Reviews (34)

  • Every one who was born during the VHS era has a memory of the Karate Kid. It was the type of film they use to show in film nights at summer camp between E.T and back to the future. With all that love for that film I started watching Cobra Kai with slight fear like " I hope they are not gonna spoil the memories I have from this film" and thankfully they did not. The Karate Kid remake was a failure in my eyes because it just followed the exact same beat of the original, only in a different setting. Cobra Kai take the essence of the film and flip it on the other side so it feels different from the film yet very familiar at the same time. Now we follow Johnny Lawrence (Played masterfully by William Zabka), a down on his luck, failed husband, failed father drunk still haunted by that crane kick he received from Daniel Larusso at the end of the first Karate kid. He barely lives day to day until he becomes an unlikely hero to a neighborhood kid who is very reminiscent of Danielle Larusso, this meeting along with faith making him cross path with his arch nemesis reawaken in Johnny a sense of purpose and he reopens the Cobra Kai Dojo much to the dismay of Danielle Larusso. We spent 3 film with Daniel now it's Johnny story and man does it flesh out his character. He his no longer the two dimensional bully of the first film, we get to know his background through childhood flashback and yeah it's crazy but by the end I liked Johnny better than Daniel! I love a good redemption story and this is the best one I have seen in a while. The younger cast that populate the Cobra Kai dojo are also quiet good, they feel like real kids that were put through the ringer. One thing I appreciate is that the show does not adopt that PC attitude of "Fight your bullies with love" , Johnny tell these kids stop being the victims and be proud of who you are and it's awesome! Without spoiler another thing I liked about this show is that it avoid a perfect ending, it's not a bad one nor a good one it just address the negative side of Johnny teaching as well and the no mercy rule. It is a fantastic reboot done right and the easiest show to binge watch in a while. Well done to all involved.
  • I really cannot understand for the life of me how any one would really dislike this charming retelling of Anne of green Gable. It seriously beat the other recent adaptation with Martin Sheen in every category. The actors are all pitch perfect in their role. What this version does better then any other version I seen before is the way it showed Ann struggling to fit in Avonlea. Episode 3 was a hard watch because it basically showed Ann being bullied and judged by all the Avonlea resident.Other version touched a little on that but in this one you really feel for Anne, she sure did not have it easy. This make it more satisfying when she proves people wrong. The actress who play Anne is an absolute delight! A lot of Fan girls who grew up with the 80's mini series will say there is only one Anne and it's Megan Follows but they really need to get over that. Amybeth McNulty is quite brilliant as Anne, she gives a performance that is wise beyond her years. I personally felt this version was a trow back to Canadian shows I used to watch growing up (Road to Avonlea,Emily of blue moon etc..) We really need more of these types of shows. Hopefully this show will be renewed.
  • Disney really are into something with their live action remakes. After the delightful Jungle book, it is time for Pete's Dragon to get the live action reboot. However, the original jungle book still hold well today while the 70's Pete's Dragon has not aged really well in comparison and was not considered a jewel crown in the Disney film catalogue to begin with so a remake was a good idea. This Pete's Dragon is not a musical and the director chose wisely to cut the unnecessary trimming from the original. No more razzle Dazzle three dimensional villains, no more outdated animation that distracted us from actually genuinely caring about the two main protagonist the film was named after. This film is refreshingly simple. It's about a lost little boy and his pet Dragon who get their little world turned upside down by the outside world. Firstly Elliot the Dragon is just adorable, the director decided to give him the mannerism of a dog and that works perfectly as it makes him more relatable to audience. Oakes Fegley gives a very touching performance as Pete! Seriously it's easy to forget that the kid was mostly working with thin air yet he makes his bond with Elliot feels so real and strong. It's a very quiet and beautiful performance for a child actor, you really genuinely care for little Pete, a lot more then you did in the original. The other supporting actors are also very good. Bryce Dallas Howard has a real warmth to her that the director uses to great effect.she his very endearing as the kind Park ranger and mother figure to Pete and has real chemistry with Fegley. Robert Redford has the narrator is wonderful, after all he his Robert Redford! Wes Bentley is not much in the film but does a decent job, same goes for Oona Lawrence as the little girl who guides Pete to the scary outside world. Karl Urban plays the incredibly human antagonist, I say this because he his not really bad, there is no real villains in this film, I personally liked this. To make it short, if you are looking for a big blockbuster film with a fire breathing Dragon on a crazy and wild Adventure stay away but if on the other hand you are open for a sweet, more intimate emotional film that will probably make you tear up a little, I couldn't recommend this film more for all kids and kids at heart. I give Pete's Dragon a 8 out of 10.
