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True Detective: Night Country: Part 6
Episode 6, Season 4

Issa López and her man-hating garbage
How I got so far through this tripe I don't know, 20 mins from the end of episode 6 I just couldn't take any more. The pot got stranger and less coherent as it went, trying to mix supernatural and whodunnit - and failing utterly.

Jodie Foster was the only reason that I started to watch, but even she couldn't save it. A rip off of several much better thrillers, including Fortitude, the great vampire horror 12 Days of Night, and even bits of The Thing.

Issa López the director made sure every male character was either a violent woman beater/killer or a weak docile moron, whilst every female character was a strong hero who "didn't need no Man!". Please save us. The writers strike has obviously meant that every terrible script is worth making into a series, but it really isn't.

From: Tether
Episode 3, Season 2

TERRIBLE Writing by people who have no idea how humans behave!
I loved the initial idea of this. A village caught in a supernatural loop, people trapped and enable to escape because they keep arriving back where they left. Into that add fantastically creepy ghouls, with great CGI - smiling as they eviscerate you. I really thought it was going to be something original and scary.

Unfortunately, that didn't optimism didn't last long. Season 1 started to go downhill, season 2 is just terrible. In-between the tension and atmospheric scenes, we have the same old awful nonsensical filling. Practically all the characters are unlikeable social misfits with no idea how to act like functional humans. They behave in ways which defy logic, common sense and any type of rational behaviour. Episode 3 finally did it for me. I just can't stand it, and had to write this to vent my steam!

A bus arrives, and they all stand out in the rain for some reason instead of waiting in the bus - some of the residents arrive and as they try to calm the strangers and explain the situation, the "leader" turns up with a shotgun and shoots the tyre to they can't drive off. A house collapses on three people, one of whom tells them they can't carefully clear the wreckage, in case it collapses further. So instead - they leave them overnight trapped and in agony - without any protection from the flesh eating ghouls, to take their chances. WHAT?! Who wouldn't take the risk faced with those options. Sure enough, one gets eaten alive, one dies in agony of his injuries.

Then there's the boring love plot lines, a dull lesbian love story shoe-horned into the episodes, another tedious relationship which seems to be going nowhere - just filling time. The iron-girder which broke the camels back for me was the poor girl being found alive with the thin metal bar through her head, impaled into a tree. They fetch the doctor (about as much use as a chocolate fireguard), who basically writes her off, and tells her she's going to die. Nice bedside manner.

The other "leader" then arrives and decides, contrary to all logical thinking, that the best way to deal with it is to just rip it out of her head. This he does while she screams in agony - killing her horribly. WHAT?! How about using a hack saw, which they had - to cut through it and get her back to the village so they can at least give her a fighting chance?! People have survived injuries like this, what they did made absolutely zero sense and anyone with half a brain cell and rudimentary medical training could see it was the worst possible choice.

I'm done with it now, it's no good for my blood pressure!


More Philosophical from Prof Brian Cox...
I'm on episode 3, and I find Universe is gorgeous to watch and fascinating to listen to. It's been accused of "dumbing down", but I don't agree. There's plenty of science and the BBC continue with their great 10 minute "how we did it" explanatory section at the end of the programme. This allows those who want a more human and detailed perspective to find out more about the new discoveries.

The CGI is awesome, music works perfectly. Brian Cox delivers in his usual absorbing style. There is definitely a more philosophical slant to the content, which I really liked.


Lost the will to live after 35 mins...
If you like watching absolutely nothing happen, then this is the film for you. Those who've given this a high rating must also have raved about the quality and the cut of the emperors new clothes. The first 10 minutes is taken up by Matt Damon and Casey Afleck driving in complete silence. The following 25 minutes is comprised of them mumbling incoherently to each other in the desert. What finally sealed the deal for me to put myself out of my own misery was Casey Afleck getting trapped on a rock which he'd just climbed up. There then followed a laboured conversation about how he was going to get back down again. I'm not joking.

This is nonsense - it's pretentious, self-indulgent and utter drivel. But then that's just my opinion.

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues

Hilarious on second viewing!
Like a few others on here, I was a bit unsure after the first viewing at the cinema, but having watched it again I thought it was hilarious.

My theory is that it was just so bizarre that first time around I just couldn't take it all in. Anchorman 2 just takes it up another notch from the first, but the craziness is just as good - just like the first, some of the comedy misses, but most of it very much hits! It's always a challenge for a sequel to live up the the originality of the first, but in my opinion this does.

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