
IMDb member since January 2012
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Counting Cars

Season 3 much better
Finally they got it right, it is so much more entertaining without the shouting and screaming. Danny is the boss now -and he call all the shots. Thats benefit the garage and the show a lot.

Fixing up cars and often do a whole makeover is entertaining to watch, more entertaining than "Overhauling". When there's no clock hanging over the show "to add suspension". In stead of showing us everything they do with the car(s) they skip to the most important thing, the big reveal. Sure there is some flawed things here and there, but hey, its only entertainment -if you want to learn something quintessential - pick up a book or something.

Keep it that way and I'll be watching.

Edit - Now in 2019 I am tired of this show _ 7/10 in 2014 now 2/10 and falling!

American Graffiti

So dated
This movie set place in 1962 - and came out in 1973. And I am very glad to be born in a different era. Horrible music (schooldance)and horrible cars. I really don't see whats so "classic" about this movie -in 1973 it must have been "just another movie"! And all about it is so dated like a another reviewer wrote. The only positive thing is the dialog, its natural, at least in my ears. But to call this a comedy is beyond me, not a chuckle!

There are lots and lots of other movies capturing this era far better then "American Graffitti" What happened to the characters in the end? Who cares?!?

Give it a miss! 2/10 from me.

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