
IMDb member since January 2004
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X Company

Well done
I having grown up in Canada have been so used to poor acting and poorly filmed shows. I remember how happy we were finally getting cable so we didn't have to watch CBC. BUT as of late things have been picking up; e.g.. Flashpoint, Vikings and now X-Company. Good acting,entertaining, and 8 out of ten special effects. There is one special effect that was quite blatantly off but I appreciate that more than some crappy CGI effect. I know dh-t21 didn't like it but his review was less than informative and juvenile. (Maybe upset that it is mentioned the US doesn't enter the war until later :) Anyway the characters thus far are deep and well-portrayed. Lots of emotion in this first episode and some good British actors who add realism.

I hope that the season continues and all 8(?) episodes are broadcast and not replaced by something else.

The Day After Tomorrow

Some good effects but basically stupid movie
Besides the unreal climate changes which we can forgive for an exciting movie there are other annoying scenes. Why throw in the kid with cancer? This added absolutely nothing to the story. And at the end where the Mexicans finally open their border to the US citizens when the president agrees to forgive all Latin American debt. Uh? Like there would be any debt anymore? Like there would be a United States anymore? Or a president? Or money for that matter? That was probably the sickest part of this whole dumb movie. Also a little fire made of books (why not the furniture?) kept people alive in an old non-airtight building in 150 degrees below zero? Oh, right, the average movie goer has a grade eight education.

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