
IMDb member since February 2004
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Better Off Ted

Funny, smart & original commentary on corporate America
Veridian Dynamics is a large corporation that invents, tests and markets everything from deadly pumpkins to beef that tastes like despair. Ted works there as a manager. He's a good and sane man in a heartless--and often insane--corporate environment. The comedy in this series comes from seeing just how insane work at Veridian can be and the hoops Ted jumps through to keep the insanity in check.

Each episode begins with a commercial for Veridian Dynamics, parodies of commercials put out by real world corporations. These commercials are so biting--and funny--one wonders who would dare advertise on a show like this. Portia De Rodsi steals the show as Ted's boss, Veronica, who embodies all that is beautiful, perfect, devious and heartless at Veridian. Veronica is the kind of woman who likes having Ted's young daughter around, because her presence makes it easier for Veronica to fire people.

The show never lets you get too comfortable, and that's a good thing. It is brilliant, hysterically funny and original, so much so that it's a wonder it hasn't been taken off the air . . . yet. Catch it while you can.

Big Day

Brilliant! (If you're careful not to miss an episode...)
This show is brilliant! However, you do need to watch each and every minute of each and every episode, or you won't have a clue what's going on.

Thank goodness I have Tivo.

The plot is too complicated to get into here. We have...

*The bride, a super-nice girl (maybe a little too nice), who is marrying...

*The groom, he's a camp counselor, for goodness sakes, yet everyone likes him except...

*The bride's father, a neurosurgeon who thinks his daughter could do better, and who is married to...

*The super-uptight mother of the bride who wants everything to be perfect, which is why...

*The wedding planner is losing her mind. Among the guests who are not making things any easier are..

*The bride's sociopathic sister, who swallowed the contact lenses of...

*The groom's callous, womanizing best friend and best man, which means that...

*The groom's gay friend who is still in the closet and has a crush on the groom is jealous of the best man as well as the bride. Speaking of the bride...

*Her old boyfriend is here, and he's trying to get her back, any way he can. Also a problem is...

*The groom's new-agey father, who has so far given the mother of the bride a foot massage she will never forget and has apparently had a premonition that the mother's rather difficult mother will die some time that day, although that's not entirely clear.

What is clear? Well, so far we know the mother of the bride's ex-boyfriend will show up. Someone in the family will die that day. A stripper will show up with the father of the bride's wallet that he left at a strip club that morning. It's rained, it's been sunny, the wind has blown the tent away, and the unpredictable weather will probably continue to be a problem. The bride lost all the wedding gifts to her sister in a game of Hungry, Hungry Hippo, and the groom lost their honeymoon because of a military takeover in the country they were supposed to fly to (and neither has told the other yet). The entire state seems to be attending another, absolutely perfect wedding on the same day. The wedding planner quit, although so far no one seems to care. Oh, and there's a kid's birthday party next door with a huge blow-up bouncy castle that overshadows the tent.

This is a brilliant show, but you should watch it from the beginning to fully enjoy it.

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