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Between the White Key and the Black Key

A very light film in terms of its development, but with possibilities of something better or more tasty at least.

I think the director didn't know how to achieve a good mood and a solid plot. He dealt with the tone of the colors; with the slowness of the film, with the somewhat dense atmosphere, but he didn't make it.

I would almost say that it is a tragicomic approach and in this way it loses the deep meaning of the story to be told.

Go after a dream; with all the tastelessness that can occur; the disappointments The different facets of the life of a Musician; follow true Music or just make a living from a profession?

This duality is marked in more than one of the characters; but there is no dramatic development of each of them; just a glimpse and that doesn't round out the plot.

The main character has an alter ego; one side shows the vibe of a beginner and the other of a professional taken on the side of a profession-kind of a salary man.


Simple and effective
...yes; it have some expected clichés; is simple with the right doses of drama (but taken light) and lot of boxing action (amateur)

All occurs between students of 2 High schools; boxing clubs.

Is competitive but throw some values here and there to propagate that sports, for many, is a way to have kind of a Future and grow up.

Nothing fancy; nothing brilliant; acting and lighting just ok; camera angles not so good; like a TV movie but good for watch.

Well; do not know about this new rule of more than 600 characters when there is no more to tell.

Seems IMDB do not know about power of synthesis.


Power is more powerful
...in glorious B&W.

Sometimes is not possible to confront the Destiny; even more if you are a low rank Samurai and the system is hypocritical.

Great criticism to the Bushido code and the so called ethics that at the end of the day; depends on the persons in charge and as Jean Monnet mentioned: "people move on but the institutions remain"; with that in mind; a single life can be in the way so is nothing to keep all the system (their own parcel actually; their little piece of Power) as a mechanism.

EVEN the prejudiced wanted to be into the code (to benefit his clan into the future) and tried to do the right thing but not matter that he was the only demonstrating real courage; shameless cowardice was the winner.

So shamed that the finale of the movie indicates that for the few that still kept their faces up.

Too much blood was wasted along these centuries to conform the powerful privileged. The only thing changed right now are the methods (less blood) but the rat race continues.

Great photography with good shoots.

Studio sets were ok.

Music works perfect in most of the film.

Burû awâ ni buttobasu

A story about a gal that is indifferent to all; no matter if is the Husband; the lover; a friend; her job; her Family; etc.

Not deep feelings in anything; just living the moment but only on the surface.

Is showed that since childhood; when played with her brother, she killed insects, without any feelings instead the brother cried about that.

Suddenly, she returned to her village and subsequently many images of her childhood running free and talking alone at that Blue/r hour appears in her mind on and on.

No empathy between the Family members as mentioned by the Mother at some point.

Even she commented that "I do not like people who like me" but she do all the road trip back home with a best friend. How is that? Well; very possible that is an imaginary friend; kind of an alter ego (the other gal is lively; with empathy; cool; more feminine; open; etc) and at the end only Suna San appears in the car...

-Seems trying to escape from herself pictured into Life; however, at some point after a phrase mentioned by her grandma and a response to a cell phone text to the Husband she figures out that now is part of the crowd.

---Very nice colors and good photography.

Specially those moments where faces; sounds; silences; colors; interacted to say things without words.

Then all that rural area is let behind and the city (Tokyo) the neighborhoods; the buildings; the lights appear all between that blue hour and the evening with a great song all over.

Pretty good.

Masukarêdo naito

Entertaining for a Sunday afternoon
Well; is a TV movie so the expectations are not so high however, it works pretty good no matter that is long.

I did not watched the first part but is not so much related except for the detective et all.

First scene with the Tango dancing is quiet good, after that many camera cliches that you can see it in a Hollywood movie.

Plot is a bit.muzzy at some point; also a bit cartoonish too.

I do not know but doubt that any Police force in this World that we live spend all that team, resources and logistic to have that big operation to prevent a possible crime however, the Japanese idea to work all together as a lot is well used here from the part of Police and Hotel personal.

Good colors and good Music from the past too.

The story is just to try to catch a possible murder that for unknown reason would be commit a crime inside a quality Hotel in Tokyo and along that the team is discovering possible masquerades that can unveil or mud the path to the true.

Nagi machi

As to complement to the other review; I want to mention that in my opinion the concept behind is about the. Addictions.

A miserable Life; all could be good but is not.

Sadly I observed closely more than one case. Addiction is not good; no matter what; there is no recovery, Actually mostly you can do is to change a vice for another one; being the best, a less painful one. Always is that way; is not a perception.

