
IMDb member since September 2011
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Uncut Gems

Some Won't Understand It
I think this movie was well acted, excellently directed and even the negative reviews prove how it was a success at conveying the emotion and uneasiness that it intended. You will feel drained by the end, which was also intended. The erratic interactions, unsteady camera and ominous music all serve to assist getting you to an uncomfortable state.

Some won't understand the deeper meanings, but there is a connection to the uncut gems and Howie (Sandler). He's a gambler and jeweler addicted to the high he gets by trying to successfully hustle and gamble. The $ is never enough and things don't usually work out and the he doubles down. He is trying to manage chaos (our universe), but he can't manage his marriage, his personal relationships, his emotions, his business...but he is always desperately trying to.

Although Howie is a terrible person in a lot of ways, he has a woman that loves him, his son loves him, he has an odd but endearing charisma with many people. Ultimately, he lives in a dream state that he can control chaos, but when things finally pay off, he is riding a high and then is ultimately brought crushingly back into reality.

Humans are complex and although he has many bad traits, he has good ones as well down deep, much like the cold rock exterior of the uncut gem and beauty hidden beneath it that started him on his insane, unhinged journey.

The Walking Dead

Jumped the Shark- Not Good
This show jumped the shark years ago. First season was epic and then it slowly showed us that there is no plot, no point, and has nothing to say. Last time I checked in for a moment, there was a CGI lion (very poorly done) and some guy with dreads acting like a king- very lame. They jumped the shark and the show is just laughable now. First season is great, second and third are watchable and then you kind of just want to give up.

The Mandalorian: Chapter 8: Redemption
Episode 8, Season 1

The first 3 episodes and episode 7 were great, but the finale was perfect. Waititi's comedic sense was noticeable from the first scene, but there was also a great deal of heart and tons of action with a nice pace. The acting was good- a few episodes in the middle suffered from poor casting, but this one was done right in every sense. Maybe Waititi should just direct all of them next season. It was definitely a pleasure to watch.

Rick and Morty: Mortynight Run
Episode 2, Season 2

Amazing Episode- Spoilers
Nearly every episode of this show has been great, but this could be the best episode yet. From Andy Daly's chipper voicing of Krombopolus Michael, an assassin very excited about killing, to a daycare service in space for all of the Jerrys, this episode rocks. The Roy game that Morty plays at Blips and Chips is sublime- a game in which you live another person's entire life. Jermaine Clement's Fart character grows a little tiresome with the singing, but overall a very important piece of the entire plot line. This episode probably ties with the ingenuity and laugh out loud moments of the Lawnmower Dog and Meeseeks episodes. I won't even say what happens to the Gear Head character, but it is hilarious. Let's just say "Do you even now my real name? Calling me Gear Head is like calling a Chinese person "Asia Face"" It just gets even better from there. Krombopolus Michael's lines, although sparse, totally hit the mark- "I have no code of ethics. I'll kill children, animals, old people...doesn't matter. I just love killing!" This episode delivers dark comedy in an upbeat fashion as has been the norm for this great show.

2 Broke Girls

A Show For Mouth Breathers
If you're a mouth breather, you will love this show. It's low brow humor, if you can call it humor. The situations are ridiculous, the cast is terrible, and the fact that the show exists is an insult to everyone's intelligence. I noticed that most people that liked the show are not from The U.S.. As your English progresses you will find out how stupid this show is. It's insulting to me that I have to go to a real job while these hacks are making more money than me. Watch the movie Idiocracy, and then you will start to realize that shows like this, 2 and a 1/2 Men, and Mike and Molly are helping to realize the stupidity that will ultimately destroy the human race. The only reason these shows do well is because the elderly put on CBS to watch daytime soap operas and then fall asleep with the TV on, and Neilson Ratings are then bloated for the worst network. 60 Minutes is the only show worth watching on the network, and How I Met Your Mother about 4 years ago- that show just needs to end. They're like 40- it's run it's course and the writers (and Ted's kids) have given up.

Orange Is the New Black

An Excellent Show
Outside of "Breaking Bad", "Game of Thrones", and "Walking Dead", this is the best show right now. What great character development. Jenji Kohan got it right this time. Kohan's other project, "Weeds", started out a really good show for the first two seasons, then just started to feel forced and ridiculous- you also kept losing empathy for the protagonist. The protagonist on this show has much more promise, and all of the characters are mysterious but round in their development. The flashbacks provide a much broader understanding of their history and what drives them, similar to "Lost", which mostly proved effective.

There is a lot of humor provided in Kohan's new series, but the humor is more based in reality, as opposed to the unbelievable goofiness that eventually ensued on "Weeds". I applaud Schilling and Mulgrew for their amazing work on this show, and Jason Biggs provides the adequate amount of comic relief just when it's needed most. The only criticism of the show would be Laura Prepon. Like in everything she does, she falls completely flat and doesn't add any real tension to the show, which is the only point of her character- that was a complete miscast. Aside from that, this is a close to perfect dramedy.

