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Alexander: The Making of a God

Inaccurate and bad so called historians
Like most Netflix history documentaries this one is not accurate at all. First the depicted battles. If Alexander fought like that, they would call him Alexander the loser. Soldiers fighting like mad men, instead of an ordered phalanx, for which the Macedonians were famous.

Further more Macedonia back then wasnt just modern day Northern Macedonia, all of Greece was conquered before Persia was under attack. And sure Alexander was blonde, that is well documented, but this one is wat to American. A bit the opposite of how Netflix ruined Cleopatra. Ow and Darius' wife wasnt that important as shown.

I wonder what kind of so called historians they used to do all the talking in between. They obvious have no idea what they are saying. Did they buy their titles on the internet, or are they just bad actors like the actors playing the storyline. Nope this isnt good. A bit entertaining, but that is it.

The Marvels

Not good, but entertaining
First if all, it is not a good movie. It jumps from one to another situation. Maybe better for the kind of movie it is. Marvel Studios often made a movie too long with lot of sideplots with a complete storyline in just one movie. So it didnt bother me at all. Acting wasnt good, but not awfull. Enough action, but not an overkill. Some funny scenes. Lot and lots of cgi and quite often too obvious present. But too be honest I never got bored, and had to smile once and a while. So in current wave of the MCU, which has been disappointing so far, this one was a relief. Eventhough I got a bit worried with the end scene. But then there was the midcreditscene which surprised me in a prositive way.

Rebel Moon - Chapter One: Chalice of Blood

Battle beyond the stars spoof.
Not a very good movie. I even wasnt able to watch it in 1 time. It just didnt catch me. Storyline was far from original, but that can be compensated with good action and special effects. Well besides a lot of explotions it was boring. Lot of slow motion, when shooting, no spaceship battles and backgrounds as if we were back in the 90's. And for people thinking this complete storyline is stolen from star wars, unfortunatly it wasnt. Yes there is an evil empire and someone wielding a kind of lightsabres and there was a rebellion, but actually the main storyline is a remake of battle beyond the stars. But that one was more fun too watch. Trust me it is more useful to watch every star wars movie ever made and battle beyond the stars and all other movies this one is loosly based upon (i.e. 7 samurai, magnificent 7, 300, gladiator), than rebel moon. Yes it takes more time, but at least you will be amused a lot more. Zack Snyder you can do better than this.

Het gouden uur

Bad acting, not historical acccurate, but somewhat entertaining.
Intriguing stoey, but the acting is bad, sometimes even very bad. The extra's do a better job than most of the main actors. Some scenes which were ment to be shocking just make me laugh. Ok, therre are definatly good parts, which show the makers did do some research. How do people respond on violence, what kimd of emotions do terrorist go through, stuff like that. Which made me almost forgive the total absence of bystanders after one of the events. Unfortunatly the researchbudget ran out on the psychology. There obvious was no money left for historical research. When taking the age of the main afghan characters in mind, it was impossible for them to have encounter western troops in afghanistan. In the most optimistical way the russians just left, but it took about 15 year before the UN intervened in Afghanistan to fight the Taliban. The actor were way too old to make it believeble they were only living 20 years in the Netherlands. Further more the absurbt way the aivd was depicted (dutch nsi). The writers were peobably smoking some bad stuff or did sau too many american movies. Ow and seeing a stuntperson jump over a fene before falling down was really funny, too bad it ment to be sad and horrible instead. I was able to watch the complete series, so it must somehow be watchable. That is why I give it a 6, even though it was bad and it deserves less points than 6 our of 10.

The Traitors Australia

Not even close to the Dutch og.
This show has way to many contestents. All scenes take ages. It is directed so badly, it hurts to watch. Ok it has some exiting moments, but it looks so staged. The Dutch og is so much more interesting. And even the British version is more thrilling wvwn though it had a mob of crybabies. Each episode is at least 15 minutes to long and it could do with at least 4 people less. Ow and putting an extra traitor in at the end when there are hardly any people left is just a no go. This version is even worse as the Belgium one and that one was bad. But at least it was real and not staged. Too bad, since this show doesnt need to be staged.


