
IMDb member since January 2012
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The Truth About Jim

This documentary was misnamed
This documentary isn't really about Jim. It's about the people he left in his wake trying to live their lives and make sense of what they experienced.

There are some rabbit trails, like when we spend time on speculation about whether Jim is the Zodiac killer, and there is no real resolution about the hitchhiker theory. But, from what I've read, people who experience extreme abuse often wonder if their abuser might be responsible for ____ (fill in blank with unsolved crime). And, sometimes they're right.

This is about children trying to navigate their way through living with a monster-trying to understand why their mother/grandmother stayed with such an extreme abuser and abandoned them. The mother/grandmother seems like she might be a bit mentally disabled or maybe has brain damage from being hit in the head so hard. I'm not saying this is a great documentary, because it's not. It should have been half the length it is. But, it is this family's journey, and I'm glad they're working it out together.


Great show, and Season 8 is well done
I was a little nervous about how this show would be without the wonderful Douglas Henshall. My worry was in vain. Season 8 is great. Ashley Jensen is a great addition to the existing and amazing cast. The writing is solid, the acting is phenomenal, the score by John Lunn is so, so good! How the song that plays at the end of episode 6 is not on the soundtrack is a complete mystery to me.

There is one character who just seems to be a throw away. I guess he's needed, but he just seems like a placeholder. I'll let you guess who that is. There were a few too many red herrings for me in this season, but I was definitely invested in the story.

Blown Away

Love the glass blowing, hate the politics
I have always been fascinated by glass blowing, and I love that aspect of this show. The unfairness of the judging, not so much. Also, the ridiculous puns get real old quick.

The best artist doesn't always win. The main judge can be downright nasty, and the woman who won season 1 wasn't the best glass blower. Chris in season 2 got to stay in the running for waaaayyyy too long! The final two were amazing, and a talented artist won. Season 3 was pretty good, but not without the usual favor for those with the right "message" to share. I learned that apparently, you shouldn't try to pay homage to your favorite glass blower, because one artist did, and they couldn't get rid of her fast enough. But, then, one of the projects was to emulate a famous glass blower. I don't get it.

Who cares about the artist statement? How about judging the pieces blind so that the best piece can actually win?

The Whale

Movie 6/10 Fraser 10/10
The movie as a whole is lacking. Fraser's performance is impeccable. His range as an actor is amazing. He will make you laugh in Blast From the Past and cry in The Whale, all the while playing characters that you will buy into because of his acting skills. He deserves all the awards for this performance.

The movie itself trues too hard. Someone couldn't help putting their political views in, and it's distracting. Some of the scenes were supposed to be symbolic (I think), but I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be getting from them.

There are solid performances by several. I think the editing could have been better. I need to watch a comedy now.

There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane

Could have been 15 minutes long
This is a terrible documentary. There might have been a story to tell, but it's not the one being told here. The fact that this woman had an extremely high alcohol level while driving is confirmed; no twists here.

I was amazed at the level of denial and insensitivity to others shown throughout this documentary. The sister in law says there couldn't have been any secret drinking and then says nobody in the family knows she smokes while lighting up a cigarette on camera. The husband is a special piece of work to say he never wanted kids and now he's stuck raising the surviving son by himself. He does realize that his son will hear this, right?

The filming technique of extreme close ups is annoying, as we are practically able to count the nose hairs inside people's noses. The sudden appearance of Diane's dead body is shocking and unnecessary.

Turns out that Daniel sued his brother in law and the state after the crash. This subpar documentary didn't do anything but provide a platform for extreme deniers and to open painful wounds for the victims' families and responders and witnesses. Not all documentaries should be aired just because they're made.

The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

None of the magic of the first one
I loved the First Marigold Hotel movie. It all came together with that film magic that happens once in a while. The sequel has none of that magic. It doesn't seem to know what story it really wants to tell. Sonny is completely unlikable, Richard Gere seems like he's wondered onto the wrong set, and I think the movie is trying to teach me some kind of lesson-but I'm not sure what it was.

I found myself saying "well that's stupid" out loud more than once. There are a few good moments, but nothing feels satisfying in the end. I would not recommend watching this. Keep your fond memories of the original.

How to Please a Woman

How to please a woman? Make more movies like this!
This movie was great fun! It's so nice to watch normal-looking people in a story that actually feels honest. Some reviewers asked who would enjoy this movie. 50-something women who are tired of sappy romances with super skinny, overly made up women in five inch heels meeting men with perfect hair and eight packs, that's who.

Sally Phillips is a joy to watch and so is the rest of the cast.

