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X-Men: Dark Phoenix

Lost part of my life..
And that's not something I feel very often after having watched a film from a reputable series with top grade actors and actresses but it's how I feel.

Now the why..a previous reviewer couldn't understand why it has such a low rating and poor reviews?!

Plot, ok so it's a multiverse and therefore everything can be reinvented, if that's the case then I wouldn't have gone with the partial original cast. Confused the hell out of me for the first hour of the film wondering why Xavier, Mystique and Beast were there as originally cast in the other films and then these really young substitutes for the others, especially Nightcrawler who was only featured in one previous film. I honestly thought I'd missed a film somewhere in the series which would explain all this..

The soundtrack even though it was by the great Hans Zimmer didn't really rise and compliment the film and to an extent wasn't that noticeable which is not good and an absolute waste of someone who writes great scores.

Action sequences seemed too staged and not natural (and I don't mean that in the context of the type of film) and in quite a few characters just seemed to be standing there doing nothing. The train sequence felt like a poor version of Snowpiercer and why did we follow that helicopter going off to crash in the woods - no relevant characters on board? It was just an explosion for explosion sake.

In fact the action scenes which I have to say were very poor for an X-men title - how slowly does Magneto get pushed out of the building onto the subway carriage!? I think the lack of music made the slowness of the action scenes more obvious. I could go on but to be honest I've wasted enough of my time on earth on this movie.

Mr Kinberg please stick to writing and production.

Marvel - please reboot at some stage as they are great characters

Ben Collins Stunt Driver

A vehicle about vehicles..
If I was cynical..which I am. I would say this nothing less than an attempt at self promotion which is absolutely fine but it does not capture the title of the film. Ben Collins as we all know is a magnificent driver and with the exception of the habitual shots of him driving from location to location in his Vanquish; the driving is top notch. In fact the whole thing is very good - great camera work, nice little plot work up but at the end of the day it is very contrived and unfortunately in a bad way. You would have to have be an amoeba to not realise that a supercar isn't going to do the job required and so we enter this series of awkward setups which basically is Ben doing a good job of trying to be a car reviewer - as I said it really seems to be a pitch to get a job on Top Gear and nothing else. All in all not a bad way to spend an hour or so but it could have been so much more.

The Walk

I lasted 5 minutes...I should perhaps have read the review on here. The lighting was non-existent and the sound was horrific - if this was a £500,000 budget I would love to know what they spent it on

One Day of Freedom

Self promotion
That's the only way this movie ...and that's a very loose term..can have achieved such a high rating. To be fair some of the actors and actresses did a great job but the "star" come writer / director was just too over the top and perhaps should have put more effort into buying a tripod as the camera work was horrific as was the sound and lighting. Two stars because I think there were some good actors and actresses that were let down, but to be honest I wouldn't waste my time - I only watched it because I'm off work ill and it was free on Amazon Prime.

By Any Name

Huge shame
Like the other reviewers I was initially drawn by the fact that it had such a high rating on IMDb / Amazon Prime. Can I just say that although a lot of the acting was wooden, there were numerous holes in the plot and some awful continuity; the lead character played by Cengiz Dervis and Captain Chaloner (Dan Richardson)both actually did a good job. Technically for the main the camera work was good and so was the lighting but then that all went away for the main action scene.

As this film was based on a novel, I really fail to see how somebody could lose track of the story line, which jumped around all over the place and to be honest left me very confused at times.

Like other reviewers have said, the crew must have done some of the ratings as there is no way this film should be rated above 4. Better luck next time

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