Opinion based on first 2 episodes
Great start of episode 1. But after first 5 minuts the speed of the story is decreased. In this case not a bad thing. It is still a setup of characters and a plot. The storyline so far is interesting and the cgi looks more than good for a tv show. I do like the characters. Also the 2nd episode is decent. Story is still building. Few points of critisism though. First the dialogues are bad. Worse even in 2nd episode. It is a constanft of 1 person speaking and after that the next one speaks. It is just not naturel. Other thing I dont like is the looks of Hera. She is too much a human woth green make up. Glad they cgi-ed her eyes green where they were blue at first in the first teaser. But I am.l curious where this adventure will lead us to. So for that it is star wars. Ow one more thing: watching rebels first is not a must, but I advise to do so. And also clone wars. For people not liking cartoons that is a bummer.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

A piece of art
How to make a superhero franchise into a piece of art part 2. This movie was even better than the first one. And even though it isnt live action, it is even better than all the mcu stuff. Ok, if you dont like cartoons, this movie wont work for you. And if you are not that familiar with the spiderverse it might be hard tonfollow. This said, I am not an expert on the subject myself, so it might even work for most people. All the different styles used throughout the movie are hints in which world you are. Even the way characters move give you clues. In the first part itnis a bit overwelming, but be patience, the movie will auck you into the screen. It is filled with loads of eastereggs and jokes. I think I missed most of them, but still had a fun time watching the movie. It was a piece of art. Literaly. It was like watching a moving painting. Cant wait for the 3rd movie.

The Mandalorian: Chapter 23: The Spies
Episode 7, Season 3

Writers redeemed themselfs after mast episode.
As dissapointed I was in last episode, as thrilled I am now. This episode was beyond great. It gave true mandalorean vibes as seen in clone wars and rebels. The climax at the end gave me goosebumbs. Not only this show was great, but it is also an important link to the force awakens and the Ahsoka show. I wont give any spoilers, you have to see that for yourself. Now I am sad next week we will get the season's final. I hope it will be as good as the season endings of both 1 and 2, but now I have seen this episode I have my hopes high up and I can even forgive the writers for what they have done with last episode. This is the way!

Physical: 100

Bad editing
Not sure how to use 600 words for one of the worst edited shows ever. But first the good part. The idea and concept of this show is rather good. Interesting to see how polite the korean culture can be while the contestant try to taunt eachother. Being Sutch it makes me smile, but I am aware that is because I'm being ignorant. The trials are also good. But the way this show is editted destroys the complete show. Every move made by the contestants is shown at least three tines. Not even always from different angles, not as a replay, no just shown again and again and again. Even with the same background noises. This results in an hour per episode in which hardly anythings happens. It is like watching grass grow. Which is too bas. This dhow had potential but failed. Dont know ehy the imdb score is so high, but maybe it is just me.

LOL: Last One Laughing Australia

Bad advertisement for australian comedy
I do not hope this is called fun in australua. If it is, it isnt good advertisement. Poo and pee jokes, being rude, etc, can be very funny. But in this show you have to watch to 10 people who are able to destroy the foundational elements of humour. So far I have seen the Canadian version (boring) and the dutch (half of the comedians are not funny at all, but some were very good). The australian version beats all of them in eye torturing. The producer of this show should be ashamed. This show should never been aired, because it is beyond stupid. I hope i to get all this crap out of my head, because I wabt to forget all of it.


Too violent for pg13, too soft for a true action movie.
Goonies meets Mad Max meets Batman. Which leads to a very childish movie with a lot of boring violence. Too bad they makers did make it a pg13 movie. They missed an opportunity to make it a dark action movie with better action and thebkind of violence you want to see in such movies: hard and bloody. This was a kids movie to which you dont want to bring your kids.

