed the film. A lot of haters and mean people who write reviews, but it was very touching and enjoyable to me. Fun Holiday film that my friends and I enjoyed watching. This touching film is about a foster kid and a shelter dog. Jack is the kid who has been a foster kid in the system for years and he is about ready to turn 18 with no family. He ends up having to do community service and starts to connect with the dogs in the shelter, since they are in the same situation. Both of them want to have a family and home. Loved the story and it has a theme of having faith. It has a Christian type of theme, which not all people will appreciate, but we did. It is a good message for all kids and people. A feel good film! I personally dealt with a difficult childhood and I really enjoy positive films. Therefore, I would recommend this film.

12 Dates of Christmas

Fun and enjoyable
So, I was surfing Netflix and found this film. I really enjoyed the film and would watch it again. I am a sucker for the romantic comedies, especially if they have a fun Christmas message! In this film, she is initially overwhelmed and obsessed with her ex boyfriend, who she is convinced will come back to her. She has to relive Christmas eve over and over until she is gets it right. She is pretty self absorbed in herself and fails to see the needs of those around her. But as she has a chance to relive the day over and over, she starts to get to know those around who she would normally not notice. She also has a chance to spend more time with a first date and really gets to know him as she goes through the day over and over. There may be some who think the film is predictable, but I loved to see what was going to happen the next day! I always love a fun and positive message film! Love it and would watch it again!

A Dogwalker's Christmas Tale

Easy to watch and I enjoyed it!
Call me a hopeless romantic, but I really enjoyed the film. It is not a multimillion dollar budget film, but it was great and enjoyable to watch. The actors were good and I am a sucker for cute dogs! This film is about Luce Lockhart who has to realize what is important at Christmas. I don't know about you, but I never get tired of happy uplifting stories and films with a positive message. I guess I'm just not as negative as some, so sorry guys, but I really enjoyed the film and would watch it again. If you love action packed films or special effects, this film is not the one for you! If you like more character driven holiday films with a positive message and a fun romantic twist, then the film is for you! And who does not love those dogs!! Christmas, dogs, romance--I'm in!

3 Times a Charm

Emma gets to redo the last two days of her junior year of high school.
This film actually was quite entertaining and those of us who watched it, really enjoyed it! Some of those bad ratings where given before the film was even out, so not sure how they could rate it? Even my 19 year old son really liked it. He did not expect to watch the whole thing when we watched it, but he didn't want to miss what would happen next. It was a very cute, fun and entertaining movie about Emma who tries to make everyone happy, even if it means compromising herself. She has an opportunity to relive the last two days of her junior year and these two days will affect her future life. I like the way this story unfolds! It was one of those films where you have to stick around to find out what will happen next. It is a feel good movie and I would highly recommend it to anyone!! I enjoyed the writer's sense of humor and you will enjoy the characters in the film! I loved the first review and I agree with her overall, but I would give it a higher rating! It is an excellent coming of age movie that the whole family can enjoy!

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