
IMDb member since November 2011
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    12 years



A little off putting
I love kat dennings and I like the idea of this show but it's really off putting that because a girl is reserved and doesn't like going out and partying is being shamed is stupid. Maybe her friends could've made more of an effort to do the things she liked ? Not everyone is an outgoing strong minded woman and you shouldn't have to feel bad about that.

2 Broke Girls

I love this show
Max says everything a waitress wants too but can't. SATISFYING

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

So, so bad
I wanted to love this show . I was completely fine with it not being like the sitcom . I love dark shows and witches but Sabrina is so annoying . The writing is so corny and Sabrina and Zelda speak so stuck up. Not because of Zelda's accent . When Sabrina goes of on her little rants her voice gets so uppity. And she's a terrible actor . Also do we really need to get political ? No one in high school acts like this . Sooooo bad

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