Sly can do better than this. Well lets hope I soon forget about this movie, since these werent the most memorabele 100 minutes of my life.

Even Schwarzenegger's last action hero was able to make something out of an action children's movie.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

A bit entertaining
6/10, yea just good enough to pass. Also, lack of phantasy, humour, sfx, storyline, entrrtainment. It is just not that bad to watch. Most disturbing is the lack of quality on the sfx part. Seems like disney cut the finance on that department. I noticed kt with obi wan where theybdidnt seem to put things in the correct perspective (space ships too small on the outside), but here they cant even create a believable looking palmtree.

Empire State

Johnson ruins the movie
Story is not that bad. Hemsworth is not much of a greek, but at least he acts fine. But then: Dwayne Johnson, with his modern looks. They didnt even tried to hide he as far from new york as the moon is from earth. Nice to see a gforce watch made a time travel from 2000's to the 80's. Very bad casting.


Ok to skip the myth, but nothing left of story
I have no issues the writers decided to skip the myth. Indeed, why not making it a more historical combat. But everything they showed is wrong, wrong, wrong. In first theatrical release even the location of troy was wrong, which is corrected later. All character arks are wrong: maneleus, archamemdon, aias, achilles, hector, helen: wrong, wrong wrong. The writera didnt payed one single look at the illias and other writings of the trojan war. Ow there was a horse, and a girl, lets make a movie about it. Even the netflix series are better. For an understandeble reading of the complete story i recommand steven fry's troy. Yes it is a book and not a movie, but at least it is good.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

I like it but...
I likenit, but I have 1 big issue. Well 2.

2nd doesnt bother me that much, but 3rd sister is a bad actress.

What really does bither me though is that disney cant seem to get their cgi right with the ships. At least in this tv show they can't. The scaling of the ships is so wrong. They are way to small next to humans. It looks bad. Really really bad.

Top Gun: Maverick

Pleasant movie to watch, but....
I have issues with the character Rooster. In the first movie, 36 years ago, he was 5 or so. Which means he now in this movie is 41, ehich is clearly not the case. Ow and a F18 cant do a cobra manouvre. Storyline was almost as thin as the first movie (almost). This said, my eyes were glued to the screen. I dont know how they did it, but some scenes really worked and were as accurate as it is doable without using cgi. They dont make movies like this anymore. Writing this I decide to give it an 8 instead of a 7 out of 10.

How I Met Your Father

First minute was enough to puke
Bad writing, bad acting, bad jokes, bad canned laughter. This is not how you make a succesful tv show.

I doubt there will be a second season. I hope not.

The King's Man

Ok movie, but without the fun of previous movies
Ok you can see this movie without seeing the first 2. That is a plus. And perhaps even better. Lot of people probably will be disappointed in this movie in case they did see the previous ones. The first 2 were funny action movies with some sharp edges. This movie has none of it, except for action. The story telling is ok though, but in case you have no idea what WWI was all about you miss a lot of the plot. The writers bended a lot of historical correct facts in such way, it perfectly made sense for this movie. And yes the ourcome is still the same. But in case you hVe noninterest in history what so ever you will miss it.

The Book of Boba Fett: Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor
Episode 7, Season 1

This is Star Wars (ake thin storyline, but fun to watch)
People who are grew up with the clone wars might not look to hear this, but originaly the franchise wasnt mostly a space western, with some fantasy elements. No deep plotlines or interesting character arcs (yes there are exceptions). People, me included, made it bigger than it was, but that was the whole power of the franchise. It was a unique form of entertainment, only ment to enjoy it and encourage your fantasy. These series and this last episode very much, had the same idea. And so we got an entertaining, magnificant 7 like, finale. Lot of pew pew and even a wilhelm scream. No big surprises. Some stuff could be better, but still this was the good old starcwars we loved so much back in the days. I do understand people who think otherwise. Afterall it was a thin plot and like I said: nothing really surprising. Boba is a bit of a softy, but ok. Hey I am entertained.

