
IMDb member since August 2011
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    IMDb Member
    13 years


The Nine Lives of Chloe King

Only new show I've watched this Season... ABC PLEASE RENEW SERIES!!!!
I was hooked from the first episode, and it's only gotten better. This is a great show with likable characters and a new and exciting plot line. (It's not the same boring stuff with teenage girls in angst/lying clicks...Ugh.) I'm 49 and it appeals to me. Of course, I'm also a Harry Potter fan and totally agree that magical powers and special abilities are THE escape route when I choose to watching anything. Besides, I think all women need to dream about having super powers and being able to defend themselves. Come on ABC - don't disappoint us again by canceling a worthwhile series!!!!! There are so many loose ends and unanswered questions from the final episode...Hey we need to see what happens to Brian! Lol :o)

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