
IMDb member since November 2003
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No Blade of Grass

Disturbing film that could take place in the near future
I was very surprised that TCM showed the film last night in what seemed to be an uncut version. There were plenty of very disturbing scenes. One showed two women getting graphically raped, and others showed multiple murders. I just hope none of these same events come true during present times with the Corona-19 virus.

On the Beach

Ending similar to what might happen with the Corona Virus
Except for the fact the method of our destruction was a nuclear bomb, the movie eerily reminded me of what could be the fate of our world in the near future.


Plot reminds me of :Casablanca"
Substitute Jack (gambler) for Rick (cafe owner). Then, Bobby (wife of Arturo) for Ilsa. Finally, Arturo(revolutionary) for Victor. I think you end end up with a modern-day "Casablanca". Of course some would say it's mixing apples (Nazis) and oranges (Communists). But I think the plot outline and ultimate goal of the hero risking his life to save the lives of the heroine and her husband are similar. Not only did Jack find his soul but found the love that was missing all his life. Like Rick, in the end Jack did the right thing. Also, some of the scenes reminded me of the Godfather, Part II. The film could have been edited a little better. Overall, I thought it was a very entertaining film.

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

To: jlpicard1703E (DVD reviewer)
James Mason did NOT play Professor Arronax in "Journey to the Center of the Earth". He did, however, play Professor Oliver Lindenbrook in that same movie. Professor Arronax was, of course, played by Paul Lucas in "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea". Incidentally I thought Mason was very good in "North by Northwest". Funny, it wasn't even mentioned in the list of his best performances by other posters. I thought Ezmarelda the seal really stole the show. Lucas and Lorre were perfectly cast too. I also bought the DVD (special edition), and think it's great. I think the companion (bonus) disc is also great. I'd highly recommend this classic DVD set to collectors.

Invaders from Mars

Saw it many times as a kid
This movie scarred the hell out of me back in 1953 (I was 9 years old at the time). However, I don't ever remember seeing the 3D version. In fact, the booklet that came with my new DVD said that the limited number of 3D cameras weren't available for use when IFM was originally made, due to a number of other 3D films being made at the same time. The negative was instead shot on the new single strip Eastman film.

Anyway, the movie was quite effective in creating a creepy and alien world in which a young boy could escape to on a Saturday afternoon. I enjoyed the story, and really didn't care about the mediocre special effects. In fact, because the story was obviously a dream, the soft focus shots and cheezy effects made it all the more surreal. I might also add that beautiful Helena Carter became my first dream babe! LOL.

Sorry Bruce Cook (an earlier reviewer), the actor who played David in IFM was named Jimmy Hunt.

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