Reviews (6)

  • This is the series I never knew I needed.... I am enjoying the crap out of this! Binged the whole three seasons in a week! Please give us more! Great characters and a not too farfetched story. Those feel good 80's vibes. It's all here! Just watch it!
  • Great movie.... Right in the feels. Not what you want in a James Bond movie though. Daniel Craig once again brilliant. Just allround great acting by all actors. Really strong. Bad guy wasn't thought through. Paper thin backstory.... I feel bad and happy at the same time. I love and hate it at the same time. There's no more place in this world for 007 and this movie makes you realize that a PC world is not gonna entertain us....
  • Making a movie with Venom and Carnage is not an easy thing to do. It's a short movie with attention to detail. The chemistry between Eddie and Venom is just amazing. Love how they handle that. Don't think this movie has more to offer than you get...It's a 7 star for me + 1 star for the post-credit scene ;)
  • Objectively it's a decent movie. But as someone who was simply BLOWN away by Infinity War. This movie just left me plain confused. There are so many giant plot holes. The script seems rushed. Not well planned out. And maybe the term "snooze fest" is a bit harsh. But the movie builds up really slow. Only to reach a point that is very predictable. For me, just too bad for it's potential.
  • I haven't seen the original Purge movies. And because this is a prequel, I just went to see it having 0 expectations. This movie has some GREAT actors (which make you notice some terrible acting from others). Still an amazing concept for a movie and I just really enjoyed it. Heard some negative sounds here and there. But everyone's a critic these days and that probably stops them from turning off your brain and just enjoy a movie. If you haven't seen the others than go see it! It's just good fun.
  • Finally there is a new Star Wars movie. This movie is easy to sum up without spoiling it. It is a roller-coaster ride throughout the whole movie. And yes, there are (a lot) of elements that summon a déjà vu. But those elements made us fall in love with Star Wars in the first place and once again it made me fall in love with "The Force Awakens". I saw it yesterday in IMAX and I am still shaking. This is my first review because I owe it to JJ. I just want to let people know to go and watch this. And form your own opinion! Don't let negative people influence your judgment...Pessimism is a path to the dark side. Stay true and may the Force be with you.