  • For anyone who has memories of being the new kid in a school this films should bring back to you just how awkward the process of adjusting yourself to a new environment and making new friends was. This film has a wonderful realistic approach that would remind you of Godard with a splash of dark humor thrown in for good measure. It's the story of a boy named Benoit moving in to a new town and a new school who tries at first hard to connect with his new classmates.After a disastrous attempt to befriend three boys who ended up being bullies he meet a young foreign girl, spend a couple of days having fun with her but she does a Danny Zuko on him and soon hang out with the popular kids,leaving Benoit left out. As a final attempt in gaining popularity Benoit trow a big party in his house but only 3 people shows up, all three are school outcast and that is were things get interesting. This film is delightful because you really get invested in Benoit Quest for being accepted and you literally squirm and shout Noo! When some of his attempts go awkwardly wrong.Probably because everyone at one time or another were in his shoes. This film is not only about Benoit, it also about the three characters his search for friendship has brought together. Three characters that seems quirky at first only to find out they are just like Benoit, looking for acceptance. If you are looking for a run of the mill teen comedy with sex jokes and outrageous situation stay clear this is a humble little film closer to the films John Hughes used to write in the 80's. It is very funny at times but the humor comes from very real place and is not forced. It is also very poignant and a love letter for the awkward teen years. Funny,dark,sweet and nostalgic, Le nouveau is one of the best Teen comedy France has produced since "La Boom" in the 80's. I highly recommend it!
  • This sequel to the already fine film from 2013 reunite us with Sebastien and his beautiful canine companion belle 2 years after the original.War is finally over and Angelina is heading home to Cesar and Sebastien but her plane crash.Everyone believes she his dead but Cesar and Sebastien who enlist the help of Sebastien biological dad in order to find her. It's a question of taste but I personally has found this follow up more interesting.The first one was nice but character development took a back seat for the war storyline, I never felt it really got into the skin of little Sebastien and Belle but this time Belle and Sebastien is really deserving of it's title as the two are now the true heroes of this film and it has a much bigger emotional core because of the Father/Son meeting for the first time and them bonding as the story progress. The new director does a great job, the cinematography still deliver the beauty of the Alpes and it really is a feel good film.The actors are all great, the little boy who play Sebastien is extremely natural and he his in a way a better actor then two years ago. However, I can't really recommend this film to people who have not watched the first film as it does not make any introduction of the characters, it really is a continuation (The second film in a trilogy). I enjoyed it greatly and am looking forward the third and final film.
  • I remember reading about this film on a film magazine and they said it was going to be a trow back to kids films from the 80's so obviously I imagined D.A.R.Y.L,Goonies, The last star fighter etc.. and I started looking forward to this film. I missed it's theatrical release but finally watched it on blu ray today and I was very underwhelmed. The story start with a future were everybody are locked inside their houses by robots. I'll make the synopsis very brief to avoid any spoilers ...Humans all received some sort of tracking device on the side of their neck that alerts robots of their every move.If a human dare to step away from their house they will have 10 minutes to get home or they will be turned into dust by robots. We follow a bunch of kids that realize accidentally that this tracker can be turned off by receiving an electric shock so they shock themselves and go out then it leads to a rebellion. One of the kid also realize that he has the power to control the robots and that as you imagine comes rather handy. First of all this film feels like a TV film you will get from the CBBC in the 80's.It's very Doctor Who-ish.If you expect (like I did) a trow back to Amblin films , this is not it. This is a very British film and it embrace the type of Sci Fy Britain's has been making for decades. My biggest complain is that on the opposite spectrum of some reviewers on here who felt it was campy , I personally felt the opposite and that it took itself far too seriously. I would have liked the director to add a bit more fun to the script.The dialogs keep things very serious. The film go from Point A to B , it is very straightforward. The characters are not really fleshed out , you get introduced to them very briefly then they are immediately on their Journey.We really don't get enough time with them before hand to really gasp who they are nor really care about them. I would say this : If you are a fan of Doctor Who you might enjoy it as it feels like a feature long episode of something from the same universe as the good old Doctor.If you are after a fun family romp with adventure and comedy , you might be disappointed.It's pure British Sci Fy and it definitely not to try to be something else. It is not a bad film and like all reviews on IMD this is just my opinion and mine is that I believe that only a very specific audience will enjoy this film.
