
IMDb member since January 2012
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A Good Person

Stop using your phone while driving
This movie has missed a great lesson. The main character constantly says that the car accident was not her fault but it was, cause she used her phone while driving. She looked at her phone's screen instead of focusing on the road and still she believes it was not her fault. It was your fault that two people lost their lives. Stop using your phone while driving. Focus on the road.

Every action in life has consequences. Use a hands-free device ( e.g. Bluetooth) but only to turn it on and off. That text or any other notification can wait. It's not worth killing people just to check your messages or seeing notifications.

Nahang e Anbar

the best iranian comedy ever created.
I don't know what to say.I've seen this movie 7 times and still i can't stop laughing.this movie has some aspects that you must be an Iranian to understand .if you have not lived in those years you just won't get it.some part of the movie ,pictures the past when i was a kid (13 years old)and everybody wanted to look like Michael Jackson and all we listened was MJ and Eagles and bee gees.we enjoyed the western movies and music but the suppressing government just wouldn't allow it.having a video player was a felony back in the day.but we lived the fullest and we enjoyed it.nowadays the music industry is just trash i miss those 80s songs. But watch it even if you are not an Iranian.this movie is a gem.

Mahi va gorbeh

A complete waste of time.
well this movie was a complete waste of time. i don't know why it had been given so many prizes intentionally? It's boring as hell and it's not even like a horror movie.there were so much buzz about this movie that i was excited to watch it but i was bored 10 minutes in. It seems the director wanted to make a horror movie but failed to do's a big problem in Iranian cinema. the directors just don't know how to make a good horror movie like Hollywood does.just following the people with a camera and blurting out nonsense dialogues won't make a movie good enough to watch.this movie didn't even followed a certain was like you are following a bunch of clueless people going around. Don't waste your time. go and watch something else.

The Physician

This movie is a lie,Ibn Sina didn't commit suicide
First of all, I'm a Persian and we know the biography of Ibn Sina (Avicenna) by heart, he is our pride. He was a genius polymath That could never be born again and this movie just ruined it for Outsiders who didn't know this man. This movie just glorifies that English kid who was nothing compared To Ibn Sina and it's such a shame. This movie shows that Ibn Sina was against dissection and that English kid teaches him about that, but it's not true, if you read His famous book called "The canon of medicine" you could find a Whole volume about human anatomy explained in detailed description. The Canon of Medicine remained a medical authority for Centuries and this book is not only about medicine, it's about Everything in life. It's one of the most precious books of all time And he wrote around 400 more books. He wrote professionally about Theology, Physics, philosophy, chemistry, poetry, psychology, earth Sciences, astronomy,astrology and logic. Ibn Sina spent his last 12 years in a relative peace in Isfahan, serving the city's ruler as his adviser and physician as well as working extensively on various branches of knowledge. He died from severe colic in 1037, aged only 58.(So young,So soon) Don't recommend this film to anyone because it's a huge lie. I wish someday we could restore his greatness by a making true movie.


The bittersweet taste of tragedy
There are times when you feel alone in this vast universe.Times when No one seems to understand you,no one seems to care. When a tragedy happens,you become another person, your life changes for the better and worse. When you feel that loneliness ,that stupidity of life and how meaningless it is. How fragile it could be. how easy it is to lose a beloved one.some one you cared for so much and no one cares. After a while you look around,seeing people doing their chores,laughing,crying,... living the life that you once had.the carefree life that you wish you could go back to but it's impossible. A tragedy will change you and if you are that strong to move on with life,that strong to overcome the urge of suicide, it will make another person out of the broken you. A tragedy will give you a new prospective. it will open your eyes to the simple beauties in life,even if that's a simple wish. A cake.

Tanha do bar zendegi mikonim

Lonely people
Well,there were days that i was searching for a good Iranian movie and i couldn't find one then suddenly i found this gem. I call this movie a gem because it's really a different movie in Iranian cinema and it shows something new.the storyline is not repeated. The movie is about a man who found his life so hopeless and lonesome he wants to commit suicide on his birthday.he call himself a dead man walking and before his birthday he wants to do everything that he couldn't have the courage to do before. In the meantime he met this young energetic girl who changed his life.there is a particular scene i really that scene the girl told him "today is cloudy and dark,i hate these kinda days,i love sunny days,let's hope for the sun together so it shines away." then the girl left the car and went somewhere in the meantime that the man is waiting for her,he fell asleep and when he woke up with her sound calling his name,he sees that the clouds are gone and sun is shining now. this scene which is so bright and sunny shows how love can change our cold and cloudy lives to some beautiful sunny ones.

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