
IMDb member since October 2003
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The Strays

Pretty good film
I don't understand the negative reviews. The tension builds well and the jeopardy is genuine. I can understand people not liking the main character but that isn't a reason to mark the film down. The ending might be a little silly but it completed the story arc quite well and I would definitely recommend this film.

The acting was impressive, particularly the strays. There were parts which I couldn't bear to watch, which is always a bonus in a horror. Give this a chance and you are likely to be pleasantly surprised. There are far worse ways to spend a Saturday night. I'd like to see a sequel actually.


Great film
Good suspense. Great performance from Naomi Watts. Builds nicely to its conclusion. I really can't understand the low ratings. Definitely worth watching. Glad I ignored the ridiculously low score.

The Handmaid's Tale

Goes on and on
This show used to be great and my score is for the earlier series. Each time there is a new series I hope it will be the last, and that the story will finally each its conclusion. It never does. Instead it just goes on and on, each episode moving at a glacially slow pace, filled with misery and darkness, eking as much as they possibly can from the central idea without ever really getting anywhere with the overall story.

Is it just about making more and more money from it? I've just heard there is going to be a fifth series. I don't think I will bother with that. Enough already.

The Rules of Attraction

Did not like this film one little bit
This film is the cinematic equivalent of dirty, foul-smelling food remains left in the bottom of the kitchen bin for more than a week, i.e. rubbish. It is peopled by amoral, unlikeable characters with no redeeming features. There is very little in the way of story, so it is not in fact possible to type a spoiler even if you want to. Nothing happens. The protagonists just become less and less pleasant (if that is possible) as the film progresses. There are one or two characters that you might feel sorry for, but since their actions do not make sense, there is little point to them. Make no mistake, this is horrible. Steer clear unless you want to feel dirty and degraded for having sat through it all.


Whatever happened to this?
This was a brilliant series which was shown by the BBC back in 1986. Michael Gambon played the role of Oscar Wilde with real character and finesse. He has gone on to great things in the years since, but this series (unlike most of the BBC's drama output) has never been repeated. I cannot understand why. It was excellent, and should be shown again to a new generation of viewers.


This is a bizarre film. Having finally watched it I can see why Nicolas Cage, Meryl Streep and Chris Cooper all received Oscar nominations for their roles while the film itself missed out. It is described as a comedy but I don't think I laughed once. The story is hard to follow, there are long boring passages where little happens, and the ending is too weird for serious consideration. We are left with more unanswered questions than answered ones.

The film is passably enjoyable in places, but overall is pretty unsatisfying.

5 out of 10.

Murder by Numbers

Cool and gripping teen thriller
It's rare for a thriller to live up to its billing these days but this one certainly does. Sandra Bullock does a pretty good job of her role, as always, but it is the two young male leads who really steal the film - in particular Ryan Gosling as Richard. He manages to make the character menacing and almost maniacal, whilst still being charming and sexy at the same time. What makes the film a winner, in my view, is that we already know "whodunnit" before we even start watching it, so there is none of that predictability, and guessing the ending which comes with so many films of this genre. Instead we get to watch a game of cat and mouse, a pitting of wits between the detective and the two killers. It manages to keep the pace going until the very end, and doesn't ever lose it's way. An easy 9 out of 10.

Charlotte Gray

Moving and engrossing
I read the last comment above and do not understand it. This film is GREAT. Cate Blanchett is rivetting. Of course Charlotte Gray had a purpose in going to France. If it had all been about her lover then I would agree that that might be a little thin, but she was already thinking about it before she even knew the guy was going to France. Cannerly had approached her, given her his card, and almost begged her to call him about becoming an SOE, before she had even spent time with Peter Gregory. We already knew from the conversation on the train that she felt passionately about what the Germans had done to France. Sure, finding Peter was an added incentive to going, but she was already thinking of doing so. There was no lack of motive and no lack of substance to the character. Both Blanchett and Armstrong did a great job on this moving film, which lacked nothing in my view, and there was nothing wrong in their choices.

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