  • To begin this review , I must say that taking into consideration that this was the director's feature film debut , he did extremely well. The direction was the best thing about this film. Now , the issue of this film comes from it's script.It lacked focus. The story is simple enough : 12 year Sam goes camping , he his bullied by the other scouts and even by one of the scoutmaster (And his evil dog!) . When Sam tries to warn everybody that he saw a character from an Urban legend , Kai (an animal/boy who eats people) he his laughed at so Sam ends up developing a rather strange and disturbing relationship with Kai that would turn this Camping trip into a living nightmare! So the story is fairly straightforward as you can see but the issue is the writers felt necessary to add small layers/subplot to it that makes it more complex then it should. I can go on to much details or I will spoil the films.Let just say that the director gave Sam a mysterious background that raises a lot of questions but none of them are answered by the end of the film. For me ,personally, Cub is very good up to it's last 10 minutes.Great atmosphere, great direction,great acting by it's lead actor but the above issue I have with the film gives us an ending that leaves things to the viewers imagination. Your personal enjoyment of that film will come to this at the end : If you like to have a clear ending to your film , I am afraid you will be disappointed by Cub but if you are the type of person that loves a film to end in an ambiguous sort of way I believe you would find much to like in that film. Outside of this , Cub do a lot of things right. So if you are up for a very dark little film that has a very strong and shocking yet confusing ending you could do much worse then this trip to the wood. I give Cub a 6 out of 10
  • This film has been unfairly bashed by a lot of critics because of it's lack of originality. My take on this is the subject matter cannot go in that many directions. You can find similarities in every films about choir boys. Heck even the hit cult French film "The Chorist is far from original and recycle story lines from films that came before it. In most of these films you will get a trouble boy or boys who gets his or their life changed by his or their new found love of singing. This film is no different and if you are aware of that before going into it you will see the good point of that film rather then the fact that it is a very familiar story. Young and troubled Stet (Garrett Wareing) is sent to a Choir school by his father he never met before (Stet is a secret son,the product of a one night stand) following the death of his junkie mother. Things start roughly as Stet is accepted via bribe by his father desperate to put his son somewhere so he can be back to his real family. This causes some students and teachers to only see Stet as a charity case with no real musical talent.However Stet determination pays off and the main teacher Mr Carvelle (Dustin Hoffman) finally start noticing that their might be more to the boy then meet the eye. So yes pretty straightforward story and yes it sound like a TV movie from lifetime but you know what it has a good heart and all the actors seems to really enjoy themselves. Kathy Bates as the overworked headmistress ,Eddy Izzard as a competitive teacher , Kevin McHale as the teacher who first notice Stet's talent along with Hoffman creates a very interesting dynamic and they breath life to the school. Garrett Wareing is easy to root for as Stet , he his misunderstood and a victim of his upbringing.The actor convey that sense of wanting to break free from the tag everybody has placed on him all his life and he convey a quiet sort of will power and maturity really well. The only thing that bothered me is Stet's relationship with his father felt rushed and underdeveloped and they wrapped this storyline conveniently.It is a shame as it was intriguing and it could have been explored a lot more. With that said , listen ! Yeah this films has received a lot of bad review for being too "Simple" but people who are interested in theses type of films should not be looking for "Interstellar" they should be looking for a sweet little heart warmer with excellent music and songs and this film do that! (The singing is AMAZING) !!! A perfect little film to watch on a rainy Sunday. I give it a 8 out of 10.
  • Please don't get me wrong because I did not hate that film and I actually really appreciate the director for tackling such an unusual subject and I can only appreciate how full of good intention this film was. Issue is that film just did not have the budget to really serve the subject matter. This is the story of a white boy that was put in foster care with an all black family. This makes the life difficult for the young man as the white community at time makes him feel rejected because of total ignorance but also by his own family. His brother feels ashamed of his white adopted little brother (Later in the film we find out also that he has another reason for wanting to put a distance between them) So we see a young man overcoming all the prejudice and staying true to himself driven by the undying love he has for his adopted mother. He decide to put himself up there and fight for race equality , a path that will take him into very dangerous and tragic territories. As I said I can only respect a director who think outside the box and this is a subject that has not been used a lot.We always hear about black children raised by white parents but truth is the other way around actually happens too. Biggest issue is that the film was made on a very low budget , it often feels like the film was directed on a mobile phone and to me it took me a while to get into it because of this. Also the acting by the main character was wooden , that was his story and he was in mostly every scenes and unfortunately the actor did not have the acting shop for it. Thankfully some of the supporting roles make up for that , the adopted mother was particularly good , I would even say stellar , she really conveyed that love a mother can only have for her son. It is a good enough film and I would recommend people to watch it because it has a great message but I could not get over the fact that it could have been so much better.
  • I could simply start this review by saying "Do you like Rudy?" If you like Rudy's road to play one faithful football Match for Notre Dame , I have no doubt you will be equally touched by young Ralph's Journey. The film tells the story of teenager Ralph who is a bit of a waster.He his your typical 14 year old , struggling with puberty , awkward and having a hard time to fit in the Catholic environment of his school. Ralph has another issue , his mother is in hospital suffering from Cancer.Ralph his hiding the fact that he his living all on his own by having a friend forge his grandparents signatures for all school related letters. Things takes a turn to the worse when Ralph's mum falls into a coma and he his informed it will take a miracle to wake her up. Ralph who was forced into taking on running as a sport by his teachers (as a way of keeping his raging hormones in check) although he has no athletic ability believes this miracle can come in the shape of winning the Boston Marathon. There is also a couple of side stories I just don't want to spoil for you. This is a very heart warming film about a typical kid who find he his gifted through the love for his mother. Adam Butcher really shines as the titular hero , he feels like a real 14 year old and gives a very honest performance.He his a very likable lead and you will root for him from the get go. The best thing about this film is that it avoids being over- sentimental, it keeps it's feet firmly on the ground. The supporting actors are all wonderful and Jennifer Tilly gives a very different type of performance then what we are used to. The soundtrack for this film is FANTASTIC , really , I probably went and searched for every wonderful song included in this film. As the late Roger Ebert called it , this film is a real gem and the perfect film if you need something to boost your moral! I give it a 9 out of 10.