Netflix is really starting to step it up and give the big paid cable networks a run for the their money. Good- HBO and Showtime need to get with the times and create stand-alone programming outside of cable providers- they deserve to lose customers for that and Netflix is starting to pave the way with shows like "Orange is the New Black" and "House of Cards".


The Real Meaning- A Good/Bad Movie
Yes, the acting and directing were a little inconsistent, and some of the lines were sophomoric and occasionally downright lame, but the value of the movie lays in it's overall existentialist theme. Cliff Spab doesn't care about the consequences of anything- he's smokes, he drinks, he curses, doesn't care about bettering himself, doesn't really care about the way he looks, and isn't afraid of anything- not even death. Is it because he was overlooked, abused, etc.? Not really. Cliff doesn't revel in fame or attention when he gets it, but rather treats it as a joke because it simply doesn't matter (even if he half enjoys it), hence the phrase "So Fu.... What." The importance of this phrase points to the notion that nothing really matters in life. Someone can get the best grades, go to the best schools, watch their weight, be good to others, always do right, gain fame and notoriety...or they can be shot in the head in the middle of a store robbery. In the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter. Quoting Chuck Palahniuk, "On a long enough time-line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero." Our existence in our solar system, in our galaxy, in the universe is a spec of dust on a spec of dust on a spec of dust, hence SFW (nothing really matters).

The black comedy and satire of this movie comes from the doting media and fans of Cliff Spab. It's not that they really love him, they are just looking for an answer- a motto to guide their lives. But, as in real life, something seemingly meaningful to you one moment becomes a useless fad in the next moment.

In the conclusion of the movie Barbara Wyler tries to shoot Cliff or something (it's really been years), and states her tag-line "Everything matters!" It's the complete opposite theory of Cliff's. Her essential meaning is that everything we do has an affect on the future, future generations, the overall makeup of things on our planet, etc. Her message could be looked at as kind of good, but the irony lies in the fact that she seems all too excited to step directly into Cliff's shoes and be another meaningless, short-lived role model. In essence Cliff was right when he believed nothing matters and Barbara's time in the spotlight will also fade away. One day neither will be remembered and will have no affect on anything or anyone. Even those that followed them for a brief time will be gone and forgotten. It's a sad story of the media misguiding people to waste their short lives with whatever's popular and meaningless in the moment. But, it also questions, if nothing really matters anyway, SFW.

2016: Obama's America

Blatant Propaganda
Terrible and inaccurate. If you like Fox "News" and believe it's "fair and balanced", you're bound to love this piece of brainwashing material. The general agenda is to make people question their faith in the President with the common use of scare tactics and supposed hidden agendas by the President. In actuality, he's been one of the most transparent Presidents in the past few decades. Before he took office he said that he would work for equal rights of homosexuals, reduce the burden on the middle class, save jobs by helping large failing American companies, restore our alliances with foreign countries, and ensure that every American has the option of health-care. He's worked for all of these and in a large way achieved the goals for the reasons we elected him. It is impossible to reduce the debt while first holding our country together after a collapse. Mind you all of the goals he set for America have been blocked every step of the way by Republicans- because they disagree with him? No not usually, but rather to say in the 2012 election, "You couldn't get it done." Until everyone in our country can learn to work together for the greater good, we will never dig ourselves out of the hole that started about 7 years ago. You can try to blame it on one person, but unless your main source of income is dividends and capital gains, you likely have nothing to gain from the other administration. Trickle down economics worked during Reagan because there were a lot of small, but growing businesses that rewarded their employees during the rise of their success. We don't live in that America anymore- profit of the wealthy is stockpiled, hidden, and created by standing on the shoulders of the middle class. If we have a change, lets see how happy the middle class' mortgage deduction is gone, the lower class' programs are terminated, and the wealthy pay 0% tax on 90+% of their income (dividends and capital gains). Common people- are we really this dumb? Also, do we have such short memories that we think Obama is the root of our problems and hasn't tried to help us? The Republicans and Propagandists such as this director are betting on it.

Grown Ups

One of the worst movies ever
This was so bad that I had to shut it off. I liked a lot of the actors so I tried to watch it, but didn't expect too much. Even so, I was extremely disappointed. This had some of the worst writing, directing, and acting I've ever seen. There weren't any jokes, there was no story development, and no point to the movie. It was just like a bunch of friends got together to drink and make up a movie as they went along, but got so lazy that they didn't bother writing anything funny or heartfelt. It was a smack in the face to anyone that paid their hard-earned money to further line the pockets of the wealthy for a seriously boring and stupid movie. I heard this movie made over 230% net profit- about $191.4 MM net profit. That is the only reason they're making another one. Please do not watch the next one. A message needs to be sent to lazy actors and filmmakers. If you make bad movies, then you don't make money.

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