
IMDb member since March 2004
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Dark Heaven

Dark and Creepy
Way Cool independent film (Studios beware!!)Rented it at Blockbuster due to the cool cover art (and I hadn't heard of it before!) Not really horror, but DEFINITELY not a drama. Wild visuals, WAY COOL angels, artistic lighting (think Dario's "SUSPERIA"'s color scheme in a dilapidated school rather than a pristine one) I Have heard of the director before (I think his first feature was SOUL STEALER(?)/HELLMASTER) and this is BY FAR his best effort. I hope somebody finally gives him a bigger budget to see what he is truly capable of. I dig low budget horror that you can actually discuss afterwards, rather than be disgusted. I RECOMMEND THIS FILM!


At last, this films gets a rework that it so richly deserved. Way cooler than the '92 cut. Douglas Schulze has proven that you can make really cool horror films on a shoestring budget, without sacrificing production value. Mike Goi's cinematography and color palete are reminicient of Dario's masterpiece "Susperia". Saxon is dead on as the insane college professor (we've all had a share of these types in our lives!) and David Emgee adds a "Kolchek-the Night Stalker" coolness to his role as the investigative reporter. But who can forget Ron Asheton of "Iggy Pop and the Stooges" dressed as a psychotic nun! If you dig creepy, stylish horror films, this one is for you!

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