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Pretty good
This film is for simple minded people will say intelectual snobs but they will not get it why this film is so good and innocent fun. Many critics gave it a good review and some gave it also bad review. But we know why its good and why this film is more fun and cool than many 100+ milions budget movies. We need more such movies about supernatural creatures specially werevolves and vampires. Still underrated.

The X Files: The Field Where I Died
Episode 5, Season 4

This is the only episode until 4th season which I found truly unwatchable. I dont know if it is hysterical women (Mellisa) whom I couldnt stand for 5 minutes, is it bad and boring writting or hysterical mr.Mulder and even more hysterical Skinner and Scully. Its not about past lives and so on but how badly it was acted. And yes they were all so hysterical (FBI) to choose to cease the fire and not to attack the barn while all cult memebers were drinking poison. Since FBI clearly knew this was going to happen they were responsible in a way for death of all those people. Annoying episode in every aspect. I gave it 4 stars just cause it is X-files.

The X Files: Unruhe
Episode 4, Season 4

Good episode with one of best endings
Not much more to add due to previous perfect reviews. It starts like regular x-files episode but after quality is gradually increasing till the perfect ending climax. Even more so than action part there is deep psychological part where we might learn a lot about human psyche. What if negativity that we perceive in others as monsters are actually our own monsters we fail to see. Would the world be actually a better place for all of as if we do healing on ourselves instead of judging and hating others ? What if only difference between sane and insane person is former abilty to look into themselves with pure awareness while later fail to do so and thus become paranoid instead of loving human being ? 10/10

The X Files: F. Emasculata
Episode 22, Season 2

Scully and CDC
Doey anyone feel annoyed by Scully in this episode ? Dont get me wrong it is a good episode and I like scientific approach but Scully was not very scientific here. It really pisses me off how she caused the death of that CDC doctor. She was not even properly protected and exposed the infected corpse fully knowing it is a deadly disease and very infectous. Doctor was a victim of her immature approach.

Supernatural: Heart
Episode 17, Season 2

Ups and Downs
This would deserve 10 but two important points suck. First you cannot simply cannot use such bad werewolf effects in story about them. Second really flawed explanation from Dean why Maddison should be killed. Poor explanation from Dean - if Maddison would lock herself every evening around full moon in a steel cage there is no way she could get out - even from simple room she could not escape. Even more so cause Sam is in love yet he so quickly agrees there is no other way. If you are just little bit sensitive and not low IQ brute than you can not feel increased likeness for Sam and Dean after this episode. They were acting sad yet what the did was sooo unloving. You fight for someone you love right ? And Sam did...but very very little.

The X Files: Die Hand Die Verletzt
Episode 14, Season 2

Good story weak ending
Yes all good but the end was totally forced and too quick. Mistake is that this story would need two parts and so they probably did not had that chance and just made quick weird end.

The Wolf of Snow Hollow

This film could be good if ; there was a real werewolf (it turn out to be just psycho in a suit) , if acting from Jim Cummings was not like he took too much cocaine and acted like hysterical teenager for most of the film. For me the greatest dissapointment was that mystical element was not there and then totally gone after it was revealed that killer is just psycho in a wolf suit and also quite bad neurotical acting by JC. He might be able to act but not in this film. Beautiful mountain intro was promising too much.

Batman Begins

The Greatest
This is one of greatest if not greatest superhero film ever and no need to explain why. Also we must agree that Liam Neeson as Ducard/Ra"s al Ghul overshadowed already perfected team. You even forget that he supposed to be the villain.

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Just one mistake
I will not write some more cliches about Keanu cause he is such good actor that even when not perfect he is still above average, so his "mistakes" are so obvious cause its really difficult to be good with likes of mr.Hopkins and mr.Oldman. What really bothers me is the death of Dracul at the end, cause such powerful being is not killed so easily, unless he wanted to die so his soul migh be released. It just bothers me how in films they always try to kill what is supernatural, like human life is not already boring enough. We should praise supernatural beings, not destroy them. Actully this depicts how humans try to repress their soul, spiritual aspects and live normal family lifes with focus on career. That was not meant as final potential by God at all for human beings. That is why so many wars, suicides, addictions. None can be satisfied with such an life.

