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Boring as all hell
I have no ideological opposition to this documentary and I think that's important to state. I agree with free speech and actively support it. It's why I watched this documentary. If you're looking for a documentary on that subject though, I cannot recommend this.

This documentary feels like a freshman film student project than something profession. It makes me question how easy it is to get your film on Amazon. There are bad audio levels, the framing is terrible, the lighting is worse, sometimes the shots are blurry, do I need to go on? That's just the technical issues. The editing is awful. It's just one long unbroken monologue after another. There is little to no structure. There is no pacing. There is nothing visually interesting unless you find there use of poorly edited stock photos amusing.

This really is one of the worst documentaries I've ever seen and I took a doc class at film school.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Almost Perfect
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is an absolutely fantastic film but I have one issue with it that is kind of hard to look past. I read the book before I watched the movie and when I do that I try really hard to keep my opinions on the two mediums separate. I understand that what works well in a book can't work for a film and vice versa. The movie is a really great adaptation. All the performances are fantastic (especially Jack Nicholson's) and it just looks really great. But, and here's my issue, the ending of the movie doesn't fit. And by ending I mean that literal last scene where Chief Bromden kills R.P. McMurphy and escapes. Now, the scene plays out exactly like it does in the book which was great to watch but it just doesn't fit with the movie. One thing they changed was the point of view. The book is told from Chief's point of view and is ultimately his story of how he grows through watching R.P. McMurphy. The movie, on the other hand, is changed to be R.P. McMurphy's story. But the ending is the same. The movie, which is about McMurphy, ends with Chief's redemption. If they just fixed the ending to fit better with McMurphy's story then the movie could be perfect.

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