  • This film is a nostalgia fest for me. Am I being a bit selfish to review a film when I am so connected to it , perhaps so I will try to put my love for the film aside and review it for what it is. This film is part of what I would call the Amblin generation of films (although it is not an Amblin film) because it came out in a decade full of wonderful family films (Goonies,Gremlins,Cocoon,Neverending story etc..) . It was a time when adults could watch a so called kids film and enjoy it as much as their rugrats. D.A.R.Y.L is a family drama with a dash of Sci-Fy , it is two film in one.A heart warming film for the first half and a children Sci Fy thriller in it's second half.These two different style works surprisingly well here. There is something so welcoming about the first half when young D.A.R.Y.L superbly played by child actor Barret Oliver is found in the middle of the wood and put into foster care as a test drive for a couple who desperately want to adopt a child. Here he meet his first friend , potty mouthed Turtle (Yeah he his called Turtle) and learn valuable lessons about how to relate to adults (The kid does not know a thing about being a son) There is just something so incredibly warm and fuzzy about the first half of the movie that makes it the perfect choice for a rainy Sunday afternoon.There is that 80's charm.It is also nice to basically watch a family that enjoy the little thing in life like baseball , Ice cream etc..The suburban setting his welcoming and the 80's vibe will bring as much memories to 80's kids as lets say "The Andy Griffith Show" does for children of the 50's. It was a simpler time and this film shows that. Barret Oliver as D.A.R.Y.L is a great main character , he his curious , oddly different and curiously smart...way too smart. The second half reveal something is different about D.A.R.Y.L and that is when the Sci-Fy elements kicks in. I am not going to say what it is just in case the person who is reading this know nothing about this film (The cover of the DVD reveals way too much unfortunately). This film is a great film for the all family.If you feel to escape the grim reality of life lol you could do far worse then putting this charming film on! I give D.A.R.Y.L a 8 out of 10.
  • This has to be the best documentary about any horror Franchise that have ever been made. I have this on blu-ray and watched it several times. If someone told me a couple of years ago that I would watch a documentary more then once , I would have call them crazy but this is the most entertaining talking head docs I have ever watched. This covers everything you would want to know more about in the Franchise and I mean everything!! From how Freddy was created by Wes Craven to how the naked dream lady with the big whatyacallthem with the crazy tongue was cast in part 3. It leaves nothing unanswered. It is a NOES fan dream come true! Seriously. Highlights for me are the segment dedicated for part 2 , funny enough as it is my least favorite of the original ANOES films. So much hilarious anecdotes for that film and the all gay vibe is addressed and yeah it's comedy gold! I would pay to watch a film about the making off part 2 alone! Rest of this massive 4 hours doc is great. It is fascinating to see all these actors again , some have changed for the worst (at least physically) some has not aged. Some has kept in touch with each others , some despise each others.You get to know things about the actors you never asked and it's all part of the fun. Robert Englund is as always very fun to listen to , Heather Langenkamp is just such an adorable person and the perfect host for this doc.It is not hard to see why Nancy is a fan favorite when it is played by such a warm person. I could go on and on about the merit of that documentary. If you are a fan of ANOES watch it , buy it as soon as possible , you will not regret this purchase. If you are fan of horror films in general , do the same thing. If you are after a fun documentary....Same thing! I cant imagine anyone giving this documentary a lower score then 10.It is a labor of love by people who clearly are huge fan of this Franchise. Simply put , this documentary is flawless! 10 out of 10!
  • This is a very raw film. Trucker Diane who always lived by her own rules , rather selfishly not caring about anybody but herself get her life turned upside down when her son,Peter whom she have not seen since he was a baby needs to stay with her a couple of weeks while his father is in the hospital , sick, fighting for his life. Diane has no Motherly vibe in her body (Or she thinks) and she his not to please about having to take care of the boy. The kid hate having to stay with a woman who do not seem to care one bit for him. The two of them will have to figure out a common ground to at least "Tolerate each other" On the plus side Diane has the help of her friend played (And rather well at that) by Nathan Fillion to ease the long way ahead for this mother/son relationship to evolve into something ... well that looks like a mother/son relationship. Michelle Monaghan is outstanding , she his truly Oscar material in that movie. She his a very flawed woman who lived her life head on not caring for any one she might bump into along the way. Her truck is her home , her house is simply a rest stop so of course the arrival of her kid and all the responsibility that comes with it is not welcome. Monaghan performance is great because it literally turns an unlikeable person likable. She find the humanity in that broken woman , that little light that will eventually grow to help her create a relationship with her son.Diane is rude,vulgar,selfish but you still wants her to find her way and she his fascinating for all her flaws. If this film was more known I would have scream "Oscar nomination now!" Young Jimmy Bennett is quite impressive for his young age as the kid. He his not the typical kid you will find in these type of drama , he his raw , angry and he his not afraid to curse at his mother.Well , he feels real. We also see the more sensitive side of him in every scene with his father.Great Job all around. The mixture of Monaghan and young Bennett creates a wonderful dynamic, it is a train wreck of a relationship and to see it evolve into something remotely normal is quite a ride. All supporting actors does a good job but this film is really Monaghan show and you will not want to keep your eyes off her. This film is a hidden gen that should be seen by more people. It's a drama that drops all the sugar coating and it is so refreshing in these day of age. I give this film a 9 out of 10.
