• Its a starter , nothing more, is it The History of The British ? No, is it a a gateway into the History of This Great Land, good and bad ? Yes. Use it. I have just watched the episode about the Black Death, I live near Tichfield, the village mentioned in the series, I watched it. Went on line, and am now reading an in depth account of the period written by The Bishop of Winchester.

    Its a TV programme for the modern viewer, not The World at War.
  • I'm fine with this film, it treads often done scenarios, no real twists, no real changes from past films.

    It's never going to be a classic, but who cares, lead actors are good, grab the idea and run with it, plot holes... Lots... Cares given... Nil. Watch it, enjoy, move on.... Killer Androids.... Roy Batty lives...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is good..... Its good because the people behind it obviously love the subject, the whole 2000AD genre is a hard thing to film, but thus team do it well, Judge Minty was superb, and they have done it again here.... Anyway.. Enough gushing.

    Good story (if you know Strontium Dog from the comics.... Then its straight into it... If not... A bit of reading required to get the idea) with the usual high level of effects and minute detail of the 2000AD world this is set in. Good to see Dungeness used as a far off world.... My hours spent fishing on that beach were never that surreal.