
IMDb member since December 2003
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The Prince and the Pauper

Contains possible spoilers for those who don't know the story
I don't know if Disney is the only animation company that can pull off a good mix of genuine drama and comedy in a 25-minute cartoon, but they probably are the only ones willing to try.

This cartoon is fantastic! It has more class in its short length than some "hit" animated movies these days have in their whole digitized-thrill-ride selves. The emotional depths reached here are jaw-dropping, from the Prince hearing children complain of hunger (and then say that it's normal), to the death of the king, and some of Captain Pete's reign of terror thrown in for good measure. And that's just the dramatic side.

The comedy here also works well. As usual, the Disney crew hits Goofy and Donald with everything they can, extracting every possible gag and joke from the scenes they're in. Even Pluto is granted some fine moments (with some very memorable expressions that remind you of why you own a dog in the first place). Plus, there's a rollicking arrangement of "La donna è mobile," when Mickey and Goofy sing about what they'd do if they could live like the king.

The cartoon also works as an adventure film on par with those of Errol Flynn. Both Mickeys are granted some subtle moments: Pauper Mickey, for instance, just before he orders Pete's arrest, has a rather shifty expression you wouldn't expect for a Disney movie of any length (don't blink or you'll miss it). The musical score also raises the cartoon to a level unthought of by other cartoonists; I turn up my TV's volume whenever the coronation scene starts because the music is phenomenal. It's almost too good for the movie.

In short, if you want a great adventure that works for all ages (not just young kids--I'm 18 and watch this almost every other week), with a great mix of comedy and drama, plus a well- written score, please watch this.

Unfortunately, it's not widely available. It was originally released as a short film before "The Rescuers Down Under," I believe, during the latter's theatrical run. I own it on video, as part of the Disney Mini-Classics series, but I think it's been discontinued. I would like to find this on DVD, but I don't know if it's available, either alone or with other cartoons. If it's not out, it should be.

The Vagina Monologues

It's not the best I've seen
I've always been a fan of The Vagina Monologues, and even did a few for a speech competition in high school, but I don't think that Eve does the greatest job with some of the monologues. The film version didn't match up to a live production that I saw in my hometown. See The Vagina Monologues live to get the full effect. It feels more universal with 20 women onstage, rather than one.

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