
IMDb member since October 2011
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Little Demon

Hilarious and different
I love Dan Harmon and Aubrey Plaza so going into this show I knew I wouldn't be disappointed, and I wasn't. Every week it seems to be a little crazier and crazier, but the character development remains. You actually care about the characters. The way it devs into what Hell is, Heaven, and all the powers Satan and Chrissy have is what got me hooked. The fact religious nuts hate it is just icing on already delicious cake. The show also does a good job of addressing some real issues instead of just always being fun and crazy. It is a great mix, and you can see Harmon's fingerprints all over it. Definitely recommend.

The Sandman

Ignore the trolls and
Excellent adaptation. I guess most don't realize the source material was also very diverse and progressive. It sticks to the source very well, and the production value is top notch. There is a lot of bot accounts or trolls posting from 10 different accounts screaming "go woke go broke". They will go away due to their irrelevance, as clearly the show is still being rated well despite their best efforts. Hopefully one day that plague will be gonenl and folks will enjoy shows for what they are instead of always hunting an agenda. Great show, not perfect, but great.

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things

One word.. generic.
I enjoy the repeat day time loop movies quite a bit, with groundhog day being one of my favorite movies of all time. This movie is just thoughtless and boring. It has no direction and seems like it was just made to push something out. If you want to watch something that doesn't make you think, and will help you fall asleep with a boring, generic plot then this movie is for you. I found the main character to be absurdly annoying, and I hope I never see him in anything else. Again the only word that can really describe this movie is "generic", it is like they weren't even trying.

The Lovebirds

So bad.
So this was an absolute turd of a movie. The script was deplorable, and despite Kumail being one of my favorite comedians he could not redeem this. I was waiting for it to get better, and an hour end I was just waiting on it to be over. It was boring, there was only maybe two funny parts of the entire movie, and it was cringey I had to look away sometimes. Issa Rae may also be the most obnoxious actress I've seen in a very long time. Good thing this bomb didn't go to theaters.


Just don't get the hype..
I watched 4 1/2 episodes of this due to friends basically forcing me to, and I do not understand the hype. It is so boring from start to finish. Yes it is well shot, yes it's pretty to look at, and yes it tells an important story, I understand all of that. What I don't understand is how this has became the "best show of all time" when I fell asleep watching it numerous times. What happened at Chernobyl was a tragedy, and I have 0 doubt that the story was told as well as it possibly could be in this series. With that said, this having almost a 10 on IMDB just makes no sense to me, and I've spoken to several people who agree that it's just a super boring show that should have been done in 3 episodes instead of 5, it just drug on way too long. I hope it eventually comes down to where it belongs, which is nowhere near the top.

Kick-Ass 2

Nothing is perfect, but this was fun.
This movie is of course going to be compared to the original Kick-Ass, and in that regard it falls just slightly short. The original was just that, original.. and that is why it still is a slight step ahead. All in all though, this movie has everything you want when you go to the theater. Parts of the movie are really dark, and will bring chills. Parts of the movie are just fun to watch, and others you are cheering for the main characters.

The development of Kick-Ass himself was much needed, and what he eventually becomes will make everyone who enjoys this series excited for a Kick-Ass 3. Despite how great that was, the star of the movie was obviously Hit Girl.. she stole the show, and overshadowed everyone in each scene she was in. By the end of the movie, as some have already said, it is hard not to absolutely love her, and see her in a completely different light than the previous movie. The super villain M-Fer was also very well played, though a bit over the top even for this series at times.

The deaths in the movie of some of the characters was kind of expected, and all in all didn't leave the feeling of deep loss that was there in the original with Big Daddy. Any chill bumps you feel in this one, or watery eyes, aren't from sadness as much as exhilaration.

My only complaint about the entire movie was the final sequence, the big battle.. it just felt incredibly rushed. Having read the comics, I expected the build up for this and the event itself to be much more intense.

All in all a great movie, and I am looking forward to catching Kick-Ass 3.


Wanted to believe the fluff..
After reading the reviews, I wanted to believe the hype. I really wanted to love this movie, but in the end the beautiful cinematics and few touching scenes couldn't save an otherwise boring two hour ride. I am sure this movie has it's appeal with a large audience, but as someone who cares less about how "pretty", and more about substance, I was disappointed. The acting was good, the cinematics were good, but the storyline was drab. This movie takes two hours, to deliver an obvious ending, that is neither gratifying or overwhelming. Chloe Moretz delivers a great performance, as she always does. The station inspector was also a clever and entertaining character. All in all it isn't two hours of my life I wish I had back, and I'd recommend it to some of my friends.. but I wouldn't watch it again.

Mardi Gras: Spring Break

I rented this movie not expecting much out of it, figuring it would be a typical teen sex comedy. I was very surprised with how much I got into the movie, and that I laughed out loud throughout the movie. Of course the movie had the t&a that is expected, and the fat friend who is "extreme".. but it also had some depth and you actually cared a bit about the characters. The scene in Carmen Electra's bathroom will be one you won't be forgetting, and it only gets worse as it goes along. I've never been to Mardi Gras, but I also appreciate how they tried to capture at least a bit of the essence of the event and didn't focus entirely on the alcohol, sex, and drugs side of it. All in all a very funny movie, and one I would recommend.

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