
IMDb member since December 2003
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Out of Hand

The Queen of Tubi
My girl has done it again! Girlboss multi-hyphenate Louise Linton has a return to form after the misstep that was Chick Flick. All the Linton signatures are here- bisexual lighting, an accent thats all over the place, designer outfits that she most likely brought home after the shoot since shes a producer, inexplicable work out buddies, getting off on dating a younger man, everyone plotting to murder everyone else, and lesbian sex scenes where you can tell Steph Mnuchin is hiding in a closet gooning. The addition of Billy Baldwin wearing the worst hair piece of all time and looking like he was just shot in the face with an air cannon is a nice bonus. Get blitzed and watch this with friends for a Bad Movie Night and you will have a great time.

Also fun fact, the character's last name is CROSS by on the imdb description of the movie its spelled C-R-O-S, missing that final S.

Chick Flick

This one's no Me You Madness
So, I spent my hard earned money on a physical DVD from Amazon of this movie, after being stupefied by Linton's last movie Me You Madness. A group of us got together after a long bout of day drinking to watch this movie, so we were in the proper state of mind to appreciate it. We were absolutely bored to tears. What a mess. You can really tell the parts of the movie that were shot in 2013 and the parts of the movie reshot by Linton in 2018. About 60% of the movie is Linton giving a voice over commentary of what her character is doing on screen. All the actors in the movie are great but that cant help a movie thats been cut and sewn together more times than Linton's face. I advise you go watch Me You Madness another time instead of this one.

Me You Madness

What if the most spoiled person alive paid the Make-A-Wish Foundation to forget about kids with cancer and make all of her dreams come true?
If you were born into a rich family that owns a castle in Scotland, and then you married an even richer guy with ties to both the movie industry and who also was a member of the largest government on earth, and then you also had a genie that could grant you 3 wishes, what would you do? I am pretty sure you would make this movie too.

This is a fever dream of a movie made by someone drunk on power, and its amazing. Auteur Theory confirmed, baby!

I'm 99.9% sure that this movie was not just a vanity project, but a way for someone involved in production to embezzle large sums of money from the US Government. As a proud American, I am happy to be a co-producer on this film. The New York Times reported that Louise Linton wears 42 outfits in this movie. Dang, I wonder where all of those costumes ended up after the movie was finished, probably with the producer. Who produced this movie you say, oh that's interesting!

I have seen this movie over 10 times, no lie. I still can't believe it. Like, Linton fills the movie with music from the 80s. Why? Just because she liked it growing and up and when you have unlimited money, you can do that kind of thing. I wish more rich people made insane movies like this as opposed to buying websites and running them into the ground.

Linton girlbossed her way into an extremely fun movie. The crew that was hired was for the most part all extremely qualified and true professionals. The movie itself looks like a million (stolen) bucks! Big props to the gaffer and their one Astera AX-1 8 bulb kit, you may not know that light by name, but by the end of the movie you will know what they look like. They are the neon blue and pink lights that are in almost every scene shot in the house. We love Bisexual lighting, dont we folks?

I really have a good time with this movie, and show it to everyone I can. We play a drinking game for it. Drink every costume change, drink whenever she breaks the 4th wall. In fact at a certain point, Ed Westwick meta-breaks the 4th wall while Linton is breaking the 4th wall. We call it, breaking the 16th wall. It's sublime.

Love you Louise, signed, the internet's self-proclaimed Me You Madness Expert.


Student Short Cinema at its Best
I saw this short student film at the annual Film Festival at Hofstra University in Spring 2004 and was enthralled and blown away with it. All elements of the production were of the highest level exceeding that of a student film. The story was hilarious, Jesus is now the king of the zombies and eats his apostles. Pilot acts as the Bruce Campbell of the film and suits up to clean up the mess. At the showing i saw, several people got up in the middle of the film due to their outrage with the material; which was satirized extremely effectively. Special effects, cinematography, and humor are the highlights of this enjoyable short.

Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme

A horrid movie, i show it to all my friends & we lampoon it
I have read several reviews and message board entries on here, and the problem with you guys is that you are remembering it from the context of a 6 year old. I still own a copy and i tote it along everywhere i go and show it to film friends of mine and we cry with laughter.

This movie is the worst rubbish imaginable. Our only guess to why all these people agreed to do this movie is to fulfill a court order of community service hours. The acting is horrendous, our lead actress Shelly Duvall takes the taco here pal. (the only good acting comes from Gordon through out the entire movie, luckily) The costumes should be illegal, ex: the Stray Cats bar. Some of the Rhymies are just plaster masks loosely attached. it makes me sad for Rick Baker. The downright gumption of the producers to get away with the poorly construed innuendo's of Woody Harrelson's Little Lamb, makes me sigh. This movie can probably seen as a metaphor for the consumerism and facade of the world of the 1980s.

The only redeeming part of this movie is the fake 80s hair band dungeon torture sequence. I like singing along with the words on screen.

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