  • Probably because I'm a male,I enjoyed little men much better then little women.I always found the character from the second book much more interesting,Nat,Dan,Nan,great characters all around.How did this film lives up to the book?Well its a bit of a hit and miss sort of film but a charming one.This can be considered a lighter version of the book,the story moves at a much quicker pace then the book and a lot have been taken out so there is much less character development for the secondary character of the story.The film,for the most part resolve around Dan,it really is Dan's story from the book put front and center in this film. This is not a bad thing as Dan is a great character and the actor who played him in the film was perfect for the role,great little actor and it's a shame he has stopped acting because he carried this film on his shoulder beautifully. The best way to describe this film is light fluff,if you are looking for a complete adaptation of the book,look somewere else but if you are looking for a nice piece of heartwarming entertainment, this film will do the trick.It's the perfect film for a rainy Sunday afternoon at home.The negative points would be the choice of actress for Jo,no offense to the actress but she failed to convey the tomboy- ish quality of Jo but its a minor grip as the film concentrate more on the children.About the kids,their acting varied from being poor to great but Nat and Ran are the main two kids and both of them were good in the roles,so,again,minor grips.The biggest issue is that the film feels like it ends to quickly,I was a bit sad it all ended and was wishing for an adaptation of the third book ,Joe's boys ,by the end of this one,to spend more time with those characters,to conclude,a sweet and short version of the book that require you to be heartless not to enjoy in some degree.
  • I was 9/10 years old when this very original show was on and I was hooked on the first episode. The show featured some bizarre moments (On the pilot alone you had two adults being preserved as children by sleeping inside a giant Tupperware)but always kept things kid friendly. Simon and Marshall were a bit the kid's answer to Mulder and Scully and their world was like Twin Peaks.People in every corner were a bit off.It was a show that was just fascinating for me when I was a child. The Brain child of Joe Dante (Gremlins) , this was a superior children show that I believe parents could watch and enjoy as much as the kids. This is the type of show that makes you think "They just don't make TV like they used to" If you compare this to what children watch these days (Looking at you Disney and Nickelodeon!!!) you will feel quite sad. Omri Katz (whom most people remember from "Hocus Pocus")was a great lead. He was likable , sure of himself and charismatic.The kind of kids other kids want to be. The rest of the cast were fine , especially the adults who never played down their characters even when some of the situation they had to act out were strange to the extreme. You definitely feel a lot of love was put into that short lived show. To make it short this was an underrated gem that did not last as long as it should have but that will always have a special place in the hearts of 90's children such as myself!
  • Watching this very entertaining blockbuster, I kept thinking that this really should have been Jurassic Park 2. I found that the Lost World was overstuffed plot wise and that JP3 lacked any tension and did not have an interesting story to tell.Now Jurassic World brought one of the main points I loved about the original film, it really is about a theme park gone wrong just like the original but in a much larger scale. The plot resolve around teenager Zach and his little brother Gray who are sent to Jurassic World by their parents who are going through a rough patch in their relationship.Here they are supposed to spend time with their Aunt Claire who manage the park but she his too busy overseeing the park newest attraction, a genetically created new type of Dinosaur.This new breed his faster, smarter and deadlier this is why she his getting assistance from Dino expert/Ex boyfriend Owen to evaluate this new creation.Of course this being a Jurassic Park film the Pooh soon enough hit the fan, the kids get lost, the new Dino go on a rampage and well all hell break loose. Acting wise you have the main four actors that are very likable and you do end up caring for them.Chris Prat is bringing the same charisma he delivered in Gardians of Galaxy.Howard his perfect has the stuck up workaholic who gets a severe wake up call and the two kids are not annoying (No gymnastic routine thank goodness) But the Dino is really what people want to see and Dinosaurs are here at plenty.You have returning favorites and I was happy that they gave some flying Dino some time to shine. Well I had a great time and I would advise people to experience this film in Imax 3d for full immersion, you won't regret it. Overall, it is not better then the first film (Considering the first one is a cult classic that has a footprint in film history that would be impossible) but it is much,much better then both the Lost World and the horrid JP3, it feels like a true Sequel with plenty of wink to the original film throughout.I give this Franchise return to form a solid 8 out of 10.
