Reviews (16)

  • Terrible acting, terrible writing and zero chemistry between the main leads. He is a jerk, she is clueless and no amount of Hallmark magic is going to save this. I have been a huge Hallmark fan for years, but this past year or two has been a major disappointment. Hallmark is trying new faces, but the casting crew is doing a poor job of finding compatibility. I appreciate the effort, because it was getting tiresome of 40 year old single gal or guy meeting up with their former lover/high school sweetheart 20+ years later, both still single and stuck in bad relationships. Hallmark has needed fresh faces for years. So here's hoping they can find some who can also act.
  • This past year, Hallmark movies have been very disappointing. The writers just have not been able to get out of their own way, continually falling back on tired stories and too often used tropes. There were two different stories that were intertwined, both revolving around lost love. Tyler Hynes, a longtime Hallmark leading actor was paired with Holland Roden, an excellent addition to the Hallmark family. Elizabeth (Roden) receives a voicemail that was intended for Madelyn (Meghan Gardiner), which was from Madelyn's former boyfriend, Carter (Steve Bacic). Elizabeth teams up with longtime friend Josh (Hynes) to try to find Madelyn. The acting was excellent and the way the writers tied together the two stories kept my interest throughout.
  • This was not one of Hallmark's better efforts. One issue is the complete lack of chemistry between Alison Sweeney and Luke Macfarlane. First time I have seen Macfarlane not connect with his leading lady. As someone who has always admired Marlo Thomas and enjoyed her performances over the year, I was disappointed that her role was so quirky and off center. I do not know what is happening over at Hallmark, but the quality of the Countdown to Christmas movies this year have been a disappointment. This film was so slowly paced and at no time did I feel the main characters were a match. I just kept hoping the story would develop, but it never did.
  • Hallmark has finally made Andrea Brooks the lead in one of their movies. This is way past due. She and Marcus Rosner made a good couple in this fun and silly rom-com. A fine supporting cast of Lucie Guest, Ashley Ross and Nathan Witte helped make this one of HM's better movies this season.
  • I have always been a fan of Kaley, but four is too much. Such a great cast of actors, so give them a chance to shine. Also, to the writers, who answers every phone call, regardless of whatever ridiculous situation they are facing?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I like the cast, but the interaction between the two main characters is getting tiresome after 3 episodes. For an unauthorized purchase of $2 million he should have been fired on the spot. Why do writers have to use absurdity instead of smart storylines?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I just love this series and this episode was the best. The contrast between the river crossing and Elsa playing the piano was excellent. I so look forward to each episode and the fate of Elsa. We only know for sure from Yellowstone that James, Margaret and John complete the journey. And she does have an arrow through her from a previous look ahead. But obviously, we need her narration for many seasons to come.
  • Thru episode 4, I have been very disappointed with the writing. Ricky's fear of Connie is so annoying. Man up, young man. And Jack continues to make poor decisions. He won't address the issues with Charmaine and then whines about it. It is probably too late for season 3, but I hope there are new writers for season 4.
  • Hallmark appears to be moving from their formulaic norm. If this is an example, they need to fire their writers and start over again. The main character is a selfish, inconsiderate woman who is ruining her sister's wedding because she does not realize how horribly she is behaving and her sister, future BIL and former boyfriend are too spineless to stand up to her. I could not even finish the second half, it was so awful. Made all the more difficult because I really like the actress, played by Brooke D'Orsay.
  • I will never understand why Hallmark insists on casting Brennan Elliott as a leading man. He never connects with his leading ladies. He just always seems aloof. His best performance was as the villain in Kiss at Pine Lake, where his insincerity fits his character. Sarah Drew was wonderful carrying the movie. The rest of the cast was also very enjoyable. And the film captured the beauty of Vienna at Christmas time. Christmas in Europe is so much better than here in the States.
  • Noah was completely miscast. And the writing was disappointing. There was absolutely no reason for Lilly to have feelings for Noah. For Hallmark's first foray into interracial relationships of main characters, I expected much more.
  • Ferrell was stilted and out of his element. Dreyfus was the highlight, but was not able to carry the entire movie. The writing was uneven and created side stories that really did not fit the characters. They created such awkward situations that made viewing painful.
  • Really enjoyed this movie. It is not often that I laugh out loud during a Hallmark movie, but this was a fun movie. Brittany Bristow should have been a lead long before now.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Tonight was the last time I will watch The Good Doctor. I was pulling for a show that shows growth. But Shawn's inability to grow clearly shows he is not a suitable doctor. And the writers seem to think his continual breakdowns make for good drama. It does NOT.
  • I love the cast, but the December releases were so disappointing. I know of no family that uses profanity to this extent. And every release, the same stupid decisions by Colt, the same anger between Colt and Beau. Sam Elliott is a great actor and his talent is totally wasted with poor writing. He has become the Clint Eastwood angry old man of TV. At least Eastwood has redeemed himself with The Mule. Very disappointed that Masterson is gone and Kutcher did not have the guts to fight for him. Still no charges filed. The writing has deteriorated. I hope the show can be salvaged.
  • I was put off with some of the unnecessarily violent scenes, but I love MIB and I am enjoying the ride. And then, wow! The story took a sharp right turn and now I have to wait another week to see how it unfolds.