Reviews (1)

  • Ok, as many people know (especially my site visitors) I LOVE bad horror movies. Especially when they are just gory, boob filled orgies of sex and meaningless violence. I cannot help it. it is born in me. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE good films too! I can appreciate fine horror art. but sometimes a crappy, laugh filled, booby showing, blood spraying, no plot having film can be fun to pass the time. And Delta Delta Die is no exception. This films is what bad horror is all about. Boobs, fins looking women in little nighties, blood, gore, sick plot, etc. it IS entertaining, and it is a fun flick. is the catch: Brinke Stevens. The time has come to let it go. Brinke was NEVER THAT hot to begin with, and time after time, I see films which exploit her body left and right. One in particular was Demon Lust (which also starred a rather chunky Tom Savini as a yo-yo loving mob thug). I mean, sure, full frontal nudity is lovely, but when the woman is an aging, flat-chested, not that hot to begin with actress, it is not needed. Everyone wants to see this woman naked on film. Everyone advertises her as the SCREAM QUEEN. Well, you are wrong! Linnea Quigley, Jamie Lee Curtis, Fay Ray, Syn DeVil, Debbie Rochon, etc...these girls are scream queens. Brinke, is not.

    Now, do not misunderstand me here...I am not saying we do not owe Brinke alot for all the work she has done. B-grade horror would be at a loss without all of her roles, for sure. For that I am grateful. She has brought alot to the horror genre. However: I am seeing film after film using her in roles that are just pathetic. Using her past sexually based roles and a vehicle to exploit her name in new, NON-sexual roles is just a film-maker bait and switch technique to get us to buy the dvd's.

    Brinke, I love ya...But please, pick some roles that do not rely on your name alone to sell the film. Pick a role that lets you act as I know you can. I have all your films. I know you can act. You do not need to f**k every guy in the film and run naked through the woods for 9 0minutes to sell a film. And for god's sake pick a role with decent dialogue! Where do these writer's learn their technique??!!! JEEZ!

    So is Delta Delta Die a good film? Well, sure, if you are not looking for the next Halloween, or Friday the 13th franchise. It goes along with other sorority house films such as Slumber Party Massacre and House On Sorority Row. Watch it, and you will be entertained."stimulated".

    I liked the film. I just had to rant about this whole Brinke Stevens thing. I hate seeing unused talent.

    One last thing: Tiffany Shepis...OMFG! What a babe!