
IMDb member since October 2003
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In the Light of the Moon

The "Real" Leatherface
Though some of you think The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was

based on a true story, no it wasn't. Look it up before you start

screaming, "But the new movie has police footage! and it says its

real!" well its not, if you want the real story, watch this movie. Its not

terribly good, but the story is pretty accurate to the real events that

inspired films like "Psycho" "Don't Go In the House" "Silence of the

Lambs" & "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" It has some decent

but subtle gore, has the true story, and some cheesey special

effects. If your into American history of serial killers and cannibals,

this is for you, but if your not interested at all, I wouldn't rent it. Just

look him up on the internet and you'll get all the info you need on

Ed Gein.

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

This wasn't a Star Wars movie...
This wasn't a Star Wars movie. I was the biggest Star Wars fan until I saw this. Its nothing but a big hunk of computer generated crap. I mean, in one scene C-3PO is computer generated. None of the CG looks good in this film, it doesn't play like a Star Wars film, and I'd rather watch Jar Jar Binks dance around singing for 2 hours rather than to have to watch this again. Did I mention bad dialogue and acting?

Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III

Better than Part II
I liked this version a whole lot more than the Texas Chainsaw

Massacre II...for one it didn't give Leatherface feelings, 2 is was

kinda scary at some points, and 3 it had good acting. The main

female lead was gorgeous and I have a major crush on her (too

bad she's not in a lot of movies) and the guy who did Leatherface

did a decent job, (though his 'Leatherface' didn't look all too great)

I'm gonna have to go with my favorite character being the deranged

gas station peeping tom.....he was the next best thing to the

original Hitchhiker. The ending was kinda weak and left you

wanting more. But overall a decent sequel, not great, not bad,

worth a rent.

Death Wish 4: The Crackdown

Violent, Fun, Charlie's Back!
This is a good fun movie. The story is basically Charles Bronson killing gangsters! Imagine Grand Theft Auto 3 as a movie, and you got The Crack Down! The ending to the film is even somewhat of a remake of Yojimbo! I definetely recommend this movie to action lovers! This will not let you down! For God's sake, there's a roller rink shootout!!!! 5/5 STARS

Murphy's Law

Decent Bronson movie
This is a decent Bronson movie, not that great, maybe worth a rent if you're a fan. But Kathleen Wilhoite's character gets a bit annoying. Action packed, some decent scenes, and a helicopter crash into a barn where horny hillbillies await! 3/5 Stars

Death Wish 3

one of the best action packed movies ever made! if you're a fan of violent video games like Grand Theft Auto 3, this movie is for you!

The last 3o minutes is a huge street war in the ghetto! Convenient stores exploding! People getting run over! Vandalism! Bazookas!

GREAT American movie! Charles Bronson kicks ass when he mail orders his gun "Willy", he even goes as far to test "Willy" on a thug who steals his ice cream! GREAT MOVIE. 5/5 Stars! You can't go wrong with this one!

Motel Hell

The last 30 min are worth watching...
I first saw the last 30 minutes of this film when I was a wee small

child. The last 30 minutes take place in a well decorated

slaughterhouse full of dead corpses, pig heads, chainsaws, and

meat cleavers! The set is very cool and fun and seems like it'd fit a

"good" horror movie! The scene involves main character Farmer

Vincent brandishing a chainsaw and fighting off a Sheriff who also

has a chainsaw. This scene would later be copied in the Texas

Chainsaw Massacre 2 but would not be as Motel Hell

Vincent actually wears a pig's head on his head to protect himself

from deadly slashes by a chainsaw! The scene is very fun but

unfortunately when I hunted down the film years later, the rest of

the film did not live up to the ending and was terribly bad. Wait to

find this on TV cause its really not worth a rent.

Vendetta: A Christmas Story

Santa is Back! Only this time he's got an Uzi!
One of the best short student like films I've ever seen. It's fast paced, loud, and has lots of chase scenes! Well directed, edited, and a great cast! Santa kicks ass, and nothing beat him saying, "HO-HO-Holy S***!" Well done student film.


Pretty bad...
This is NOT a good movie. The directing is terrible, the lighting is awful, it appears as if it was filmed on TV studio cameras, the dialogue is terrible, the story is weak, and everyone is gay. Gay Samurais, EVERYWHERE. The only good part of this movie is an execution where the main character decapitates a man's head and blood sprays out everywhere, then he proceeds on picking up the head. This was the only good part. Everything else is bad. Don't rent this movie. Don't buy it. It's awfull.

Nowhere to Run

He's back, and he's got a motorcycle!
Jean-Claude Van Damme is back! And this time he's got the hots for a petite little southern gal played by the ever gorgeous Rosanna Arquette! Some evil men are out to take her land, but Jean-Claude, and escaped convict on the lam, is here to be her savior! Full hot explosions, hot girls, and plenty of Van Damme kicks and punches! This film is sure not to let you down!

Citizen Kane

I don't care how great is "WAS" I care how great it is "NOW"
I don't care how great is "WAS" I care how great it is "NOW"

Thats the story of Citizen Kane. It was great, groundbreaking, new, and fantastic back in the day.....but now.....films surpass it in everyway. I'd rather watch Xenia Warrior Princess than this again.

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