
IMDb member since August 2011
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School of the Damned

What did I just watch?
I was thinking "why am I watching this?"... Kept watching in hopes that something interesting might happen and those kids would be eventually locked away or destroyed or something... But...


Every woman is Frida...
She represents the love, passion, anger, pain, happiness a woman can endure, while remaining wild at heart. Beautifully played. I love the acting and the actors. One of the few movies I enjoyed in a very long time!

Tomb Raider

Ok, but....
It was ok... But too much drama and too little action... Compared with Angelina Jolies Lara Croft.

Memoirs of a Geisha

It's a great movie and yes... It's a MOVIE
Many people here seem to be upset by the fact that non-japanese actresses have played japanese characters while being chinese. Well... Let me tell you something: none of you seem to mind when americans play english people and vice versa. So stop complaining because it's a MOVIE. Movies aren't supposed to make you feel like it's reality. Reality in movies is exaggerated, made more beautiful, thrilling and so on. Watch it, enjoy it and shut the hell up. Or watch something else, or read a book. I for one loved it so it's a 10 from me :)

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

It's a legend
Legends are supposed to be like this: with villans, heroes, devils and kings. Princesses, witches, magic, green big forrests, dragons and magic swords.

This movie was great. Great acting, great story. Great effects! Loved it!


Simple yet beautiful
It's a simple sunday love story where you sit on your couch on a lazy sunny sunday, after a big lunch and a wonderful desert waiting for sleep to take you away.... Yet you won't fall asleep because, as fictive as it might be, this story is filled with so much colour, you desperatly want to see more. At least this is how I feel. And... OMG!!! Sorry for the spoilers but that love scene?? I am old fashioned and that scene truly fascinated me. It makes me want to crave more for the respect a man should have towards a woman and the kindness a woman should have towards a man. Both should cherrish each other. I hope one day I will find this kind of passionate love and respect.

Serial Killer with Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan = narcissist
I'm giving 3 starts only because all others (not the murderers) were honest: family victims, detectives. Piers Morgan has 0 empathy for the victims or their families. He shows absolutely no emotions when he asks the friends or the relatives about how the victims were killed or other questions which come on!!! How can you ask something like that?? Let them speak their mind don't interrupt, don't "put salt on the wound". He is narcisstic and cares only how he looks on this show... As if he's some kind of a detective. He has NO empathy. Nothing. And he angers the inmates. Why do that? They were found quilty, they got justice. Let them speak and move the hell on. Don't act like you're gonna solve the case and the inmates will say "ohh yes Pierce, I did it! You are good, man! No police could make me admit but you did!" pfff find something else to do Pierce!


Nonsense and stupid 100%
I just watched the first 2 episodes. First one fine... Ok... Looks staged, made up but fine. I figured ok, it's a show, supposed to entertain you or something... Whatever. The second one though... That's just plain stupid. Netflix, how stupid do you take your watchers for? I got so many questions: when did the sister move out? How did she escape from there? There was no police involved whatsoever? That is a crime scene where a serial killer, a psychopath and his idiot wife murdered so many and you, as a child, grow up, leave home, leave your sister there and you don't go to the police? You try absolutly nothing to stop this? Where are the bodies? Ok... Now you are all grown up, adults... Nobody sais it's an easy thing to do but still you rather go and tell the story on a show than to tell the police what happened for so many years? If this story is true, which btw I 100% think NOT, then these people are stupid. Stupid doesn't even begin to cover it. I can't watch anymore because it makes me angry. Good luck!


A good sunday movie
I actually liked the series. What bothered me more than I want to admit is that Bella always acts like she's constipated or in deep pain and Edward sometimes looks bipolar. Other than that, a really good sunday movie.

Rules of Engagement

They are all kind of annoying...
Not all of them. Jeff character is not but his wife is, constantly putting him down. Adam and Jen... I don't want to comment there too much. Both stupid. Aaaand then there comes Russell... He is the most annoying character of all times. A little psychopath, manipulator and evil. Can't watch this anymore... Too annoying for my taste, sorry.

Masha i Medved

My kid likes it
It annoys me to be honest... The girl is a little psychopath. Thank God is just a cartoon but honestly I just can't wait for my kid to grow and stop watching this.

The Crucifixion

It's just a movie
Well... "based on true events" might be confusing. Obviously that is NOT what really happened. As a romanian I can tell you that people in the country side do not speak english... And if some do, it is definetely not good. The "rooms" where one might spend the night do not look this good and they for sure do not have such bathrooms. The meals in so called restaurants do not look like there is a french chef in the kitchen. Glasses from which you might drink wine do not look like that... And so on. If you watch this movie just as a horror movie and for entertainment then ok, it's a nice one but do not believe, not even for a second, that you will find that kind of luxury in those parts of the country... Or in any other parts for that matter. Romania does not have luxury... It just imitates one and poorly I might add. There is a lot of stunning and beautiful things to see in Romania but do not expect a very good service... You will be disappointed. As for the mistery, we have that, yes :). As for this movie, it's a nice one but not one that I want to watch again... Like I wanted to watch Exorcism of Emily Rose for example... Or The Exorcist. What happened in Tenacu was horrible and everyone was shocked at that time but now it's all been forgotten unfortunately. Ohh one more thing: most of the people there did and do believe that the priest who performed the exorcism did everything right and that he is not guilty for the nuns death. The truth is that nobody actually knows what happened...

The Originals

I loved it and I cried at the end
I'm not much of a "vampire movies/tv show" fan... Mainly because I was born in Romania and throughout the years I heard so much from foreigners "Ohhh Romania... Dracula... Vampires!". But this tv show really got to me. I am usually good ar predicting what can happen next in movies or tv shows but this one... Well this one actually got me so annoyed because it always but ALWAYS surprised me. I loved it! Story was wonderful, actors were exceptional. It left me wanting more and honestly it ended right. Bravo!

Van Helsing

Pretty good, I am looking forward to see how it ends
I watched it since the first season started. It got my curiousity, it's pretty entertaining and I am really curious about what's coming next. Still, I have some dissapointments but not many: 1. First of all I was dissapointed about how Scarlett died. It was pretty harsh and sudden. I was expecting more of the character to evolve and stand by her sister, Vanessa. 2. I really wanted to see Sam die in a horrific way. That character really annoyed me. He was just like a cockroach who you want to kill but can't find it. 3. Why is Dracula a woman? Seriously!! This dissapointed me the most. Dracula is not and should not be a woman. This annoyed me so much just like when I heard that James Bond will be played by a woman. Why do you guys do that? Feminists are overreacting this stuff too damn much! Stop it! Overall I like it and I will watch it until the end. Waiting for the 5th season to be released.

Black Mirror

The Twillight Zone
Anyone else thinks of "The Twillight Zone" tv show when watching "Black Mirror"? I think the show is awesome, I absolutely enjoy it and hope to see more episodes in the future :)

The Middle

This is by far the worst tv show I have ever seen. All characters annoyed me from day 1 and I think the actors also were chosen poorly. Sorry, that is just my opinion.

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