
IMDb member since January 2004
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Swedish culture through four fathers and their stories.
The movie is very long and hard to get at first. It takes a bit of time to understand how the four different stories relate to one another. The theme they are pushing on is fatherhood. All stories are somehow related to fathers. The story hands us an insight in the swedish culture and how it affects the different characters in their unique stories that the movie tells us about. How you "should" react in different situations and how people around you react when difficult problems hit you.

I for one enjoyed the movie and i often recognised the characters from my normal day life. It reflected the swedishness in a way that i never have seen before. This I think, is a movie for those who more or less understand the typical Swedish culture. If you like it you should also look into "Ben & Gunnar - En Liten Film Om Manlig Vänskap" which is another "Killinggänget" production.

Mad Dog Time

It stands out because it´s different. You like it or you don´t.
When seeing this movie you should take notice to that it´s not a normal movie. It has no real story just characters, a bunch of gangster characters who come together in a perfect harmony. The dialogue is wonderful, you can just lay back and listen. The movie stands out thats why it´s hard to find a right way of describing it.

Thats why the user comments on this movie is so mixed.

I for one love the movie and recommend it to all who love one-liners and things that differ from the "normal". You can´t really put the finger on what´s so wonderful about it it´s just a comical world where gangsters rule. A place of love and danger. A movie that you can see more than one time.


It gives you the sense of how people act in public versa home
Dogville for me is a movie about human nature. The dark side of it. It is a movie about how people react and act in public and how they really feel and act at home. As soon as something is changed in public, you change. Acting as the others, doing what the others feel accepted and falling to your raw animal instincts. It´s a really strong movie and not a movie that i want to see again. But it is a good movie that makes you think.

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