  • I fell in love with that show! The acting is above what we usually get from television , the characters are all complex and they feel real. Best of all is the writing , the challenge of making a show about patients in an hospital without falling into melodrama territory must have been there but the writers always bring a certain lightness even during the hardest of subject, by the end of the first season , you will forget about the kids illness and will only feel for their friendship. In France , as I write this , the fifth episode of its second season as just aired and there is no drop in quality at all , in contrary, the second season is as strong while being very different (And that is a very good thing). I cannot express my admiration enough for all involve in this show , it simply one of the most moving piece of Television I have seen in a very long time.We need more shows like this one. I only wish that this show was more known worldwide as it truly deserves it. A US remake is in the work , I will pass , I just cannot see other actors in those parts but I wish them good luck.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's a difficult task to make a film about bullying , especially in today's world , with news on the TV of children who takes their own life after having being bullied.Bullying is , unfortunately , still very much relevant , perhaps more now then ever before.Twitter,Facebooks and the likes are new weapons used by bullies everyday. DJ Carusco tackles this difficult subject in a very subtle and intelligent way. Instead of concentrating on the pain that bullying cause , his film is more about overcoming bullying. The story is simple and to some similar to "Moonrise Kingdom" (Although I do find the comparison out of context). In the 80's (Although the film could have taken place any time , the director wisely decided not to overly use the 80's setting to avoid distracting audiences from the story itself) two kids at a camp , a boy and a girl who do not know each other , are victim of a vicious pranks by their fellow campers.They are stripped away of all their clothes and are left in the middle of an Island.The two kids eventually bond and decide to not stay for when the other campers come back to make fun of them or even worse take pictures of them as a "Trophy" , instead they run away and that is where the film and their adventures really begins. This film really feels like a journey , you see the kids slowly building confidence after each stop they take before getting back home , although at that point they are note sure what "home" will be. The two leads , Analise Basso and Chandler Canterbury (Who was also in the very good "A bag of hammers") are pitch perfect as Grace and Howie.They deliver a very true performance , they are absolutely believable , you absolutely believe this is happening to them.The dialogs also help a great deal , the kids speaks like normal kids , they don't have cheesy lines. I will spare you too much details because I do not want to risk spoiling the film for you but I must say , I rarely get teary eyed watching films but the last scene of "standing up" was an exception thanks to Analise Basso , this girl has a bright future ahead of her. I know this film was based on a very popular children book but I was not aware of this book so I cant really say how the film stand up when compared to the book. All I can say is that on it's own merit , this is a very heartfelt , sensitive , well executed , hopeful film and I urge parents to watch it with their kids or teachers to show it to their pupils because it might gives bullies a taste of what it is like on the other side of the spectrum. I am very sensitive to the subject of bullying and I feel this film , beside being really well made , is important.For theses reasons I give it a 9 out of 10 stars.
  • My ho my ! What have they done?! The original Piranha (Well the new original if that makes sense) had a certain charm. It was directed and co-written by a talented young European director (Alexandre Aja)who was clearly a fan of those "80's guilty pleasure" horror film. Sure there was some goofy part and plenty of boobs but Aja never let the film cross that line that would turn it into a horror spoof and it was a real love letter to those type of films. Now they made a sequel without Aja and honestly , they should have just called this "Scary movie 6" . This was like a spoof of the original. As gross out as the original was there was a certain class to it with plenty of cheeky winks to movie fans , this one on the other...not so much,there are no redeemable quality to it. It felt like it was made very fast to make a quick buck. Unlike the original , the surprise cameos are embarrassing to watch...Garry Busey ?!! That opening scene was scary for all the wrong reasons. On the plus side there are some funny moments between the Hoff and a red head little boy but those scenes can already be seen on-line. Normally I have plenty to say about a film even if it's a bad one but to be honest I am too lazy to spend more time commenting on that film.One of the worst film I have seen in a good while.
