
IMDb member since September 2011
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Knives Out

Classic, hilarious murder-mystery
This was a fun one to watch. I love the story line; it's a whodunnit with many twists and turns and a perfect splash of humor. The acting was fantastic. Ana de Armas was amazing and I feel she and Daniel Craig really steal the show here. Craig plays the vigilant sleuth trying to get to the bottom of things, (and he pulls off a southern American accent very well for someone from Britain). Knives Out is one that keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time because just when you're sure you have the whole thing figured out, they throw you a curve ball.

The Misery Index

Back at it.
I'm a jokers fan so I'm bias but this is actually a decent little game show. It's entertaining, funny and if you are a jokers fan check it out.

The Boys

So twisted
I'm thinking, "Alright, another super hero lame-o," but, no, not lame. Not lame at all. This one surprised me right out of the gate with an ultraviolent scene that I did not see coming. Basically this show boils down to this: You know all the heroes in the Marvel and DC comics movies ? What if behind closed doors they weren't good guys at all, but instead were ego maniacal morally bankrupt monsters? Enter 'The Boys'. A group of vigilantes determined to bring the supposed super heroes down. If you like super violent, foul mouthed, darkly hilarious shows this is one you should at least give a look. Entertaining as Hell.


Stop comparing.
No TV adaptation will mirror the book. If it did, the show's over in 2 episodes. I loved the book. This is a fun take on it. How creepy is a weird old man stealing children in the dead of night in an old timey car? Enter Vic, a kid trying to deal with her parents failing relationship, who also discovers an ability to find things which are lost. I've found it his show gets better and better with each episode.

Impractical Jokers

Entertaining as hell
I'm not usually one to fall for a simple laugh. But these four friends remind me so much of the guys I hang out with, I can't get enough. Off the wall, who can make who do the most zany public display of insanity. It cracks me up. These four guys, who really have been friends since grade school it turns out, challenge each other each week to see who is willing to do the most crazy embarrassing thing in public. Usually one of them has an earpiece while the other three friends are feeding them instructions. If the friend with the earpiece doesn't do what they tell him to, he loses that round. At the end of the show, whoever has the most losses, has to do something EXTREMELY embarrassing. I watched the 'best of' where they actually interviewed these guys and that's when I became a real fan, because it started out just the four of them doing this without a camera. Glad they started filming, because it's really funny.

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

Really glad I watched this, better for having seen it.
I don't know why I avoid movies that are surrounded with hype or have the word "Oscar" written anywhere near them. I don't know if I'm afraid of being disappointed or if it's because I know that it's going to be a seriously good movie, and it's going to be emotionally engrossing or draining. Either way, I avoided this film for weeks, even when it was the only thing to watch in my file, I'd find something else.

Finally, I read a review stating in the title something to the effect of "I'll remember this movie for the rest of my days", so I caved. Gotta see what's so good about this.

Oskar (Thomas Horn), grapples with the tragic death of his beloved father Thomas (Tom Hanks), who was a jeweler working on the 105th floor of the World Trade Center on 9-11. Oskar finds a key in his father's closet and makes it his personal mission to find the lock that it opens. He's certain that maybe his father left him one final message there. His adventures will make you laugh out loud, tear up at times, may even make you angry. But you will be moved.

I'm really glad I watched this. I don't really write reviews, but this is one of those rare ones that I'd recommend to anyone.


Pleasantly surprised
I've never been a huge Ryan Gosling fan, and upon learning the basic plot and storyline of this film, I was kind of expecting a 'Gone in 60 Seconds' meets 'The Transporter' with an overly mellow Gosling twist to it. The movie, however, couldn't have been more different than what I expected. In fact this screenplay is a perfect fit for Gosling's usual flat affect on camera. The characters are perfectly set and portrayed, making every bit of it very believable.

From the very start of this film you are pushed to the edge of your seat, and then thrust into the very human, very conceivable personal life of Gosling's character. His private, mellow and introspective manner is hypnotic, both to the other characters in the story, but to you as the spectator. It's that slight quietness in his gait that makes the brutal scenes in this movie even more intense and moving.

I must admit, I have a new respect for Gosling after viewing this film, as it seems he has finally stepped out of the "Chick-flick" typecast left in the wake of 'The Notebook' and proved he has some depth. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see this win an academy award, and it was well worth the time.

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