In that process of falling down if you are the lucky guy you can meet good people.that may help to redeem you at some point but opportunity after another.will be ruined in no time making the Life of the possible helpers and closer, disgracefully.

Sound harsh, but is showed here in this other way to see the story; so all those others characters are kind of secondary rolls regarding this aspect; showing the two addicted buddies are alone in fact and in search of an impossible solution.

-Color used is somewhat gloomy but very effective.

Liked the texture too.

Damashie no Kiba

...in a vertical integration
Hierarchy; structure.

Sometimes you are on top sometimes you are in a risky situation; some times you even do not know when you can fall.

The big corporations (and mostly the way Japanese society is conformed) just cut heads like the ancient times of Samurai clans.

In which part of the corporate ladder would you have been

No doubt that publishing real books and magazines is an outdated falling industry; yes; still surviving (agonizing but...) in Japan so every trick to do would be tried to keep on going; rolling in this case.

Other point is that the the word "Literature" is mentioned several times.

Manga, as a lighter expression of that Japanese Literature and one of the few printed things that still are published or the cultural magazines searching for the next big thing to publish; the elusive genius writer, with all that charm; the loyal salary men; and yes: Lily Franky...

-There is some ingenuity in the way that a possible success of a new reinvented bookstore publishing new material in expensive book format and be hyped with lines of people expecting to see and buy!

The shoots are very precise and clean; the color palette is excellent; the lights play a major roll on the scenes.

Textures are more on the analog vibe than the digital...well; we are talking about books and magazines.

Doraibu mai kâ

the process
The healing process may or may not arrives in time but mitigates the mind; even more in societies like Japan; so no matter the punishment; the focus is there: the salvation of mind and soul.

The types of communication between persons; with all those silences and suppositions not always finish the way we decide or think.

Many choose a new Life after the pain inside.

-Pretty long movie; the credits appears at 40 minutes mark! Imagine that.

All acted in a theatrical way or style.

In my opinion the acting was too stiff.

Camera work; worked very good following the idea behind the plot.

Is kind of a different approach; with shots and scenes that are long.

Not sad; not gloomy; very subtle dramatic.


Situated in rural Japan; something that is a bit different than many other Countries rural areas; I mean; no super modern but you have everything there included libraries!

The story is about how a kid evolves into a young Woman letting a bit aside dumbness and other teenager´s feelings to start to grow at rapid pace.

All tinted with the traditions of the place like the Shamizen and even Ningen isu (a rock/heavy metal with some shamizen mix band) is what another gal was listening...no doubt that I was born in the wrong place.

Anyway; I really liked the role of the Grandma; very subtle and cool like she does not care at all letting things flow.

Background Music seems made for the movie.

Acting just ok.

Camera work could be better.


Altered Life
This is a film that is not so Cinematographic, also was recorded in digital but the point is the story in itself; centered in what other movies discard. I mean; how many people are involved in a certain action; how many are touched by a given action?

Is like a Chess game.

It have an Strong starting to let you shocked in no time.

You can see the embarrassment in the Japanese society; with their norms in which if you somehow are out, you will feel ashamed.

Showed also the lack of communication that leads to certain problems, like the Father who realized later about his influence over his daughter however; media editing process sometimes transform reality and can put wrong ideas in the Minds of the.implicated.

.The last shot is so touchy.

Mahoro ekimae kyôsôkyoku

good for pass time
...well; kind of inconsistent plot; not bad but without a clearly purpose.

Acting is pretty good and with the overall atmosphere of the film contribute to have a decent fun in those 2 hours.

-Two friends that work and live together; both divorced and with past dramas; add to this; a bit of Yakuza; a bit of comedy; a bit of only in Japan and a bit of frustrated everything and you have...well; modern Life?

There is a sense of "flow"; Life flow; everything just occurs; we cannot do so much to change the Destinies You need to Live the Life ...then you just Die.

All that in a not so serious environment; such is the plot.

Kokoduna 19-ji

The stupidity of the masses
...regarding this short; is somewhat simplistic and not so concise; Mr Sion Sono should be a bit more challenging; however; is a view of this situation but is not enough. He preferred to not to be at "risk".

I understand about the Japanese Society; I lived there for a while but if the Artist or Philosophers do not make a move who? The masses?

Yes; you that you are reading this; woke up. Is not about a given Virus; is about CONTROL.

Never ever, Mankind did anything to prevent anything for the masses; and now; yes? Do you think that?

THINK; think.

But I know that the masses never ever needed to think due to the governments do that for them; as now.