Le Cinquième Élément

waste of time with good effects
Effects are good, Bruce Willis look like being forced to be there, yet only decent acting. All others look extremely annoying, shallow scenes trying to be funny and role of mr.Oldman is so disrespectful for the man of his talent that I would not be surprised if he hated mr.Besson forever. Only good thing is the beginning of movie (scenes in Egypt). Oh yes the acting of old professor and Luke Perry was good and because it was good they got only ca 10min. Scenes in the "plane" by Ruby are quite annoying and perverted. I will be honest ; most of the main characters look like they are mentally ill. (not Bruce Willis). Sadly madness, chaos and ugliness is for mr.Besson "fun".

Hemlock Grove

Annoying but...
Boring relational sentimental scenes. Boring and primitive sexual scenes. Immature characters attracted to most basic human urges. No heroes, everyone could be villains. Teenage obssesive concepts. But there is some energy behind which awakes you. You are so much aware of everything trivial of human life that you feel stronge urge to transcend it. Primitive characters, psychotic killers who act "nice" on outside and rude ones who are actually good inside etc. And most of main actors do really good job - how stupid and meaningless is existence of non-awakened human being. Also supernatural dissolve into reality and opposite in masterful way. One of really best shows involving werewolves. Not show for faint hearted. Inspite of all stupidity of characters, there is something behind it which is extraordinary. Many hates it, feel aversion. But main thing is hidden, deep, yearning for love. It is fully horror, mystical, stupid and annoying. Really good show.


This is underrated!
This is one of best tv series on this very interesting subject and sadly it is hugely underrated and missunderstood. Many try to compare with acting in other netflix series, specially in western languanges. I think it should be watched with open minded and we will see that actors are not bad at all. They are just natural and trust this is the way teens are in those countries. I am certain that those who watch it with open mind, hearts, their experience will be great and it will grow more and more on them. After all many films in the past, even films in black and white were not accepted in their time, but later were considered superb. I hope this will be also the case with Jinn. I hope more audience will watch it with open minds and they will surely crave for second season. I also hope Netflix will renew Jinn for second season despite low ratings for now, cause Jinn truly deserve it.

The Strain

Superb in any way
This is one of best tv series ever. It has everything ; horror, war, drama, action, phantasy, adventure.. you name it! And each of this genres is superbly crafted. One of most memorable scenes for me is when all jew prisoners in concentration labour prison camp was separated in different groups. Abraham hands were all broken, his fingers more precisely - by the steel power of the master. So he came in front of herr Einchorst (highest ranking officer of the camp, acted amazingly good by Richard Sammel) and when he saw his crushed finger he mercilessly pushed Abraham into terminating group, cause he was no more of use. Of course all gratefulness how amazingly Abraham crafted coffin for the master, was now forgotten. All prisoners from terminating group are kneeling in front of the big hole which is to become their grave. Soldiers aim their riffles, Abraham close his eyes few seconds before his death. Then moment before shooting prisoners german soldiers themselves were attecked by the russian army! In one moment german soldiers from predator turn into the prey. Prisoners together with Abraham escape into the woods. Such situation happen maybe in one of the 1000 cases. God have perfect plan for Abraham. Perfect plan of the Divine intelligence! It is perfect film scene, pure perfection! What was death sentence, gravely situation turned into the saving grace. It shows us that many times when our life situation look hopeless, maybe it is not so. Powerful!

American Gods

Could be good
It started promising but then turned too much into chaotic heaviness. The only scene which I like in entire show is when mr.Wednesday nod off in the car and fly with his dream body in cosmos - very nice. There are some others good scenes but entire show feels quite souless just like modern society is and that cold dark world is not close to me. Show is well made but for my taste too heavy and boring. The finaly straw for me was when Shadows wife returned from dead. It is for me one of the most averse characters ever. I hoped that leprechaun would kill her again but of course that was wain hope, she is back for good and I am gone. I read that 2nd s is even slower but for me its quite enough laura moon to be around. Good effects and acting but I dont care about any character and leprechaun is really unlucky to have to ride along dead wife, only fools could give power to such character as dead wife but this is reality actually, politicians and economists are quite like her. Gone for good.