  • Yes , Vic Sarin's "A Shine of rainbows" is a rather predictable film.A brief synopsis of the film would be..A shy young boy (John Bell) get adopted by a beautiful and kind hearted woman (The beautiful Connie Nielsen) ,she loves him ,her husband (Aidan Quinn) is disappointed that the boy seems too fragile , they have a hard time connecting until a turn of event makes them realize they need each other. ..But predictable in this case is not such a bad thing when it is so well directed,acted and overall put together. The threesome of main actors are just perfectly cast. John Bell as Tomás is particularly touching , you seriously root for the kid and from the first scene you automatically care for the character , he gives an outstanding performance for his young age. Connie Nielsen as Maire is mesmerizing , she embodies the sort of woman men dreams of having as a wife and children dreams of having as a mother and Aidan Quinn deliver a strong and subtle performance as Alec. The stories pulls all you heartstrings without ever feeling like it's trying too hard to moves the audience.All the emotions on display in that films comes naturally,there is nothing calculated about it and thank the lord that stops the film from ending up like a lifetime TV movie of the week with a bigger budget. The only negative point I would give the film is the baby Seal Tomas befriend, it is quite obvious its a robot and those scenes are distracting and feel out of place but thankfully those scenes are shorts and do not in any way ruin the rest of the film. What I am shocked is how little fanfare this film has received , by the time I write this review only six other reviews were posted...six!! I am sad that a beautiful family film like this one who came out a couple of years ago don't get noticed as it should when films like "The smurfs" who were just out in the cinemas seems to be the talk of all IMDb, as moviegoers gone insane? I could not recommend this films more , it deserves to be seen by as many people as possible.It's a little gem!
  • Adam Sandler's/Dennis Dugan's films has been using the same formula since "Happy Gilmore" (Heck even if you watch "Problem child" you can clearly see Dennis Dugan made it) Same type of humor, a lot of the same actors..You would think that by now everyone would now beforehand what to expect from their films.That is why I am always surprise that you get people moaning about Sandler's/Dungan's films..Why are they going to them , they should know the type of films it's gonna be because their films are always the same type?!! I personally like watching those films, they are brainless , harmless fun and most importantly they are the type of comedy you can bring kids along(It's getting very rare,most comedy does allusion about sex and drugs these days).I am never surprise by those films, I go expecting something that I always end up getting,I knew exactly what sort of film "Just go with it" was from who made it and I was not disappointed the least. It was a sweet little comedy. Jennifer Aniston actually had good chemistry with Sandler and I was surprised by how great they work together as they are two actors I would have not imagine together as "lover". Nicole Kidman was wonderful as the bitchy school friend of Aniston's character and I might add that she was the best looking I have seen her on film in a long time. The two kids were very natural and likable , I was afraid at first when I knew the kids were going to be featured in the film heavily but those two were great actors for their young age. Beside all of this like I mentioned before this is a Happy Gilmore film and people should be aware of what comes with it.It's light hearted fluff and I personally liked it. So to all the haters if you watched Grown ups last year and didn't like it, why did you go into that one? If you didn't like "Just go with it" I think you should stay away from any upcoming films by Sandler and Dugan because chances are you'll be back on those board complaining about them as well..
  • When this film came out in the early 90's , I was 9 years old and I remember that it had a great deal of competition in the form of "Gremlins 2" and "My father's Glory" but this small little comedy ended up being a big hit because kids made it a big hit because of words to mouth during recess at school. I am saying this little anecdote because I believe this film truly represent what it was to be a pre-pubescent boy in the early 90's in France , I don't know how the director did it but he really created characters that were typical kids from that era.I remember my 9 year old self really enjoying that film because the kids were exactly like me and my friends , from the way they fought each other,dressed,cursed,teased each other and the way they were just plain ordinary kids.I felt at the time like I was watching a film that was made especially for me. Well watching it now , feels a bit different.For once yes it feels quite dated because of the fashion of the time is purely on display here (From boys with mini-ponytails to Flashy colored raincoats) and because the main theme of the film that is:kids fighting other kids because their parents got a divorce.Divorce had become very acceptable now but at the time it was a touchy feely subject because divorce was just booming in the early 90's in France, so kids watching the film today might think "Why are those kids fighting about that?, what's wrong with them" but at the time it made sense. But for adults in their late 20's,early 30's this film will bring a lot of flashback and a huge sense of nostalgia. So there we have it , it is a hard film to review because it is a required taste.I don't think that American kids or even French kids of today will get this film but adults who seen it as a child will enjoy the ride because it will bring them a lot of memories and yes!,they might even laughed at it a few times. I give this film a 6 out of 10.
  • This film was exactly the type of film I guessed it would be from the trailer , a very simple family drama and there is nothing wrong with that , in fact I do like that sort of films for time to time. The story is pretty straightforward a kid living alone with his environmentalist father has to learn to go back to civilization once his dad dies of an infection of the leg. The kid goes into a jail for children were he makes his very first friends , bust out with them , fight the creepy sergeant who's always after him and learn to let go of the burden his late father had inflected upon him. All in all this film is pretty much 50 per cent drama and 50 per cent kids film, seriously , if it would have had the Disney logo attached to it , it would have been a perfect fit for the studio.The film is absolutely harmless.It shy away from how serious this peculiar subject could have been to favor more of a kids adventure format. There are scenes that are quite far fetched and the villain of the piece (Played by Ron Howard's brother) feels like he came out straight from a cartoon. At no time during that film I felt that something bad would happen to young Alabama and I just sat and enjoyed watching his journey unfold. It's not Oscar worthy by any stretch of the imagination, it's just a cute little film that you would have fun watching on a rainy day with your kids (whom I believe would love it). There are nice little touches like John Goodman (Always great to see him),the character of Kitt who's quite endearing and the young Jimmy Bennett who does a decent job as Alabama even if it's not as strong of a performance as the one he has given in "Trucker" ( By the way if you are really looking for a real serious drama who pulls no punches I would recommend this film instead). All I can say is I liked it , I don't think anyone who will watch this film will dislike it because there is nothing to dislike. The only problem I have with the film is the last 5 minutes is a bit much on the corny side and feels like it was taken from an episode of "The Waltons" but at the same time it fits the rest of the film. My Verdict : Kid friendly Drama that entertain without offering anything major to think about for adult viewers.Your kids (especially boys , will probably love it for it's adventure element) 6 out of 10.
