
IMDb member since August 2011
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    12 years


The Hour of the Pig

An under-appreciated gem with lots of attention to detail
I'm surprised this movie is so unknown! From the beginning, prepare to be impressed with the accurate visual detailing of mid fifteenth century France. I was wowed by the costumes, sets, and extras (who appear plucked straight from a period painting). The dialogue can be slightly convoluted at times, and a few of the characterizations felt slightly strained, but these are minor complaints. The movie, besides featuring a great understated performance by Colin Firth, also showcases a talented supporting cast. Ian Holm, who played Bilbo in the Lord of the Rings, is great as the knowledgeable priest. Jim Carter, as Firth's right hand man, is a wonderful and versatile actor (check him out in Downton Abbey). And finally Nicol Williamson as the nobleman, who has many opportunities for over-acting, but instead crafts a believable character and carries off his role with brilliant understatement. The premise, that all the trials presented in the film are based on actual 'crimes', generates much interest in the plot and makes this movie more than worth watching!

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