Rusalka: Ozero myortvykh

Good underrated film
Like title suggests this film is underrated as acting is not at all bad and if you know anything about acting you can clearly see that it is on level of A actors. Also visual work is beautiful and effects decent. Story well written but some over the top scenes near the end of film which is typical for Russian movies temperament. So what is considered weird for western people is normal in Russia and many low ratings are coming from prejudice of western, mostly american. I gave it little higher rating than it deserves to support underrated rating. So film would deserve 7 and I gave it little more.


I gave it 10 stars but only cause Manx character played by Quinto is so good. He do it with perfection, amazing actor indeed. Othervise, too much emotional sentimentality from Vic, she is talented young lady though, still her character is putting me off as well as her "dull" father with constant "wise" advices which are not so wise. I seriously think that Vic should be played by someone more mature, composed, Xena like character. Then show would be much more fun. But Quinto Zachary is so good, so I half "sleep" through Vic's drama queen boring emotional scenes, and forget all that crap soon as Manx is back and he is...perfect

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: The Only Light in the Darkness
Episode 19, Season 1

Going too far
My rating is not for Shield in general, cause that would be 9! Why such low rating then ? Action good, camera great all fantastic but they want too far with stupidity of agents. Until that episode (actually it started already by end of 18th) somehow I thought high about our team and like them all (not Ward i would like him in cold cell not seeing the day again and I would not miss him) but they are little too weak in intuition.First serious flaw ; none called agent Hand to check how it went with Fridge and Garret, even normal agents are often in contact but top agents and in such wartime situation ?! Come on give me a break! Another flaw: Agent Hand was very clear about it that Fridge is well protected against attack and none is suspicious about Ward how he could return all alone! He had blood all over his face- they knew ward well enough that he would NEvER leave his face bloody, he was person that under ANY situation first clean himself, he would never come to date with blood on his face, even myself who is not agent would found this an act! Ward killed in cold blood fake clairvoyant and such top agent should never never do such mistake and they trusted him again so soon, cmon ! He pulled trigger against May after Lady Sif already stopped evil asgardian queen! I could go on and on; for example every agent should have past examined and Garret saved life of Ward, so they should think that he is devoted to him and now suddenly he will find personal pleasure in locking his cell ??! Cmon, thats another great flaw, he would feel bad about Garret and he would of course distance himself from that situation, he owe his life to Garret and now he would enjoy to lock him up! This clearly shows either he is psychopath or something else and none suspected nothing ! I truly quite enjoyed the show until that Turn turn turn episode! After that one I cannot respect those agents anymore, even Coulson was outsmarted by Ward, sad sad sad! I still watched it after but Shiled agents and specially Coulson team, lost much of my respect, I know that strong villain makes things more interesting but Shield was crushed too much, they were fooled up too much and after that episode I still like Shield but I could no more adore Coulson and his team and before I did. So Whedon family are little bit immature here. You destroy somehow heroes so they can become stronger but writers completely crushed our heroes power, confidence and even their intelligence. I think Whedons went too far, you need to know the line. But this was probably mistake of younger whedon and his wife, the older seems to be more mature. Shame they destroyed shield in first season already! Still have those super great episodes before Turn turn turn, for nice memo!

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: The Well
Episode 8, Season 1

Just perfect
We have perfect episode here and we are getting this from both our S.H.I.E.L.D. and from MCU of superheroes! I know they are connected but this is first one with quite direct connection! Trust me this is best series about superheroes out there, cause their less is more is so right on the spot. We also get so beautiful nature shots in almost each episode, plus wow shots of our bus in air. In this one we see beautiful scenery of Norway. I'm so happy to have gift of watching this and I love our heroes, they are all perfect! Thank You team :)

