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Safe Haven

A big No
After watching this movie I just had to write review for the first time. If you have any expectations don't watch this movie. I didn't read the book, but this movie have killed my every wish to do that. It gives you feeling that scenes have been cut off, you gain no familiarity to characters, and they will never let you join the true story. Okay, we have some dark beginning, tormented women, who after 3 days at seaside forgets everything, looks amazing and so quickly falls for a guy that it is funny. I love Josh Duhamel, but that is all I loved about this movie. Everything happening so fast, but yet, making audience bored, well, that's a quality we most certainly look in a movie. I was so disappointed, that only tears coming from me were for my wasted time. I regret watching this "la la la" movie. Guess, Notebook was one of a kind for Sparks, and since then he just gets worse with time. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME.

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