  • I find it interesting and a bit frustrating that so many speak of "Old Yeller" as the holly grail of "boy and his dog" films and that "Big Red" as been totally lost in the mix and is now even out of print. I actually don't understand as I personally found "Old Yeller" vastly underrated and I believe that if it wasn't for it's unusually sad ending for a Disney film,it probably would have not been hailed the classic as it is today.After all when you take off the shock ending of "Old Yeller" you are left with a pretty bland film with very little story except ..A boy left to take care of his home with the help of his new dog.. But enough of this and on to "Big Red". This is an absolutely charming little film. It avoids the certain things that makes other Disney 60's flicks age badly so in "Big red" we have no Cheesy theme song a la "Davy Crockett" (Thank goodness for that!) What makes this film work the most is the superb performance by the two main actors Walter Pidgeon and Gilles Payant. The Canadian kid was just natural and charming and it's surprising that it was his first and only film because he outdo in the acting department in a single film most of the Disney kids the studio were spitting out in the 60's.He was likable and the actor presence made us really care for the kid , I was surprise by this because normally in that sort of film the dog end up being more interesting then the kid but this time both the dog and the kid were equally interesting to watch.Talking about the dog , I usually don't think about the trainers when I watch films featuring animals but I had a lot of "How did they make the dog look so natural on screen?" moment , great work done with the dogs in this film. Walter Pidgeon who was a bit of a Walt Disney look alike is really good in this film and I enjoyed the fact that the film was as much about his character and his relationship with the kid then the boy and his relationship with the dog , unlike "Old Yeller" this film as a bit more layer. It's not just about a dog , It's also about a lonely man who lost the will to love until that kid shows up.So it makes this film more accessible then your typical animal film fare , I have friends that cant stand "Dog" films and they really enjoyed this one. The other supporting cast are great as well. The music is very pleasing,I love the main theme and the very short song by the Sherman, again , it was great not to have one of those silly songs. This film felt very short because I wasn't bored once. It is really unfortunate that "Big Red" did not find a public and that now it is a forgotten film but I couldn't recommend more for any fan of Disney live action flick of the past to give this wonderful film a try.
  • I like French director Alexandre Aja ,the guy clearly loves the horror genre. His "High Tension" was a tribute to 70's horror flick and in many ways his latest films is a tribute of 80's horror film or as Aja himself calls it "Guilty Pleasure" films and in many ways I prefer this film because this is the type of film I just adored watching growing up. The film is gory as hell and I mean hardcore gory , limbs floating in the water , Girl cut in half , Fish fighting over a penis...Yeh they have that too. In fact it is without a doubt the goriest film since Peter Jackson's "Brain dead" (or "Dead Alive" for the US). If you love your film gory , don't waste any more time on here and go watch this film now. Of course this is not all this film has to offer , it has a great cast...a bit of a who's who of 80's stars.An Hilarious Jerry O'Connel (Stand by me) a beautiful Elisabeth Shue (The Karate Kid) and Christopher "Frickin" Loyd , seeing that guy on the big screen again his worth the price of admission alone (Even if it's a small part) sure he sound like his "Back to the future" persona in this film...but come on?...would we want it any other way? And let's not forget Richard Dreyfuss reprising his "Jaws" role for the opening of the film .. That on the other hand I was slightly disappointed with, they could have made the cameo a little bit more clever (see Zombieland to see what a perfect cameo is like). Ho and the 3d ? it's hilariously Awesome , I caught myself making "push away" movement at the sight of a floating penis , it's one of the best use of live action 3d I have ever seen on film, seriously this film has superb 3d and if you are a guy like me,there is a wonderful underwater dance with two girls...I was giggling like a schoolboy! To wrap it up Alexandre Aja did what films like "Snakes on the plains" failed miserably at , it gave us a pure 80's guilty pleasure film for the present day ..It is not the sort of gift that we will see often after this, so let's enjoy it while it's on the big Screen! If you know in advance that this is no "Inception" and that it's just a gory film that keeps winking at its audience and who does not take itself seriously at all,I don't see how you cant enjoy it. Serious Critic like Roger Ebert are probably going to hate it...And that means it's a really fun horror film you cant miss!
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