
IMDb member since February 2012
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Ultima Ratio

Action Packed
Excellent gunfighting and hand-to-hand combat. The plot is fairly straightforward. A soldier on R and R fights about 50 villains to save his wife and daughter from terrorists who have taken over a bank in Thailand. The plot exists to serve the action, not the other way around. So sit back and enjoy the ride. The gunfighting is well choreographed and staged. I found it more realistic and the last few John Wicks. The two hand-to-hand fights are brutal, long, and also well choreographed. I'm now going to see what else John Foo has starred in to see if I've missed any good action shows. I watched one of his earlier films recently (Extraction) and was impressed by his skills. Will check to see if he's done anything else. One thing for sure, if you watch it you will not be bored.


Excellent Action Thriller
Pulse pounding gunfights and a tense script keep the eyes glued to the screen. I did not except too much going into this movie and thought it would be just another mediocre action movie. What a surprise to find it thrilling and entertaining. Starts off slow as it builds the backstory and the inevitable showdown that is about to come.

Once that starts it is non-stop.

Most of all it was the gunfighting that hooked me. Some of the best since movies like heat or John Wick, but more more visceral.

Who does not like to see a violent cartel get what's coming, and this movie delivers in spades. What needs to happen, happens.

The Collective

Solid action. A basic tale of the truimph of good over evil.
Good solid action story. Fast paced, and the action scenes were well choreographed. Wont win any Oscars, but it was never created for that. If you are looking for a good story with decent characters who are fighting for the right thing, this story is what you are looking for. In the end, everyone gets what they deserve. The movie does not try to pretend to be anything other than a good guys vs. Bad guys scenario. The acting is appropriate for the end. No pretentiousness and no over acting. The cast does a good job. The tension is maintained until the end. The story ends in a way that a sequel is possible, depending on the results of this story. I hope they do a sequel.


Stunningly Done
The acting, the treatment of the subject matter, the setting of the mood and atmosphere are all top notch. The story is riveting. You cannot take your eyes off the screen. Even the small part actors did an excellent job, but Sean F. Patrick takes the prize. I haven't witnessed that kind of a performance in a long time. Exceptional. He makes you believe he is Nefarious...AND Brady. His switching back and forth between the two characters is marvelous. The topic is about the theology of demonic possession. It was handled well through a captivating story. The story makes the point that the more you give into temptation, the more the darkness enters into you. I wanted to compare it to C. S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters but they are two different genres. There are crossover points, but this story is its own. Well done.

Last Seen Alive

Solid Thriller
Well paced, well acted, suspenseful thriller with surprisingly well developed main characters. The action was realistic and fit the context. Also, one of the best uses of flashbacks that I've seen. They help the viewer enter into the lives of the two main characters. And even though the wife is "absent" for most of the movie, she never really is as her presence is felt throughout through the flashbacks. Enjoyed it.

The Grey

Darwin's Theory of Nature eliminating the stupid is true!
Don't waste your time or money on this stupid movie. The ending alone is enough to anger and frustrate any normal blooded viewer, but add to that all the foolishness the characters display and you have to have no intellect to enjoy this movie. Let me list the stupid things the characters do: 1. They leave the downed plane to head off on their own without a clue where they are or where they are headed. When someone says that a search and rescue will be coming, Neeson's character flatly denies that they will be able to find them. His remarks are supposed to indicate the stupidity of the rescuers but only confirms his own. 2. They leave the plane, which could have easily been converted into a formidable protection for the group and head out into the open to be picked off by deranged wolves that think smarter than the humans. 3. They all seem to have knives and duct tape, why not cut off some branches from the trees and tape the knives to the ends of them and then spear the wolves instead of that cockamamy idea of trying to set off shotgun shells at the end of sticks. 3. In the wild, with predators lurking, you never walk empty handed. You would make a spear and walk with that. These fools wander around without so much as a club for protection. 4. When they finally kill a wolf, Neeson's character tells them to eat up as that is the last meat they will have. It seems they cant think well enough to pack up the rest of the meat and carry it with them! 5. Anyone who would consider a plan of jumping off a cliff in the hopes of landing in the opposite side trees has got to be suffering from brain damage. 6. In the end Neeson prepares to square off against alpha male Wolf and tapes airplane liquor bottles between his fingers as a sort of mace. The only thing that will do is cut his own hand to ribbons when the glass shatters in the fight. 7. Neesons' character has his meltdown moment and rails at God for not helping him...I couldn't help but smile at what God's reply might have been, "Have you considered using the brain I gave you?!"

No but he tells God, 'f*@K it. I'll do it myself..." and promptly walks into the middle of the wolf den. Good job on the DIY Neeson!

8. And of course the finale. What a let down by the director. To get us all prepared for the final battle and then fade to credits is simply fraudulent. I understand that filming a battle scene like that would cost a lot of money, but the movie is so cheaply made to begin with that you'd think they had enough to film it. This is touted as an action survival movie not an art house 'life is like that' crap. So forget the arty ending and give us the beef (no pun intended). And it does not do to have to wait through 15 mins of end credits to just have a flash of an exhausted and bloody Neeson and wolf sprawled on the ground. If this is a set up for a sequel, then that is just plain not good form.

My suggestion, rent the Edge with Anthony Hopkins for an intelligent and credible survival tale.

My final thought, I hope Bear Grylls does a send up of this movie by doing a show showing all the stupid things these guys did that ensured none of them survived.

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