
IMDb member since January 2012
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    12 years


The Book of Daniel

Great film, highly recommended.
Ignore the negative reviews. This is very accurate and a true account of the book of Daniel. It has not been ruined by terrible cgi or acting. It is well made and focusing on the facts and the prophecies. HIGHLY Recommended. It has no unnecessary special effects, no added. Acting is good, with some famous actors. content and no over the top scenes. If you want the real story, watch this film. It even has bishops from aliens playing Cyrus! Props are well made and accurate too as are costumes. Feels like a documentary and film in one. It covers Daniels whole life span. It was really good how the prophecies were told too, especially the one about the statue with a head of gold (babylon), shoulders of silver (medes and Persians), chest of bronze (greece), legs of iron (roman) and feet of iron and clay (today). Watch it.

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