
IMDb member since January 2012
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    IMDb Member
    12 years


Girl in the Picture

Loose ends
Who was Michael's father? DNA testing ruled out Warren Hughes. Who was Megan's father? It seems odd if Sharon was never allowed much freedom that she could have had 2 pregnancies by other men.

Pieces of Her

Hackneyed Chick Show
Within 15 minutes I realized this show must be based on one of those best selling pop books that advertise themselves as "for people who loved Gone Girl", exactly the kind of book I'd never buy. It's the poster novel for bad chick lit. Even Toni Collette can't save it.

Cocaine Cowboys: The Kings of Miami

Good entertainment
I enjoyed it. One thing I found strange was the woman Marilyn Bonichea who was interviewed extensively. She seemed to really relish the attention and found the most inappropriate things funny. What an oddball.

Island of Bryan

Interesting Show
I see a lot on here don't like Sarah. I saw her once on a previous show where she was clearly put out the client didn't like her tile choice. Her rudeness was so obvious I was surprised the producers left in the scene. Yes, she can be pretty abrasive and off-putting but I've gotten used to her. I feel a little sorry for her.


Boring and unwatchable. Who thought this was a good idea? Ryan Murphy, I guess?


Good series
I came on here to say one thing. Wes Bentley is a terrible actor.


I watched 2 episodes and found it not interesting. What exactly is the point of this series?


Formulaic slop
Every rock star cliche is covered here and Elton does not come out smelling like a rose. BORING.

The Stranger

Okay, not great
Bit of a dog's breakfast of too many plot lines, too many coincidences and a rushed ending.

The Man in the High Castle

May not finish
I'm on S1, Ep 5 and not really into it. It seems amateurish with low production values. Bad-guy characters are one dimensional. I migh,t not go any further.

Our Boys

HBO Sub Titles are illegible
HBO really needs to work on the style of their sub titles. The font is white and the line weight is so light that in a well lit scene or in daylight scenes, the sub titles are almost impossible to read. Why can't they do something better?

The Loudest Voice

Not sure about this
TBH I was expecting this one to be more interesting. It's a bit of a snooze fest.

The Opposite Sex: Rene's Story

The biggest problem with this guy is not that he has no dick, it's that he is a dick, thoroughly selfish and unlike able.


Bad Idea
Half way through the first episode. Even Renee Zellweger can't save this shlock. This seems far more suited to a low rent cable network than Netflix. Oh, I just realized this is done by the people from Revenge. It looks and feels exactly like Revenge. It's just not a premium channel show.

Better Things

Those Kids!
I've just recently started to watch and am on season 2. I like the show especially Pamela A. Her bratty kids, however, are too broadly drawn and cliched. I would like to punch them. Is that what the writers were going for?

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