
IMDb member since January 2012
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    IMDb Member
    12 years


Dragon Fighter

This movie is crap-tastic
I wish I could accurately express in words how much you should not watch this movie, but i cannot accurately express this in the English language. any words in any of the two languages i know would be insulting the language, no quiero hacer eso! the plot is stupid, the effects are crap, and if you think about it, the dragon is the hero(ine)! she's trying to protect herself from a group of maniacs armed with shotguns trying to mercilessly kill her, or worse probe her and turn her into a sort of science display gone wrong! the main characters are a lazy drunk, a crazy, dragon obsessed Nazi, a lady-Nazi, and the 2 characters that survive are a security captain, who doesn't have any guns, and a biologist who, completely and illogically has somehow logged 1,200, yes TWELVE HUNDRED flight hours with a helicopter, yet she also remarks that she's only landed ONCE. and the nail in the coffin for this movie is that in the credits for the film is that this is in memory of someone. whoever slapped that on there needs to be bludgeoned to death, as this movie is the worse way to remember someone. so yeah, if at all possible, avoid the movie like a plague, and if you have seen this movie already, warn others, so they can avoid losing 90 minutes of their lives to this piece.

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