Most do not know how to think also.

Yes, you; very possibly the first to put your arm to the vaccines without thinking nothing.

Sometimes you can think what about all the great Minds that wrote many books decades ago; plenty of Musicians; plenty of Artists talking about the Control but seems nobody listened... ...and after they implant the FEAR there is no return back.

Gâden apâto

Perfectly emptyness
...many do not value what is living in a great city like Tokyo.

Many do not have the necessary spirit to.confront Life.

Many are apathetic.

Many running away from responsibilities.

Many have fear of themselves Many are wasting their time on Earth (when Money and.physical health are not issues)

--Indie movie where there parts that are too long but work ok to show all previously mentioned.

Color palette used settle the mood too; however the camera work could be better.

Acting is not so good; kind of forced.(stiff)

-The idea behind the story is good and in couple of scenes you can see that with simplicity appears the complexity of the Mind; like at the very end of the film,

Itoshi no Irene

No communication
...this could have been a very good film but is not.

I think is difficult to take a manga story and transform it into a motion picture but in Japan plenty of unusual or weird situations in these movies are assimilated pretty good; not as easy in other Countries.

Most want to be loved but that is not always possible; in the meantime a person can be growing "harder" and that reflex in the daily Life; even more in restricted societies like the Japanese.

How to share Love if you never had it?

You cannot so you go for the basic; the simple: The instinct.

May be you are not so wise; not so sharp; not enough education.

You live in a closed society in an small town...the situations can overflow you.and you manage to go downhill... No communication; a real problem that Nowadays is.very clear with the mix of Globalization; youngsters; internet et all.

---By the way; the English translation is more offensive than what actually is saying in Japanese.

Camera work is pretty good; non invasive style and approaching the area; the landscapes.

.Color tone is kind of "dry"; fits right.

Acting is top quality.


A very watchable hidden Love story disguised as a boxing movie. Well; in fact Love for Boxing before anything is all what remains.

No doubt that besides the talent; biotypes; age etc there are many things that can lead you to a boxing gym. This movie portraits several of them; how the timid after a while becomes a very good amateur boxer; the talented guy; the guy that has the patience to teach new comers and wanna be s; the spirited guy; ladies that only want to spend time; etc The movie also have the nods to the genre but.do not bother; not Hollywood.

The fighting and training scenes are very well realized. Camera work was spot on.

Music a bit awful but again; is part of this "genre"

Subarashiki sekai

Hard to fit
First; reading what the other 2 commentators say about to cut the last part of the film where they do not like the ending then checked what they like to watch...well; one is a Hollywood lover and the other just watch kind of TV movies. Both do not get what the story has to offer.

A real important factor that this film is showing, is that you really need good People in your Life (or at least in the crucial moments) to not.miss the right track.

Other great point is Who is the good person anyway? In this hypocrite Society where we live there is kind of a blur sometimes.

A third point is that you can think that you are the lowest of the rank position but you might serve as example or as a pillar for others.

No doubt that in several situations is hard to fit however, for many there are possibilities "around the corner"

Main roll has a driving force and good spirit not matter he was a Yakuza minor gangster or that he relies on violence to relief pressure (because is the only way he knows)

...and yes; the last part is right; actually is what Life is: Work hard and you can obtain or not good results.

-Camera work is ok; color shades work right with the story telling.

Shiba Park

Modern little comedy
Light but not bland this movie in a comedy mood is showing how many turns and complications we/us have to actually be a part of a society.

Seems that nothing happens or is too slow however, we see that all the locks and downs have been opening in the path of the storyline.

The "modern" part is the way the Director use the Music and that the screen is divided in several shots.

Blue, Painful and Brittle

If all would be the best as possible
Could be a good movie but is a bland one. Only near the end; you can find some potential; but is just that. The acting is very poor and the situations expected. In the end, is a Love story; as you know, Love is a one way ticket.

-Yes; there is not so much to comment about. If you have a bit of time to watch a light movie with "Idealism" as a subplot; this is what you are looking for,


Back to the basic
Little film with a "user friendly" vibe showing what is really important in Life. Great landscapes with good camera work (a bit on the conventional and evident side with the shoots) and the right color palette help to round out the story.

You know; you have a place in the World, where you ancestors lived and grown may be is your turn to take the baton however, there are other options in the Life What is more important? Traditions?; where you belong? The family? The same old stuff? or new possibilities; may be more money; other types of living etc? Tough decisions I must say. Depends on the places of course; in the case of this movie, could be a great place to make a living (if you can) But you have a strong sense of Identity; you have pride in what you have and do. You vote to take that living and stay. Also others decided to return due to the "Grandma fine cooking" (with the water of the cleanest river!) you know; back to what is good.

