
IMDb member since January 2004
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Manos: The Hands of Fate

Hal Warren -- The Lloyd Kauffman of his time.
I hear all these negative comments about "Manos" The Hands of Fate and I just don't get it. "Manos" was fantastic. A great film.

Yes, let me repeat that: A GREAT FILM.

No I'm not sick, I'm not insane, and I definantly have a clear sense of reality.

"Manos" was a great film. It had it's charms. No it wasn't well made. The production values sucked. The acting (thanks most probably from the dubbing) wasn't spectacular.. But the movie was great. It imbodied the central idea of an independant film.

It showed us that even a fertilizer salesman from El Paso can make a film that gains any sort of status (in this case, cult status.)

Sure, Hal Warren's dead and gone, but "Manos" is still here, it lives on, and look at where it is now? It was on MST3K, and the main reason why any of us really know the movie exists. You can go online or to your local video retailer and pick up the MST3K version. Heck, is selling the original version of it.

What I think "Manos" really stood for was that anybody could make a movie. Hal Warren did in 1966, and it's something people still do today. Sure it's more difficult now. But look at Lloyd Kauffman and Troma entertainment. He's doing the same thing now that Warren did in '66, and people love his stuff.

If anything, that's what "Manos" is a good movie for... That and Torgo. I don't think anyone can ever make a more memorable character... The master would not approve... It'll be dark soon.


Caused me unspeakable amounts of pain.
Thanks to this movie, I had Arch Hall Jr's terrible singing voice singing about Vicky for a week. It almost drove me mad. If your one who easily gets songs stuck in ones head, this is a movie you would do well to avoid.

Other than that, it had some real camp value.. Not enough Go-Go Dancing though.

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