
IMDb member since December 2003
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Monster Makers

A fun slice of retro heaven!
Definitely a piece of harmless fun - so stated by the fact that it is a Hallmark production! An updated version (although at times slightly scary for younger viewers) of every B-movie that MST3K (heaven!) loves to comment on. The storyline concerns an old film that has been banned from exhibition after its preview night due to 'monsters' literally jumping off the screen. Fast-forward 50-years-later and we find the director (George Kennedy) living alone and looking for a nurse to take care of him as he, apart from other ailments, has difficulty in sleeping - kinda surprising as he keeps dozing off! His newly hired nurse (Linda Blair) and her son (Tim McCallum) move in with him, and while helping to clear the basement of old props the son finds the copies of his supposedly unreleased (or 'unrealeased' if you read the website on-screen) of his movie 'Monsters On The Loose'. I don't want to give too much away but if you have younger children or adore Linda Blair you can't go wrong!

The Mighty Celt

Kes becomes Celt!!
After waiting a year for this movie (everyone on GAGC was waiting from pre-production onwards!), I must say that it was indeed worth the wait. The acting was superb (wee Tyrone McKenna was some discovery! Hope to see him in other productions!) and the accents virtually flawless considering that the main actors aren't even Northern Irish. I found this film to be engrossing and had to prevent myself from almost chanting "Go Celt!" during the greyhound-racing sequences! It's not often that you find a film you can't take your eyes off, but I'd definitely count this as one of them! This is a wee gem of a film and if you get a chance to see it on the big screen, GO FOR IT!!!

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