The Book of Boba Fett: Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger
Episode 6, Season 1

2nd episode of the Mandalorean S3
I am dissapointed.

This series turn out to be The Mandalorean season 3 more and more. Ok, I love that series, but I was curious about the adventures of Boba, not Mando.

It was a slow episode, with a lot of stuff added related to the Star Wars lore. And so the title does.

The stranger named in the title is a good thing of this episode. It is promissing for the last episode. I hope wont be dissapointed.

Ow and to end with a positive note: the small link to the Untouchables was funny.

The Book of Boba Fett: Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian
Episode 5, Season 1

Had to write the review first before making up my mind
Not sure yet what my thoughts are of this episode.

First: i liked it a lot, even though the 2nd part of the first half lacked some logic.

But, some interesting stuff happend, which is food for more stoylines and continuation of some old story lines .

However I am confused. What comes next is clear, but I am talking more about the continuation of some Star Wars series.

Well I don't like spoilers, but to explain myself i have no choice.

So here it comes.

I do understand some crossover between the Mandalorian and Boba Fett series are neceassary. But this episode wasnt a cross-over, it was a take-over.

Will they all team up from here, continue in Mandalorean S3 and will there be only one Boba Fett season?

Without knowing what comes next is that the first half of this episode should have been saved for the Mandalorean S3 and would also pay attention to the teamup with Boba Fett in the 2nd half. But ok, like I said, I dont know what the future will bring and since I have so many questions now, this means it was an intruiging episode, so ok 9 out of 10 stars.

The Book of Boba Fett: Chapter 4: The Gathering Storm
Episode 4, Season 1

I think that the story wil start from here
Better than previous episode. That is for sure. Not a weird chase in slo-mo.

Still I had a feeling something was missing.

Didn't like the repair of Fennec scene. The Jabba palace scene a bit too funny. Had to laugh a little though. Ow and the pitt scene gave me mixed feelings. Yes we wanted to see that one thing, which did happen, we learned more about the pit, but it was not quite it.

And then another bike scene. I do like Mad-Max, but I am watching Star Wars, so please skip that kind of references.

From there the episode became more interesting. Bacta, again a barscene, and finally it started (with just a few minutes on the clock) Important last minutes. No real excitement, but some good forshadowing.

It just looks like this show needed 4 episodes to set all the pieces on the board, but from here I am quite sure the real fun will start. I hope I am right.

I really like the show though. The acting is better than needed, the SFX is very good and some very good scenes. And above all, it is entertaining.

Only stuff I like less are some side characters (teenage mutant ninja children) and the slow start for the real event.

Please pay attention to change of the score in the last scene. I think it will tell us which direction the show will take.


Too long.

Boring characters.

Hardly any humour.

This is about the best way I can desceibe this movie.

Ow and the mid credit scene showed some cgi of the late 80's.

I hope this movie wont be an important part of the MCU.

Red Tails

Poor script for interesting history
I live movies with dogfights. And though cgi was ok, the fights were boring. This was also caused by a lazy script, poor editing and stupid dialogues. Some stuff made no sense. Lot of factual errors. Some I did accept due to stoeytelling, but since the story telling was not good, it bothered be. It is a shame that these brave soldiera didnt got a movie they deserved. A little more research would have helped (italian tradition, German warfare, technical debts about planes). Well at least they got the names of the planes in those days correct. Still a 6/10 for the cgi, and the type of movie.

The Book of Boba Fett: Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine
Episode 2, Season 1

Loved it even more than EP1
Longer episdode than previous one.

Actually it was more a 2 part episode: part 1 reallity, part 2 dreamstate flashback.

I liked the story telling and it makes me curious to what happens next.

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