
IMDb member since February 2012
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The Place Beyond the Pines

Great title. Great movie.
Well worth the watch.

Luke is the victim in this movie. He is kicked and spat on by those who thought too much of themselves and not enough of him. He tries to do the right thing. People keep putting the wrong things in front of him. People keep putting him down.



Couldn't wait
...for the characters to die in this movie. Will Patton was the saving grace. Father and daughter mAke such ignorant decisions that you're ready for them to bite the dust.

And we get it. She's "that new wave sound". Lord.

Bad Words

Great movie. Incorrect description.
It is NEVER stated or implied that the main character is taking revenge for losing a spelling bee. Ignore that description. Jason Bateman and Kathryn Hahn are in top form. Great movie. Great laughs.


Loving this show. But.....
I love this show. It has a great cast. The premise is amazing. I just wonder one thing - why is it that Logan Lerman always plays a character that make you want to reach into the screen and slap him? He always plays a stubborn, wimpy whiny boy. His character may evolve depending on the movie but at first, he's such a crap. Great show though! Watch it!

The Monster

Am I the only one who gets angry watching this child allow her mother to die for absolutely no reason at all??!!

The mother stepped into the woods to sacrifice herself - to have the monster focus on her so that her daughter could run away to safety. Well, the kid is a horrible listener. Not only does she refuse to take advantage of the moment her mother so selflessly created for her - but she also follows her mother into the woods and attempts to fight the monster off of her mother - and fails miserably, I might add.

Had I been that mother, I would've used my last breaths of air to tell my daughter that I should've put her up for adoption. Tisk tisk, little girl. Tisk tisk.

Love, Death & Robots

Amazing animation. Amazing writing. Amazing everything. I feel like this series was tailor-made for me. Especially the creature features. I binged it non-stop and then made my friends do the same. Thank you!

Scream: Killer Party

So close
I came across this movie on Netflix and put it on for some background noise This one could've been a great horror film, aside from the fact that it's completely unoriginal, had it not been for the CGi.

Other than a entirely predictable plot and the incredibly low budget/quality looking "ghosts", I really enjoyed it.

Soooooo close.

Await Further Instructions

Analog returns to take revenge upon all things digital. Beware!

But seriously - entertaining watch.

Nina Forever

Definitely one of the stranger films I've seen
I wouldn't exactly put this film into the "HORROR" genre, although it gets bloody at times. Similar to "Burying the Ex", without the comedy, it's at least worth the watch.

The extremely awkward sex scenes are very interesting and the lead actress is gorgeous. These scenes made me feel like I was doing something wrong by watching.

I watched this film simply because I couldn't find anything else. While I'm glad I saw it, I can pretty much guarantee that I won't watch it again. It's definitely not "buy the DVD and add to my collection" material, but it tries.

So....bored? Give it a shot!

Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers

The best Halloween film - by far.
The Curse of Michael Myers has and will always be my favorite film of the Halloween franchise. I am a Halloween freak and I've seen each film hundreds of times. In "The Curse", Michael is the scariest he's ever been. He's huge, menacing, malicious and extremely violent. Something about the way this movie is filmed, it has the feeling that embodies the spirit of Halloween. Just watching it makes me feel like I'm knee deep in a pile of leaves in the middle of autumn. Paul Rudd is fantastic as returning character (from the original) Tommy Doyle. His acting really pulls off the mental anguish that Michael has caused him since childhood when he had his first encounter with THE SHAPE. Towards the end, when he practically comes face to face with Michael, you can feel the tension and I love it.

If you can find the extra/deleted scenes (YouTube, special edition DVDs) it can add a few twists to the film. I love the explanation of Michael's back-story - the "method" to his madness. Sadly, this film saw the end of Donald Pleasance - as Dr.Sam Loomis in the movie, and in real life. His death came not long before the Curse was released. He was one hell of an actor.

This movie, for me, portrays Michael the way he should've always been portrayed. Terrifying. It was the first Halloween film I saw in theaters. Watch it and love it. The last 20 minutes of the movie are E P I C.

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