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Blind Dating

It's fun...could have been better
I just saw this movie at the AFI Dallas Film Festival. You can tell from the movie poster that the movie is intended to be taken light heartedly and be fun. Which I thought it was.

The main character, Danny, is blind and a virgin. He is not looking only for sex but for a relationship and something that has meaning. His brother does not understand this and sets Danny up on a slew of bad dates; ranging from the overly emotional to the very promiscuous. Danny finally meets someone on his own, Leeza, who works at his eye doctor's office. Leeza is Indian and engaged but still goes out with Danny. She falls for him but chooses her fiancée over him for cultural reasons. Danny and Leeza are separated and go through some ups and downs but ultimately they end up together.

I enjoyed this movie. It was funny and I thought Chris Pine (Danny) did a very good job. But I think this movie could have been more than it was. The two main characters obviously have stresses in their lives which I feel could have been explored more. But instead the movie focuses on the pranks that get pulled on Danny and the various nut-jobs his brother sets him up with. Personally I would have liked to see Danny and Leeza's relationship become deep and really feel their connection over the sometimes crude humor. I would have liked to see more of Leeza struggling with the cultural differences rather than a few teary eyes when she is at dinner with her family. Being of Indian descent I felt some of her insecurity, but I think had she been more developed more everyone could have really felt it. Chris Pine is lovable, kind, and clever as he gets back at his brother and takes his life into his own hands.

Overall, its a fun watch. Don't go in expecting anything profound, but expect a few crude jokes and take the movie for what it is. A comedy about a cute blind guy going on dates.

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