
IMDb member since December 2011
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The Mysterious Monsters

Laugh now but remember this......
I vividly remember seeing this as a 10 year old in the theatre and just recently rewatched it. Yes, it's a cheap production with non actors and no budget it couldn't help but bring me back to that theatre in a wave of nostalgia. Laugh now but remember this cheesy "documentary" scared the &$#* out of me and every other kid in that theatre in 1975. It wasn't what you were watching that scared you but WHAT IF what you were watching actually happened that terrified you. I can't begin to tell you how many times my friends and I scattered when so much as a squirrel would rustle the leaves at night when we were out walking in the woods after dark. Bigfoot was always there in the back of our minds and we had TWO cheezy 70's flicks to blame for it. This and the LEGEND OF BOGGY CREEK. I'd give anything to be living back in that age of innocence again...

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