Luke Cage

Nothing but the Ten
Like in title, this show deserve nothing but ten! I have watched many marvel and other superhero movies and tv series but LC (Luke Cage) have something unique and is actually more together with X-men franchise than MCU (marvel cinematic universe), cause it is very precise at showing real life struggles and hard life of crime. It is actually so realistic, acting is so well done that is often not feeling like acting I am so sucked up in the story, it feels like real life and not like movie! In most marvel movies you are aware it is movie except few truly good ones, like Hulk and Iron Man where you feel something similar like in LC but still Luke wear the very crown, like Biggie in Cottonmouth office! BTW the actor who played the Cottonmouth character did it truly in a style he did perfect job, I think he will hit huge fame after the show, superb job indeed! I know what is good movie and know why movies like Godfather, Shining or the Psycho are legendary and LC is close in quality! I truly see no reason why they cancelled the show it is just huge mistake. Story makes you crave for more, it is touching all people are important here no less than our hero Luke, cause he knows very well that no human beings are small and greatness of his mission comes right from all those people! Without people there is no LC, so great work is done with characters development, camera is great, effects so realistic. If you have some knowledge about good movies you cannot give this series low rating..


Simple but effective
I am quite amazed and pleased how many positive reviews this movie got, cause it was quite poorly received by critics in general. But often what critics write and what audience write do not match at all. I will not judge neither, but I am 100% movies and life in general could be enjoyed much more by not living in the head too much. So I can enjoy and have tremendous fun by many movies that are simply destroyed by top critics and this is one of them. Actin is simple, even horrible at some instances, but still..fun ! Critics said movie took itself too seriously..nope, critics took movie too seriously, I did not, so it was huge fun for me most of the time ! Wild Joe character was soo cool, he should had much more acting time and do more fighting, he looked so badass ! But best role was for sure alfa wolf male, Connor - leader of savage pack, powerful and charismatic werewolf everybody feared (with reason). Connor really is above all with his acting, still they made him little bit stupid looking, he have so much more potential which wasn't used by movie director at all ! I just knew Jason Momoa who played Connor Slaughter have so much more talent than it was used for movie, I just saw and felt huge power in him, for example I thought that his eyes were made so shinny for the movie, but he really do have so powerful eyes ! Today Momoa is known for playing Aquaman in DC EXtended Universe and he is currently on 4th place of popularity on popular movie site IMDb, yup he is top deal now and I just knew he have that potential, he is amazing !! Another thing, reviewers all the time mention this movie have low budget (18M), which is not low at all, you would me amazed how many Hollywood most popular and successful movies have lower budget than 10M, and movies with such budgets (if they succeed) bring most profit, cause they are made with couple milions and they bring profit of many milions, plus we are so spoiled nowadays, do you know first Alien was made for I think for no more than 2-3M, it was in 1980, but still, point is that if movie is well made, it can be amazing for less than 10m budget and it can suck totally for budgets beyond 50M$, yup that's the way it is ! One more thing, werewolfs in this movie looks just amazing, they are awesome !! Out

Wolf Lake

Another awesome show cancelled !
This post have no spoilers, I only wish that more and more viewers would

get to know about this truly wonderful show so it is all about supporting this and similar shows ! Something need to be done seriously, for example I have very good idea how to support great show which get cancelled by TV network cause it is not fulfilling their greedy expectations. Idea is to organize petition by the fans of the show which includes their valid informations of course and then send open letter to TV network, that fans of the show would like the network to continue with the show or fans will simply stop watching all other shows on that particular network, so by loosing many viewers I think network would seriously consider to continue with the show ! Such petitions already happened and I think even Family Man when still at the beginning got support from fans cause TV network had intention to cancel it ! Of course such petition would only work if got support from enough fans and also ALL of them should firmly stick to decision to boycott network (in this particular case CBS) until they decide to continue with the show ! I think sincerely that such good quality show as Wolf Lake deserves such support and also some others that were good but cancelled to soon. Many complain how angry they are for their beloved show have been cancelled but how many of us are truly ready to support our dear show seriously with mentioned petition, for example I would immediately support such petition if someone would organize it ! I am not able to organize such thing, I know many are capable of that, but I would support it for sure!