I loved the part where one character asks another if they learned everything they knew about sex from porn. This movie is not for the prudish; it will probably put your knickers in a twist. But then again, maybe you'll end up loving it. I think I need my house cleaned.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Will make you appreciate the originals all over again
I wanted to like this. I mean, who wouldn't want to enjoy a little more Tolkien? I was mildly engaged for the first two episodes but gave up halfway through the third. I just didn't care about any of the characters. They are not well-developed enough for me to give a rip about. The young girl who finds the meteor man was mildly intriguing, I guess.

The production is lovely with beautiful scenery and good CGI, but that's not enough reason to watch a show.

I am now rewatching Jackson's first trilogy and thoroughly enjoying it. I had forgotten just how perfect it is. Thanks, Amazon, for helping me rediscover the original.


Ruined my favorite Austen story
I couldn't finish this. This has nothing to do with the wonderful characters in Austen's book. Why? Just why would anyone butcher a lovely, classic story?

The Repair Shop

Good for the soul
This show is wonderful. In chaotic world, things slow down and relax here. We get to watch interesting and talented people bring life back to people's beloved items. I love this show.

The Book of Boba Fett

What happened???
I absolutely loved The Mandalorian. Such great characters and stories. This show has almost none of that. I'm so disappointed. This show simply failed to suck me in. I've watched four episodes, and I think I'm done.

I've read many low ratings for this show, and I'm mystified as to how it has a 7.7 rating.

The Kominsky Method

9 until season 3
Seasons 1 and 2 were witty, fun, and thoroughly enjoyable. Season 3 is rubbish. Annoying characters, extreme PC, and I wanted the Scientology jargon to just stop already. Watch the first two seasons and do yourself a favor and skip season 3.


I love both Emmas but...
This is beneath both Thompson and Stone. Hey, I get it, a person has to make a living, but this is pretty bad. I don't understand the high ratings. These people have seen truly excellent movies before, right? This is rubbish that lasts for what seems an eternity.

Virgin River

7 for season 1, and 2 for season 2. What happened?
I really enjoyed season 1. It was corny, but sweet. Season 2 is awful. Did they change writers? Most of the characters are so unlikable that you just don't care what happens to them. The women are all catty, manipulative, and vindictive. The sweetness is gone this season. Very disappointing.

Titanic: 20 Years Later with James Cameron

Interesting stuff, but Cameron ruined it for me
James Cameron is an arrogant piece of work. While there is certainly some interesting stuff here, Cameron acting like he owns the wreck of the Titanic ruined this for me. You will certainly be in no doubt about how many times he has been to the wreck site.


Started out okay, but I'm done
The first episode was pretty good, but after 5 episodes, I'm done.

There is no chemistry between the actors, the stories are disappointing, and the four kids pretty much just scream all the time. I'm surprised the rating is as high as it is.

My Octopus Teacher

Simply beautiful
This documentary is absolutely, stunningly beautiful. I highly recommend it. I'm still affected emotionally, and think maybe I always will be. It's that good.

The Full Monty

Just plain fun
I absolutely love this movie. It is in a class by itself.

The Mandalorian

The writing, acting, directing, and editing are superb. The music is fantastic. Everything from the opening to the amazing art at the end of every show is nothing short of thoroughly enjoyable. I am hooked. I hope season 2 can keep the quality.

Catch and Release

Just bad bad
You know how some movies are really bad, but still a lot of fun? Think Roadhouse, Chasing Arizona...

This isn't one of those. This one's just plain bad. The plot is ridiculous, the movie cliches abound, a woman makes poor choices, a good man gets ignored, mediocre music plays, and someone forgot to check and see if there was chemistry between the main actors.

This is just awful. I can't believe I finished it.

Love Is Blind

I just can't
I started out interested in this whole "experiment" but it soon began to feel pretty contrived. The last episode tonight? I fast forwarded through most of it. How ridiculous to say they have to get married right now or walk away forever! They can just keep dating if they want to.

I wonder how this show would go over with some regular-looking folk. You know, the ones who don't work out all day or wake up with a full face of makeup. This has confirmed to me that I don't need to waste time watching reality TV.

To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar

This movie is precious
I love this movie! I wasn't allowed to watch it when it came out because I was married to a preacher. There is something so authentic, so sweet, so precious, about this film. I want to be as beautiful as Patrick Swayze!

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Great movie about a great man
I think Fred Roger's would like this movie. It's not about him being a saint; it's about a guy who wanted to help people helping someone. Hanks is amazing.


Great acting, not great movie
While Zellweger's performance is exceptional, I found the move to be lacking. I'm not sure I can even put my finger on it. Garland is one of the most tragic and fascinating stories of Hollywood, and yet somehow this movie managed not to tap into that passion.

Jumanji: The Next Level

Not as fun as the last one
I loved the last Jumanji. This one missed it somehow. The magic just isn't there. I actually fell asleep in the theater for about ten minutes, and when we were leaving the theater my friend mentioned that she had fallen asleep for a while...not exactly what you're after when you go see a movie.

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