A good story showing great values and what is really important in Life.

Hashire, zetsubô ni oitsukarenai hayasa de

...could be but not
For some reason a guy touched the Life of many people but somehow does not (for what the story shows) did that with schoolmate gal from the past. After his death, his best friend decided to follow a possible path to find that gal and may be found some answers or just close and complete the circle. In those few days he found his own path to a supposed state of freedom All that via couple of draws and paints done by his buddy. Kind of poetic but the story fails in the attempt to sum all these parts as a whole unit.

Low budget movie recorded in digital but with good camera working and right colors palette.

Miyamoto kara Kimi e

Two dumb and naive guys but with a good heart stumble on not so good people in their lives. You know, sometimes is better to think about the next decision or action; however, nothing of that occurs in this story hence all start to go down...and fast. Very interesting side of the coin to observe the problematic that the Life could be if the action is taken too abruptly. Movie is a violent one. All interactions are violent...and with a manly point of view. He needs to believe in himself and prove that to most (manly) to demonstrate that he really can "win" the love of the gal and of course have that baby. Acting is pretty good. Also the filming in the fight with his némesis was greatly done.

Kagi-dorobô no mesoddo

good comedy
...and that relies the problem of this movie; you know; to have a good plot but let it towards the Comedy side instead of a drama. Nothing wrong with a Comedy but the subtleties of that genre are difficult to show to other audiences involving written translation (you need to read subtitles) etc As a Drama, could be better no doubt.

Fictitious OL Diary

Lack luster existence
The writer himself act as main character in this movie. Previously TV series; previously a book and previously a blog...well; seems a long climbing to the top but I do not see why and how he succeeded; you know, the plot is just nothing at all; and may be that is where (and why) the charm may rely. You can find trivialities of daily routines and chat about minimum insignificant things in the (supposed) Life of Bank s clerk Women. A so predictable and lackluster Life in one of the best cities like Tokyo that let me wondering here. They have the time to put a bit more emphasis but they do not want; they have the potential to understand a bit more about what s really going on around; see a bit outside their small and mundane micro World, etc but nothing of that is going on. They love banalities...and with a smidgen of naif malice.

I think that also shows a big problem in our societies no matter in which places are located; I mean; disinterest and a bit of apathy (in places that have potential and many things to do like Tokyo) that the politicians know and take advantage. Virus anyone?

Esshâ-dôri no akai posuto

Power to the people
...passion for the cinema and a personal way with a remarkably characteristic is what Sion Sono offered many times. This time too.

Here you have pretty gals; cute gals; too many gals; in fact too many people appearing. In my opinion, only that converts the movie in a comedy. In this case works good due to the shots are direct not from a perspective and that is what the plot just demand.

Making a plot the other way around; making focus on the small; the "little people"; the extras; putting a bit of democracy on the way things are when producing a movie.

No doubt that many unsung people lives masked in a strict society like Japanese wanting to scream the hell out of ´em and you have a plenty of these border line type of characters here that if they did not had this opportunity, they passed as "another one"; a number.

Also that even the "extras" have or could have an interesting life or something to say. This film reflects this sentiment and to be "part of"; be "into"; you know, in Japan is very important "the whole".

Other important factor that Sono is showing is that sometimes the real "thang" is not just follow the story board and let the camera roll or improvise (if you have quality actors) to dig for the better; to try to find the mother load.

Last scene says that we live into limits; not bad (serve as a net for most and to live in a civilized way) but not good enough for many intelligent and creative people.

-Classical music and some nods like the "fanatic sect" reminded me of other directors like Kubrick.

Is not a complicated film or dramatic one but holds several interesting, demanding and good point of views in a comedy key.

Good clean fun.

Tsukigime Otoko Tomodachi

...if the Circle were a Square
...you only can cheat Biology; is a thing from Human beings.

Somehow in our simplicity we are complex. In that vein the Director is showing at what point you can hide or show up with your real feelings. Very interesting the dense of the pastel tones of the color palette that accompany the ideas behind. The story is showed from the role of a Woman; a young one without kids or married in a society where there are certain topics that are tabulated due to your age; hence she insisted that she has 29 not 30...but as a self defense she still try to believe that is possible to meet a friend, a boy and not to be hurt not passing through the barrier of feelings...but at some point is not possible.

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