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Yes !
This is soo awesome, its like watching so many new movies and trust me I know and love all movies in Star Wars franchise very well, (yes first three including) Perhaps this is one of best proves how first three movie prequels which got so much unfair low ratings and attacks on genius as is Lucas himself (specially that awful low IQ song about him GL raped our childhood..)made more than enough sense ! If he made Star Wars (are those fools who attack Him aware He is Creator of Star Wars ??!!) in the first place,of course he would knew very well how to make prequels as well !! SO they are same level loved by me as 4,5,6 episodes are ! And then he made animated CLone Wars (2008),I didn't watch them yet before now cause I didn't expect cartoons to be of any interest for me. But I gave it a try and I am soo impressed, wow what a gem ! There is action filled with emotions, great effects..and awesome stories, so so good ! No doubt about highest rating here for me ! I also watched briefly SW Rebels and they are also awesome but not so much as Clone Wars for me, probably cause CW was directed still by Georce the Boss Lucas and Rebels are not (but still great animation series) So I am changing big time my concepts that animations cannot be entertaining, they can even more than movie if well made !! I hope many more enjoy this as much as I do :-))


This film is underrated
They did incredible job for low budget film. The atmosphere is silent - proper, you can feel the darkness, loneliness of that forrest and heroes and its quite perfect in junction with the train. The characters are not trying to be symphatetic but you still feel for them. Should got better ratings.


Oh yeah !
I truly don't know what to say about this movie, which got already all

possible praises and all possible critics ! But I will write what I can

from my heart, cause my post cannot match any reviews from grammatical

super humans and ultra intelligent movie critics ! OK lets start :

This movie is directed by one of my favorite film directors Sam Raimi who directed and produced so many good movies and one I love the most is TV series adaptation of Evil Dead (also directed by him) movie, Ash vs Evil Dead which also have mostly positive reviews by top critics. I think ratings go well over 90% on rotten tomatoes !

Spider-Man is supremely made from beginning till end. Every scene is so fresh, playful, innocent and there is no second of boredom in this one ! I think its the best movie of all movies about Spider- Man and they surely knew why Sam Raimi would be perfect man for directing it ! Special effects are just right amount and they don't look artificial at all ! You really have feeling like being part of this world of super heroes and super villains ! So if you wanna movie to look good give it to Spielberg, Peter Jackson or Sam Raimi ! In all three cases you cannot miss ! Acting could be flawed but movie will look good ! Cause I really love movies about super heroes, with Superman first part being one of my favorite movies ever, but I love also Batman and actually all marvel produced world of super heroes, including X-men franchise (Nine movies until 2016, Deadpool is really great, as well as all others, yup I like also those three banned by critics) Why I wrote this review in 2016 if movie was made 2002 ? I always loved this movie,I guess I would like to support its ratings to go for tiny bit higher ! So for me everything is perfect in this movie - acting, effects, story, scenery for me all this is 10/10 ! On of rare movies I can say that without least doubt ! Just one more thing- 3rd part of Spider Man from 2007(also directed by Sam Raimi) was little bit over criticized by movie critics ! I know they know what to write, they are not stupid of course, but still maybe we became little to spoiled by both mega successful and genius parts before that one (2002 and 2004) cause they said ; in this 3rd part problem is there is too much of everything, but I think Sam Raimi just wanted to conclude franchise with spectacular finish, so in my eyes it was unjustly rated and my rate for all three parts is 10/10 without any doubt ! Thank You Sam for so many excellent movies and to make our life more fun !!

Andròn: The Black Labyrinth

There's no Light !
Remember those days of your life when you were depressed and just saw everything blurred, gray and lifeless. Like world and life had no colors.. or at least no happy, joyful and light colors. I felt similarly watching this movie right from begin till end. I have no intention to disgrace director of this movie, I am just sincerely writing about my experience watching this film. Movie started lifelessly, continued lifelessly and ended so. Acting was similar, like they all actors suffered from deep depression and under influence of some heavy medicine which made their perception and mind just dark and heavy. I also felt during movie like I cannot breath deeply at all and had just limited amount of air before I died -I felt like being in suffocating room with no air or stucked in some pipe and couldn't really move much ! I remember my gut feeling telling me before watching movie that it sucks and that only my time and energy will be wasted. It was true, that subtle gut feeling. I also remember wanting to watch Spider- man from 2002 by Sam Raimi. I regretted for not listening my guidance ! Or I should have done something more useful for me or others.! It was truly torture to watch this and I love movies. Why would someone made movie where you feel just worse and worse as watching the movie ?? This movie could parents use as effective means for punishing the naughty children ! Or state could punish criminals by forcing them to watch this movie 3 times per day. That would be more than enough !

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