
IMDb member since October 2003
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TV Funhouse

poop jokes aren't genius!
I like this show but calling Robert Smigel a genius is overdoing it. A snake that vomits rats, wow that's revolutionary! The show does the same jokes over and over; it gets real tiresome. The only thing I really like is the dog chasing his tail. It's mindless fun but not genius.


This movie was plain bad. I can't imagine anyone enjoying this. Those that praise this movie must also enjoy being punched in the face. Why can't people just admit it's bad? 103 minutes of nothing, this should have been a 20 minute short. So you have to be elite to enjoy crap? I think I'll stay "dumb".

Kill Bill: Vol. 1

I loved this movie. It was everything I expected and more. It feels like a live action anime and I love anime. Others say it's like a Shaw Brothers film; I haven't seen any Shaw Brothers film before but I want to now. A couple things I didn't like was how a lot of people in the audience would laugh during some seems. People are getting chopped and diced and you laugh? Weird. Yeah it's a movie but still. I also felt it was disrespectful toward Tarantino but like he really cares if someone he doesn't know laughs at his film. The film wasn't aimed at these people I guess, or this wasn't their kind of movie. I also felt a bit slighted that it's broken into 2 movies. I'm not rich and movies cost a lot. I'll stay 3+ hours for 1 movie, I stayed for lotr. I stayed for double features, you don't see those anymore. Anyways great movie for fanboys and if you don't like it/don't get it too bad for you, I thoroughly enjoyed and that's all I care about.

Ken Park

This movie is disturbing!....disturbingly awful!
so a guy whacking off while asphyxiating himself passes as art? This movie blows, thank god it's banned so others won't have to suffer through it. It's like the whole idea of making this film is a novelty, it's just random scenes with virtually no story. Hey look sex! We've never seen that before! Wow! Shocking? Naw. Shockingly boring. There's zero character development so you don't really care about any of the characters, at least I didn't. Every scene seemed pointless. There was no drive, things were just happening. People said it pushes the envelope, but take all those "shocking" scenes out and you have nothing. There's no substance. Just play GTA if you want shocking scenes. Kids was much better, at least they had personality. But "shocking" without substance doesn't cut it. 1/10 and that's being generous.

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