
IMDb member since August 2011
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Mulan II

Underrated Cheesy flick!
Mulan was personally one of my all time favourite Disney movies and movies in general and so when the moment i saw this movie around I was puzzled as to why I have not heard of it, then I realized ... It was direct to DVD. I gave this movie a chance though despite my opinion on some of the other Disney straight to video sequels and boy am I glad I did as this movie is a ball to watch. The movie's plot is simple but perfectly functioning it is the story about Shang and Mulan being engaged to marry but before the wedding having to transport three princesses to another country for an arranged marriage that will end the war, all the time Mushu trying to destroy Mulan's wedding and the three princesses falling in love with three warriors from the first film. The movies scenery and animation are ace almost living up to the ridiculously high bar of the first. Now while the characters are flat and generic, with only the characters from the first standing out, they are funny and provide some cool character arcs. The direction lends this picture an amazing sense of pace despite the movie curiously lacking laid out acts. It makes for some funny jokes cute animation and fast paced even with a generic and schmaltzy plot. So overall a fun movie worth checking out in hd!

Doctor Who: The Bells of Saint John
Episode 7, Season 7

It is back and so is he!
This episode! The episode begins with a bang as you are instantly connected with the creepy premise( executed perfectly by classic who writer " Stevan Moffat") of wifi being evil. We all use wifi and so we become instantly attached to the perfect characters. We are introduced to The Doctor again with a hilarious scene in which The Doctor is hidden in 1201 attempting to figure out the mystery of the completely awesome character , Clara Oswin/Oswald. We are then introduced to modern Clara who has a very intriguing story arc. That is all I will say of the plot as it is great to watch unravel. The direction in this picture is superb going from jagged close ups to it's extremely hidden view of the Tardis leading to much intrigue. Ultimately the direction is perfect as it keeps it feeling quintessential British while still adding a sense of mystery and creepiness. It holds true to the feeling of everything we love about this generation of The Doctor with an impressive theme and brilliant bad guy. Although the second act slows down a bit and loses it's sense of urgency it allows for some incredible character development. It makes each character feels fleshed out and full. This episode is full to the brim with quick paced and witty episode with great characters and set pieces this is excellent and perfect who!

Back to the Future Part III

great film
back to the future part one and two were superb surprised at it it was genuinely hilarious strangely all three films are enjoyable the third one is just as good if not better in my opinion .the train scene is awesome and back to the future doc brown and Marty Mcfly are some of my film characters ever .ive just purchased the box set and boy all three films are better than i remember . all great films i watch more than once i have got no idea how many times i have seen these films they are great this is just part of the epic trilogy .these films are the great comedys that 25 years on still make us laugh it also means that doc brown can only try to live peacefully .

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