
IMDb member since February 2012
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Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction

Boring and stupid
I saw some episodes of this series in German TV. Maybe it is the German translation or just the different culture, or that I'm a skeptic but I found it really bad.

The host Jonathan Frakes, which of course I new as Commander Riker from Star Trek: The Next Generation, lost a lot of his credibility to me here. Basically directly after I saw his introduction for the first time. If I remember correctly, he just stated that he believed in the supernatural.

The stories shown were never interesting to me. Actually as soon they started to be interesting they were over. I was surprised that some people here said it is scary. OK, to be fair I might just have taken this show the wrong way. I thought it as entertainment, a little similar (really only a little) to "Outer Limits", which I loved. However, this shows takes itself serious! Something I could never do. Many stories which can be easily taken as coincidences or just as exaggerated are presented as "real mysteries".

For people which have a tendency to take certain things serious which they shouldn't it maybe a cult series, but I found it dull, boring and stupid.

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